Forest Concession Companies Action to Help COVID-19 Prevention

RAPP President Director, also IBCSD Chairman, Sihol Aritonang handed over this assistance directly to APHI Chairperson Indroyono Soesilo. The donation of medical equipment and necessities from these members is a form of the company’s responsibility and care to support the Covid-19 handling program carried out by the Indonesian government specifically through KLHK.

In total, the Royal Golden Eagle through the Tanoto Foundation brought in 100 thousand protective clothing, 1 million masks, 1 million gloves and 3 thousand protective glasses to provide more adequate protection to medical officers in Indonesia. This assistance has begun to be distributed through BNPB (read more here), and also to Covid-19 referral hospitals in Jakarta, Riau and North Sumatra.

Other member of IBCSD, the APP Sinarmas, also put on some donations. The donations are in the form of 40 thousand pcs masks, 1.000 liters of filma cooking oil, and packages of Lianhua Qingwen Herbal medicines from China. Furthermore, the collected aid will be handed over and coordinated with various related parties specifically with the KLHK Covid-19 Task Force.


Indonesia’s Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) towards 2030 and Practical Action Guidelines for the Private Sector

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were formally agreed by heads of government in 2015 as a global policy agenda and framework for development until 2030. The SDGs consist of 17 goals and 169 targets which are expected to be a reference for global action plans for development 15 next year (2015-2030). IBCSD as a business association committed to supporting sustainable development has also encouraged private sector participation to support SCP through the Green Lifestyle Program since 2017. In 2020 this program has entered the second phase with the aim of strengthening collaboration by involving more business actors and stakeholders related to creating market demand that supports the achievement of SCP in Indonesia.


The webinar was attended by Head of Environment and Forestry Standardization Center from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry: Ir. Noer Adi Wardojo, M.Sc. as the main speaker. As stated by Noer Adi in the webinar, IBCSD will take the responsibility to become an official partner of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry regarding the SCP standards for businesses. It is in line with the objective of the webinar, which are: To get input from private sectors on the the framework of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Indonesia until the year 2030, and to enhance private sector network and collaboration in implementation of the Green Lifestyle project to support SCP (SDG 12) in Indonesia


PT Multi Bintang Indonesia: from hand sanitizers, cloth masks, to staple food for the ones in need

To further support medical staff in the four hospitals, Bintang has also donated a total of 2,250 hazmat suits, which were produced in collaboration with a local confection enterprise in Jakarta whose business is also affected by  COVID-19.
Bir Bintang also produced 50,000 cloth masks in collaboration with tens of tailors from the local confectionery industry in Bali, whose businesses have been heavily impacted by the decline of tourism. This initiative is the brand’s way to support the government’s appeal to use masks whenever people go outside of their house. The use of washable and reusable cloth masks becomes a more environmentally-friendly option amidst the ongoing efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19.
Employees of Multi Bintang Indonesia also raised funds by setting aside part of their income to be used for helping those in need in the form of staple food or rice. The initiative is called #NasiDiMeja (rice on the table), where the money collected is used to buy rice, which will then be distributed to thousands of residents around Multi Bintang breweries in Tangerang and Sampangagung, as well as to hundreds of subcontractors’ employees who have been working with Multi Bintang, such as third-party cleaning staff, but will be losing their job or income due to the impact of COVID-19 to their companies.
248 employees of Multi Bintang Indonesia participated in the initiative and, with additional support from the company, have managed to raise more than IDR 500 million, which can be used to help provide staple food for almost 2,300 families in need. Thousands of 10-kg rice packages will be distributed gradually in May, June and July 2020.

“Our Solutions Are in Nature”

Speakers from various stakeholders shared their insights to increase people awareness and build collaborative actions to steward the biodiversity in Indonesia. Director General for Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Mr. Wiratno, M.Si shared 10 ways to manage forest conservation that among others include seeing community as subject, respect for human rights and local wisdom, cross-sectors collaboration, science based-decision making and multi-layers leadership. From business perspective, Dharsono Harsono, CEO PT RMU, emphasised that to protect forest, businesses need to learn from local community and work seriously for their welfare. “To make the community prosperous is the key for stewarding the forest”, said Dharsono.

The important role of community in conserving the biodiversity was also jointly agreed by the speakers from both indigenous and religious Communities. Director for Indonesia Conservation Community Warsi, Rudi Syaf raised the importance of going back to local wisdom in restoring the biodiversity. “In the past forest was well managed, because the indigenous community saw it as the source of life”, said Rudi. From Islam perspective, Dr. Hayu Prabowo, Head of Environment and Natural Resources Conservation, Indonesia Ulema Council (MUI) shared that MUI has mobilised the communities and organizations to protect the environment through religious approaches, such to integrate textual doctrine and contextual studies on environment, to inspire and empower local leaders and organizations as well as to mobilise investment and assets supporting the environmental protection. Pastor Jimmy Sormin, Executive Secretary for Testimony and Creature Safety, Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) also shared that particularly for the last decade, the churches have been very active to promote awareness, behaviour change and concrete actions for the environment sustainability.


PT Great Giant Pineapple: “GGF Peduli” to help government, medical worker and public

1. Care for BNPB 
GGF provides healthy nutrition support for the BNPB task force team. GGF collaborates with its brand to provide Sunpride fruits, Hometown Dairy milk and Duta canned pineapple weekly. In hope that by consuming nutritious food, the task force team is able maintain body immunity to perform their best in the frontline

2. Employee Cares

In dealing with COVID-19, GGF employees took the initiative to raise their funds to be distributed in the form of food packages for people who are socio-economically affected by COVID-19. A total of 7.817 lunch box packages and 300 kg rice at the value of IDR 120,355,000 have been distributed to affected communities in Makassar, Padang, and Jabodetabek areas.

3. Milk for Heroes 
As a form of support at the frontline of COVID-19 efforts for the medical personnel. Hometown Dairy brand distributes milk to more than 20,000 doctors, nurses, and medics at 42 hospitals in Greater Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, and Bandung.

 4. Care for Greater Jakarta Community 

Sunpride as a fresh fruit brand of GGF in collaboration with Redkendi and Sierad Produce distributed 25,000 health ready to eat packages for the people of Greater Jakarta affected by COVID-19.

5. Care for Lampung Government and Medical Personnel 
PT. Great Giant Pineapple as a subsidiary of GGF in Lampung has distributed 131,000 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) worth IDR 2.7 billion to the Lampung Province Government in order to support the medical officers who are tasked with handling COVID-19.

Since March 2020, the Lampung GGF production site also has supported in donating extra food packages to medical personnel. A total of 393 boxes of Sunpride fruit and 587 liters of Hometown milk have been sent to hospitals for COVID-19 patients of Bandar Lampung, Metro, Kotabumi, Central Lampung, and public health centers throughout Central Lampung.

Previous to the distribution of 131,000 PPEs to the Lampung Province, the Lampung GGF production site has shown commitment to support the government of Central Lampung by distributing 32,900 PPE for government task force and medical officers.

6. Care for Lampung Community 
As a form of responsibility to communities affected by COVID-19, the company distributed 2,150 food packages worth IDR 240,000,000 to several areas in Central Lampung, East Lampung, and Gunung Katun.

In addition, the company also has distributed 200 liters of disinfectant, 150 liters of hand sanitizer, 2,500 COVID-19 preventive message in the form of stickers, posters, and banners, and 120 handwashing installations for the people of Central Lampung.


7. GGF Volunteers

As a forum for employee volunteer activities, GGF Volunteers through its fundraising efforts have collected IDR 28,411,900. The donation will be allocated and distributed in form of 200 groceries package consist of rice, noodles, vitamins, coconut oil, to communities around Central Lampung.

Great Giant Foods is the corporate arm of Gunung Sewu Group for food and agricultural products. PT Great Giant Pineapple, PT Great Giant Livestock, PT Umas Jaya Agrotama, PT Bromelain Enzyme, PT Inbio Tani Nusantara, PT Sewu Segar Nusantara, PT Sewu Segar Primatama, PT Nusantara Segar Abadi dan PT Setia Karya Transport are parts of Great Giant Foods business units. Great Giant Foods products are sold under the following brands; Sunpride for fresh fruit produce, Bonanza for protein products, Re.juve for cold-pressed juice, Hometown Dairy for dairy products and Cap Kodok for tapioca starch.


Sustainable Sourcing Guideline

Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) in collaboration with WWF and Accenture developed Sustainable Sourcing Guideline to promote sustainable sourcing practices in particular among  downstream industries. This guideline is a living document that can be used as initial tool for companies to navigate their sustainable sourcing journey towards sustainable business.

Sustainable sourcing is the integration of sustainability principle into the decision making process for selecting suppliers. Sustainable sourcing ensures that the products and services are from sustainable raw materials and sustainable process.

Sustainable sourcing matters to tackle both internal and external risks. Internal risks, such as the scarcity of raw materials can impact on whether or not the companies able to continue their production and meet the consumer demand. Then, external risks include stakeholders’ trust and overall reputation of the companies.

Panduan Pengadaan Berkelanjutan | ID
Sustainable Sourcing Guidelines | EN

PT L’Oreal Indonesia: Covid-19 solidarity action

2. Donation of hygiene and personal care products
A total of 673,000 units of personal care products including face wash, shampoo, and moisturizer will be distributed through the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM), non-profit organizations such as DoctorSHARE and PEKKA, as well as though the Jababeka Industrial Estate where L’Oréal factory is located.


3. Providing grants for COVID-19 research in Indonesia
Research grant will be allocated to Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology to support research on the whole genome sequencing of COVID-19 in Indonesia. This research is an initial step toward the development of COVID-19 vaccine that is suitable for Indonesian people through data and sample collection from the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


4. Supporting salon business partners
As solidarity to our business partners, the company provides safety and hygiene training, support them to implement social commerce by selling retail product and distributes alcohol-based hand sanitizer. These efforts are aimed to help small and medium salon partners to revive their business post pandemic period.


5.  Module and online class #safetogther
In order to ensure that all Group employees are aware of these new measures before they return to their workplace, L’Oréal has developed a dedicated e-learning program, #safetogether, Created in house and in record time, this module will help all employees understand and adopt the new measures that will protect them and their colleagues on a daily basis. In order to enable as many people as possible to benefit from this e-learning, L’Oréal has made a version of this module available for the general public via


Sintesa Group: Remain productive while collaborating to fight COVID-19

In the buildings and offices, periodic spraying of disinfectants in all working areas are scheduled to ensure the safety and health of all employees. An Internal Emergency Response Team also formed as part of the policy implementation during Covid-19 outbreak .
To remain productive while working from home, the group organizes Sintesa Development Executive Class regularly with various topics using Zoom technology to escalate knowledge of all employes. in cooperation with internal and reputable external speakers.
Not just for the internal of the group, Sintesa has actively contribute with COVID-19 Task Force and actively cooperate with various private companies, NGOs and universities to ensure the distribution medical device, personal protective equipments (APD), donation funds etc  in order to help the government to strengthen health sector during the pandemic.

Earth Day Webinar in Midst of COVID-19: Sustainable Sourcing

The Sustainable Procurement Guide covers five commodity procurement focuses, namely oil palm, wood and paper, seafood, plastics and energy and consists of three parts namely on the concept of sustainability and its benefits; steps that companies need to go through to achieve sustainable procurement; and self-assessment to measure the company’s readiness to implement sustainable procurement.

As a start, PT Hero Supermarket Tbk, PT Wahana Citra Nabati, PT L’Oreal Indonesia, PT Tetra Pak Indonesia, PT Graha Bumi Hijau (Tessa), PT Narendra Lentera Adisakti (Alila Hotel Solo), PT Faber-Castell International Indonesia, PT Foods and Beverages Indonesia (Chatime), and PT Lion Super Indo, have stated their commitment to support the implementation of this guide.

This guide was launched in the midst of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic, one of which, originated from zoonosis, which is the transmission of the virus from wildlife to humans. Zoonoses can occur directly due to wildlife meat sales and consumption activities, and indirectly from commodity production and consumption activities that ignore environmental impacts and thus create environmental conditions that are conducive to mutations and the spread of viruses.