
Green Lifestyle Initiative

To support the achievement of Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12), IBCSD has implemented green life style program since 2017.

The first phase (2017-2019) resulted in the development of strategy, action plan and the commitment of 13 companies to achieve responsible consumption and production as part of their journey towards sustainable business.


Tropical Forest Alliance 2020

Preserving and restoring forests is critical to averting the most dangerous climate change and achieving global goals. According to the latest IPCC report, about 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions are tied to deforestation; with up to 20% of all the abatement potential identified in the land-use sector. Forests are also extremely important to food security, water security and livelihoods, so that conserving and restoring forests feature prominently in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) approved in 2015 by the United Nations

IBCSD Programs

IBCSD as an association led by CEOs who have a shared commitment in promoting sustainable development, using SDG as one of the guidelines for the implementation of programs and projects We target the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through six work programs to achieve systems transformation.


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Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development - IBCSD

Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development - IBCSD


A CEO-led association of companies in Indonesia for more sustainable business.

Memperingati Hari Biodiversitas Internasional 22 Mei 2024 lalu, IBCSD bersama Business for Nature dengan didukung APRIL Group mengadakan dialog bisnis: Mempercepat Aksi Bisnis Untuk Mencapai Ekonomi yang Positif bagi Alam untuk Semua pada Tahun 2030.Dalam acara ini, dilakukan juga peluncuran Indonesia Business and Biodiversity Platform (IBBP) untuk ekonomi yang positif terhadap alam. Mari bersama-sama mendukung aksi bisnis menuju ekonomi yang positif bagi alam! 🌱🌏 ... See MoreSee Less
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Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha 1445 H!Semoga ibadah kurban kita diterima dan semoga hari raya ini membawa keberkahan dan kedamaian bagi kita semua✨🙏 ... See MoreSee Less
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Selamat Hari Lahir Pancasila! 🇮🇩✨Di tengah tantangan global yang kompleks saat ini, nilai-nilai Pancasila tetap menjadi panduan kita semua untuk menciptakan bisnis yang berkelanjutan dan berkeadilan. Bersama-sama, kita dapat membangun masa depan yang lebih baik untuk kita dan generasi mendatang. 🌱 ... See MoreSee Less
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Selamat Hari Raya Waisak 2568BE bagi seluruh umat Buddha.Semoga hari ini dapat menjadi waktu refleksi dalam meraih kedamaian dan kebahagiaan. ... See MoreSee Less
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Join us for the "Business Dialog: Speeding up Business Actions to Achieve a Nature-Positive Economy for All by 2030" on May 22, 2024!Hosted by Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) and Business for Nature, and supported by APRIL, this hybrid event will bring together leaders from various sectors to discuss and drive actions towards a sustainable, nature-positive future.📅 Date: May 22, 2024🕛 Time: 12.00 - 16.00 PM Jakarta Time (Online meeting starts at 13.25 PM)📍 Location: Jakarta (Hybrid Format)🎟️ On-site: Invitation only💻 Online: Register at https:/ Speakers:Shinta Kamdani, Honorary Trustee of IBCSD & CEO of Sintesa GroupDr. Badiah, Directorate General of Natural Resources and Ecosystems Conservation (KSDAE), Ministry of Environment and ForestryRemarks by:Eva Zabey, CEO of Business for NaturePanel Speakers:Anggi Pertiwi Putri ST MEnv, Planner, Directorate of Environment, Ministry of National Development PlanningPallavi Kalita, Asia Lead of Business for NatureDr. Indah Budiani, Executive Director of IBCSDAhfi Wahyu Hidayat, Forest Conservation and Climate Change Specialist TFCA Kalimantan Yayasan KehatiHosted by:Yohana Margaretha, News AnchorDon't miss this opportunity to engage with industry leaders, policymakers, and other stakeholders committed to building a nature positive economy and sustainable future! ... See MoreSee Less
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Selamat merayakan kenaikan Yesus Kristus, semoga kedamaian dan sukacita selalu ada dalam kehidupan kita 🙏🏼 ... See MoreSee Less
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