Opened by GRASP2030 Chairperson, Angelique Dewi from Nutrifood, the event commenced with a poignant reminder of the global imperative outlined in goal 12.3 SDGs: reducing food loss and waste from post-harvest to consumption. With a mission to serve as a catalyst for change, this platform stands as a beacon for sharing best practices aimed at curbing food loss and waste. Moreover, in line with the ethos of GRASP2030, the gathering aimed to raise awareness among participating companies, fostering a collective understanding of the profound environmental, social, and economic impacts associated with food loss and waste.

In this meeting, GRASP2030 welcomed 2 new association signatories, PT. BIKI and Scholar of Sustenance (SOS) Indonesia. PT. BIKI is a company that produces innovations to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables thereby reducing potential food loss and waste. In addition, BIKI also goes directly to farmers to provide education about post-harvest. Meanwhile, SOS Indonesia is an NGO that focuses on food rescue efforts, using refrigerated trucks to help maintain the quality of the rescued food until it is received by the beneficiaries. 

GRASP2030 wants to create a sector-specific directory to further identify what can be done per sector to address food loss and waste. GRASP2030 also wants to help MSMEs and the hospitality sector to increase awareness regarding food loss and waste. It is unfortunate when there is still a lot of food waste produced, while on the other hand there are still many Indonesians suffering from malnutrition. Therefore, it is necessary to find a solution so that food that has the potential to become food loss and waste can be distributed for the improvement of community nutrition.

Through several working groups divided into several sectors, namely FMCGs, retail, hospitality, and food banks, it is hoped that in the future the discussions carried out by the GRASP2030 signatories will be more focused to be part of the solution to overcome food loss and waste in Indonesia.