Celebrate First Anniversary, GRASP2030 Collaborates with 22 Businesses and Organizations to Reduce Food Loss and Waste

Since its launch in 2021, GRASP2030 has committed to uniting all business players and partners supporting the food system chain in Indonesia to take concrete actions to halve food loss and waste (FLW) by 2030 such as Goal 12.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (TPB/SDGs) and Goals. 2 Reduces Hunger Problems. Stakeholders’ concern for FLW has been proven within a year, GRASP2030 has collaborated with more than 20 members from the food and beverage industry, hotels, start-ups, think tanks, food donation organizations and retail.

“In the past year IBCSD has tried to facilitate this through GRASP 2030 by increasing the capacity of the private sector in managing and reducing food waste with the Target-Measure-Act approach  which is carried out in working group activities and other activities,” said IBCSD President, Shinta W. Kamdani in opening the event.

“I hope this celebration of the achievements in the first year can be a motivation for GRASP2030 to be on-track and continue to grow in achieving our goals together with our goal of halving food loss and food waste to be achieved in 2030,” explained Shinta.

GRASP2030 Strengthen Business Commitment and Partners to Reduce Food Loss and Waste

Talking about waste and food waste, according to FAO, this causes trillions of dollars in losses to industry and accounts for 8-10% of global emissions that can accelerate climate change. It is known from The Economist Intelligence Unit, Indonesia is the second largest food waste contributor in the world. This statement is supported by the results of the BAPPENAS FLW Study over the past decade, which shows at least 115-184 kg of food waste generation per capita per year. The sad thing is that the Global Hunger Index states that Indonesia is still at the level of serious hunger. This means that there is an imbalance between food produced, consumed, distributed and wasted. Seeing this phenomenon, the strategy for handling food loss and waste will require several actors from various sectors to take joint action.

“Data is the new gold. What we do is meaningless without measurement and reporting. So that by 2030, there will be reports that Indonesia must have reduced food waste,” said Cogito Ergo S. R., GRASP2030 Steering Group and General Manager of FoodCycle Indonesia. “Of course we still need further collaborations. We invite signatories to be able to invite their network to join GRASP2030.”

Cogito added that GRASP2030 continues to support the Government’s Priority Program in the RPJMN to increase the availability, access and quality of food consumption and Low Carbon development by forming two working groups, namely Measurement-Reporting and Food Donation. The movement has also launched a website that can be used as a reference for sharing the latest news and best practices about reducing FLW. Not only that, GRASP2030 actively engages in dialogue with the relevant government and seeks to build public awareness to be wiser in consuming food through a Social Media Campaign titled #Consumindful. Sintesa Peninsula Hotel Palembang, as a member, applies a financial model for FLW by utilizing the “Food Waste Tracker” technology from Leanpath.

Several other important points presented in this webinar were that the National Food Agency collaborated with a member of GRASP2030, Surplus Indonesia, with Sarinah and HIPPINDO in initiating the Sarinah Free Food Waste program, which is a public-private collaboration in supporting the reduction of FLW.

In the discussion, KLHK explained that food waste data is the largest of Indonesia’s total waste and the public also needs to be given an understanding of household waste segregation and scheduled or sorted collection. Currently, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry is conducting capacity building for local governments to the sub-district level to ensure that the mechanism for collecting and preparing facilities is ready to support the movement. Welcoming the G20, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry collaborated with the Bali Government to implement a separate waste collection system.

Now the urge to take action against food loss and waste has become the concern of many parties. Through GRASP2030, it is hoped that more businesses and supply chain partners will care and take action to achieve the goal of halving food loss and waste by 2030.

3rd Dialogue Business and Government Handling Marine Debris through Circularity The Implementation of the Circular Economy is a Shared Responsibility

Executive Director of IBCSD, Indah Budiani said that the policy has required producers and retailers in Indonesia to be more responsible in managing waste from their products which leads to the implementation of a circular economy.

 Like Thailand, Indonesia needs to have positive terminology in that it doesn’t just emphasize responsibility to one party. in solving this problem. The suggestion of the term Extended Stakeholders Responsibility in the previous discussion with consumer goods and brand owners was deemed appropriate. “Through this opportunity, IBCSD would like to facilitate various proposals and solutions such as best practices and what policy feedback can be supported by stakeholders in handling marine debris.”

 In a key speech, the Director of Waste Management, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Sinta Saptarina said that the central government had compiled various regulatory and regional policies as a legal binding effort and formed a PSL TKN Team consisting of 18 ministries. KLHK as the daily coordination center for TKN PSL has made various collaborative efforts, built public awareness, provided infrastructure assistance to local governments, strengthened waste banks and committed producer responsibility and allocated funds to establish international cooperation.

 “The circular economy is one of the important approaches to achieve the target of 30% waste reduction in 2025. Through the implementation of PerMen LHK No. 75 of 2019 we encourage 3 principles of industrial waste management, namely R1 restriction, R2 recycling, and R3 waste reuse. This IBCSD dialogue helps one of our strategies to coordinate and build awareness among various parties.” said Sinta.

 The Government and Business Dialogue in Handling Marine Debris also invited business, government, academics, researchers, and presented several speakers, namely Murboyudo Joyosuyono, Directorate of Downstream Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries of the Ministry of Industry; Emenda Sembiring, Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering ITB; Rima Yuliantari, Environmental Sub-Directorate of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ujang Solihin, Head of Sub-Directorate for Producer Management at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Waste Reduction Directorate and Iman Santoso, Sustainability Manager for Coca Cola Euro Pacific (CCEP) Indonesia, and moderated by IBCSD Program Manager, Aloysius Wiratmo.

 In the discussion, several important points were conveyed where plastic problems arise because the plastic packaging industry is here to support other industries. Meanwhile, the unequal distribution of waste recycling and unfinished management on land has caused waste to pile up in the sea. In line with EPR and the circular economy principle which maintains plastic material with a full life cycle approach, CCEP in his presentation said that currently it has focused on the packaging recycling program to reduce oil based virgin plastic through collaborative waste collection and management with non-government institutions. Meanwhile, to encourage the role of local governments and communities, the Ministry of Home Affairs has directed the increasing role of institutions and budgets in waste management through Permendagri No. 7 of 2021. The Marine and Fisheries Ministry also hopes that there will be a regional regulational that can help handle waste in the sea or waters, not only on land.

 Through this dialogue between the government and business, it is hoped that this will be a trigger for all stakeholders to continue the good intentions of building the Indonesian economy that still cares about the environment.

PRESS RELEASE CEO Networking Forum KADIN Net Zero Hub Helps National Company Transition Towards Net Zero Company

Jakarta – The Indonesian government is committed to achieving Net Zero Emission by 2060, where national business actors play a very important role in efforts to achieve this target. Industries are required to make a transition to a Net Zero Company. The transition process itself is not easy, so it requires enormous support from various parties.

To assist national companies in this transition process, KADIN Indonesia, through the Kadin Net Zero Hub initiative, acts as an ecosystem enabler for national companies that want to make the transition to a Net Zero Company. Since the Indonesian government is committed to achieving emission reduction targets and achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2060, the private sector must be able to manage and adapt to policy changes related to climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. The KADIN Net Zero Hub (KADIN NZH) initiative is a collaboration between Kadin and the Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD), WRI Indonesia, and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) which provides assistance to companies in this green transition effort.

In the CEO Networking Forum discussion with the theme “Business Leadership and Collective Actions towards Net-Zero Emissions”, Monday (29/8/2022), Head of the Daily Work Team of KADIN Net Zero Hub, M. Yusrizki said KADIN NZH invites private companies to reduce emissions greenhouse gasses (GHG). In this initiative, KADIN Indonesia acts as an ecosystem enabler for the public and private sectors that are committed to contributing to the journey towards decarbonization or reducing GHG emissions by up to 29 percent in 2020-2030 according to the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Yusrizki said that the KADIN Net-Zero Hub is a platform to help the business world move together towards Emission Neutrality, by building strategic partnerships and a Net Zero ecosystem in Indonesia to help companies plan, execute and report concrete actions to achieve emission neutrality. “Through the opportunity for the CEO Networking Forum, we hope to create leadership and collective action in the business sector in moving together towards Net Zero and building a highly competitive Indonesian green economy.”

This CEO Networking Forum aims to provide information to companies about the role of KADIN NZH in encouraging business transition to Net Zero, leadership, networking and collaboration between business sectors to support the commitment of Indonesian companies.

The CEO Networking Forum On Business Leadership and Collective Actions towards Net-Zero Emissions which was held in a dialogue format by inviting the company’s business leaders, also presented several speakers, namely the NZH KADIN Daily Working Team, Octavianus Bramantya; SBT Engagement Manager CDP Indonesia, Dedy Mahardika; WRI Indonesia’s Sustainable Business and Corporate Engagement Manager, Nanda Noor and Executive Director of IBCSD, Indah Budiani.

Several other important points presented in this forum were how businesses must immediately start the transition process by using a framework based on the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi), calculating greenhouse gas emissions inventory (GHG inventory) and reporting climate change (Climate Disclosure) referring to CDP.

Approximately 50 company leaders from the manufacturing, textile, energy and other sectors attended the event. On the same occasion, KADIN Net Zero Hub also took advantage of the momentum of B20 to get 100 Indonesian companies that promised net zero emission commitments. Through CEO Networking, it is hoped that more companies will be interested in joining and realizing the target of Net Zero Emission Indonesia 2060.


Consultant for Jurisdictional Collective Action Forum


  1. Master’s degree or equivalent

  2. A minimum of 15 years of professional experience in a relevant organization

  3. Demonstrate ability to engage with Jurisdictions Proponents: Partners, and Private sectors to mobilize toward shared agenda. 

  4. Experience with building coalitions or partnerships and driving pre-competitive collaboration and gaining trust across TFA partners and stakeholders in the jurisdictions and at the national level.  

  5. A holistic, deep understanding of the deforestation-free agenda, commodity production, and its links to the broader climate change agenda

  6. Established a network among key individuals and organizations associated with action around the environment, tropical forests, commodities, and public-private sector initiatives in Indonesia.


Role and Responsibility (Scope of Work)

  1. Based on consultation with JCAF collaborators, the consultant will develop strategic output and details of the annual agenda based on the collaborators’ steer, inputs, and guidance. 

  2. Develop JCAF monthly/bi-monthly agenda and engage actively with the co-host and JCAF secretariat to successfully accomplish the dialogue. 

  3. Maintain intensive engagement with key speakers, panelists, and moderators, consisting of key jurisdictional leaders, influential business leaders, leading communities, and development partners to ensure key strategic stakeholders are represented. 

  4. Provide technical expertise to articulate the messages for the speakers, panelists, and invited guests of honor. 

  5. Ensure strategic narratives toward Green Growth Jurisdictions are articulated both during the JCAF convening and JCAF media publication. 

For further information, please read here (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x45BNAZ4CpKY0IRRYsMSJb7NGY7sCI2-/view?usp=sharing)

Please send your RFP, including a proposal for the JCAF Agenda for 12 months, to [email protected] should you be interested in filling the role of JCAF consultant. 

We are expecting the application before September 30, 2022.


Sintesa Peninsula Hotel Palembang Pioneered Measurable Food Waste Reduction

Food waste is likewise a significant drag on a hotel’s bottom line. One of the causes contributing to the rise of food waste is the concept of a buffet at a hotel restaurant. This is due to variances in consumer preferences for food type and portion size. Furthermore, food waste was “invisible” in high-volume kitchens. It would be thrown out throughout the day, with no one knowing the entire weight or cost. Food waste must be tracked in order for kitchens to control and improve it. As a result, they were able to “see” it for the first time.

Prior to launching the program, Sintesa Peninsula Hotel Palembang received hybrid training from Leanpath on Tuesday, August 23, 2022. This training was attended by the kitchen and F&B teams; Steve Finn, Leanpath VP of Sustainability and Public Affairs; Marta Lopez Camara, Leanpath APAC Account Director; and the GRASP2030 IBCSD team. Yue Zhang, Leanpath Customer Service Manager, explained the program system, timeline, terms, and conditions and provided a question-and-answer discussion room to help the Sintesa team.

“We are very happy and proud to be the first hotel in Indonesia to implement the food waste prevention tools from Leanpath. We welcome the GRASP2030 program and this collaboration. I hope the Sintesa Peninsula Palembang team will focus more on reducing food waste and maximizing the raw materials used.” said Sarjuri, General Manager, Sintesa Peninsula Hotel Palembang, after the training.

Now Sintesa Peninsula Palembang has started tracking food waste pre-cooking and collecting baseline data led by the Champion of the Project, Rina (Executive Sous Chef) and Co-Champion, Kuswinarto (Asst.F&B Manager). After 3 weeks, the Leanpath team and Sintesa Peninsula Palembang will develop a strategy and implement the process of reducing food waste.


Job Vacancy: Marine Litter Consultant for PERPRES 83/2018 Action Plan Review Deadline 2 September 2022


  • The consultant can be an individual consultant institution (consulting firm, research institute, NGO) that works particularly in plastic and packaging waste, marine environmental sustainability, climate change, marine pollution, or circular economy. An individual consultant or team leader having a higher degree in the related field is preferable.
  • Demonstrate a good understanding of plastic circularity. Direct experience of working with Indonesia’s plastic industry is preferable.
  • Have a good understanding of Extended Producers’ Responsibility (EPR), how it works, who is involved, and what their roles are. Direct experience of work related to EPR is preferable.
  • Have a good understanding of existing policies and regulations in Indonesia, specifically those related to plastic waste management.
  • Have a good experience and knowledge of fine plastic debris systems in the field including the data.
  • Excellent writing skills and a demonstration of collaborative working.
  • Demonstrate flexibility and adaptability to ensure the greatest impact.
  • Demonstrate the ability to deliver commercially and confidentially.
  • Demonstrate analytical assessment of qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Excellent English proficiency 


Role and Responsibility (Scope of Work)

The technical expert will be responsible for technical input and delivery of the following Tackling Marine Litters –  Review the President’s Regulation (PERPRES) No. 83 of the Year 2018 on Marine Litter Handling activities:

  • Review the President’s Regulation (PERPRES) No. 83 of the Year 2018 on Marine Litter Handling
  • Conduct deep analysis of the achievements, gaps, challenges, and options for solutions and recommendations. 
  • Draft policy paper based on the research and analysis with the following format: 1 page for key messages, maximum 3 pages for the executive summary, and max 25 pages for the paper)
  • Present the draft policy paper in a validation workshop and finalize the paper based on the feedback from the workshop


The following deliverables and timeline of activities are expected to be finished within 8 weeks, starting from the first week of September 2022. Further information and TOR can be accessed here.

To apply, please email your proposal, CV, and covers letter setting out how you meet the required skills and experience or key responsibilities to [email protected] with the subject ‘Application: Policy Paper Consultant – Handling Marine Debris –  [Name]’ 

We are expecting the application before September 2nd, 2022.

WRAP UK visit Indonesia to Reinforce Support for GRASP2030 on Halving Food Loss and Waste

During their visits, the WRAP UK International Director and Program Manager met with the Government Representatives from the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), Ministry of Agriculture National Food Agency, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Danish Embassy, Sintesa Groups, and the Steering Committee of GRASP2030 to deliver GRASP2030 as Indonesia’s strategic plan – discussing the collaboration opportunities and support presented by such a transition of FLW sub-national activity, direct funding, and of how the Public-Private-Partnership can support Indonesia to tackle food loss and waste. 


As Mr. Swannell said at GRASP 2030 Steering Committee Meetings, “It’s become a more important time for us to redouble our efforts, reduce the food loss and waste, get more food to those who are in need, reduce GHG and help businesses to reduce costs over that period because food waste is such a significant cost.” He would like to thank all GRASP 2030 stakeholders for the progress made so far and urge the stakeholders in thinking to redouble the efforts, to go faster to deliver more cost savings that would increase the donations because the world needs this.

Furthermore, the government hopes that GRASP2030 would help them develop a roadmap, policies, and regulations for Indonesia’s strategy for tackling FLW as well as accelerating business best practices principles. There is an appetite for the strategic FLW actions and technical assistance that can be brought. Work is ongoing preparing a Private-Public Partnership draft to assess the policy approach and funding to bring the Target-Measure-Act principle anticipated to the sub-national activity.

The GRASP2030 is a Voluntary Agreement (VA), that will bring a collective commitment and action to support the global goal of halving food loss and waste by 2030, thus increasing the environmental, social, and economic benefits for the participating organizations and for Indonesia. Currently, GRASP 2030 has 20 signatories, including 9 Core Signatories for businesses who are passionate about reducing the FLW and 11 Associate Signatories who act as supporting actors to achieve the goals.

WRAP UK is IBCSD’s Strategic Partner in delivering the GRASP 2030 initiative and has been considered the champion of food waste and loss initiatives. Therefore, Indonesia could learn and replicate the best practice of international experience. WRAP is headquartered in London, UK, and they have already been involved in global FLW actions from the beginning, working in 43 countries, and this issue is one of their major initiatives.

PRESS RELEASE Roundtable and training on integrating a human rights-based approach throughout the plastics value chain

Sinta explained that, based on the results of the KLHK study, to reduce the potential for plastic consumption in Indonesia, the KLHK has tried to implement the circular economy concept in waste management, starting with producers through Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 75 of 2019 concerning Roadmaps for Reducing Waste by Producers, household education interventions, increasing waste banks, and relations with the recycling industry. KHLK also works with several startups that engage in social entrepreneurship and zero waste initiatives.

Indah Budiani, Executive Director of IBCSD, moderated discussions and training sessions led by Dr. Sara L. Seck, Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Schulich School of Law, Marine & Environmental Law Institute, Dalhousie University, and the team. The following are the three modules of the training session:  (i) Human Rights Dimensions of the Plastic Crisis; (ii) Plastics, Human Rights, and the Environment (HR&E); and (iii) Business, Human Rights, and Plastics.

Vincent Aloysius of the UN Environment Program (UNEP) hopes that in the future, more business sectors will collaborate with stakeholders to support EPR empowerment and promote higher levels of plastic waste collection and recycling.

IBCSD Ajak Sektor Bisnis Adopsi Pendekatan Berbasis HAM dalam Rantai Nilai Plastik

Jakarta, 7 Juni 2022 – Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) didukung oleh SEA Circular – inisatif UN Environment program (UNEP) dan Badan Koordinasi di Laut Asia Timur (COBSEA) mengadakan diskusi dan pelatihan bertajuk “Mengadopsi Pendekatan Berbasis Hak Asasi Manusia ke dalam Rantai Nilai Plastik”. Inisiatif  yang didanai oleh Pemerintah Swedia ini bertujuan untuk menginspirasi solusi berbasis pasar dan mendukung target Pemerintah dalam mengurangi sampah plastik laut pada sumbernya. 

Diskusi dan pelatihan yang diikuti oleh 56 peserta dari berbagai sektor bisnis ini merupakan bagian dari Program IBCSD yang berfokus pada Mengatasi Sampah Laut dengan Memanfaatkan Peluang Ekonomi Sirkular. Penyelenggaraan dialog ini turut menghadirkan Sinta Saptarina, Direktur Pengurangan Sampah, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan dan Dr. Sara L. Seck, Associate Professor & Associate Dean Schulich School of Law, Marine & Environmental Law Institute, Dalhousie University Kanada.

Executive Committee IBCSD yang juga Presiden Direktur PT. Solusi Bangun Indonesia, Lilik Unggul Raharjo menyampaikan “Melihat 80% kebocoran sampah plastik ke laut berasal dari daratan serta potensi manfaat ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan yang besar dari pendekatan sirkularitas di sektor sampah plastik dan kemasan. IBCSD berharap sektor bisnis dapat mendukung pendekatan berbasis hak asasi manusia dan kesetaraan gender yang membantu transformasi bisnis plastik dan kemasan yang bertanggung jawab di seluruh rantai nilai dengan menghormati hak asasi manusia melalui training ini. Sebab  lingkungan yang bersih, sehat dan berkelanjutan adalah bagian dari hak asasi manusia. ”

“Setiap orang wajib mencegah, mengurangi, memilah dan mengumpulkan sampah plastik sebagi bentuk tanggung jawab warga negara dan memenuhi hak mendapatkan lingkungan yang baik dan sehat.“ ujar Direktur Pengurangan Sampah, Sinta Saptarina saat memberikan pidato kunci mengenai pentingnya penguatan kemitraan multipihak untuk implementasi SDGs yang berdampak nyata pada masyarakat.

Sinta menjelaskan dari hasil kajian KLHK, untuk mengurangi potensi konsumsi plastik di Indonesia, KLHK telah mencoba mengimplementasikan konsep sirkular ekonomi dalam pengelolaan sampah dari mulai produsen melalui PerMen KLHK No. 75 Tahun 2019 tentang Peta Jalan Pengurangan Sampah oleh Produsen, intervensi edukasi rumah tangga, peningkatan bank sampah, dan relasi dengan industri daur ulang. Selain itu KHLK juga bekerjasama dengan sejumlah startup social preneur dan praktisi minim sampah. 

Selanjutnya peserta mengikuti sesi diskusi dan pelatihan yang disampaikan oleh Associate Professor & Associate Dean Schulich School of Law, Marine & Environmental Law Institute, Dalhousie University,  Dr. Sara L. Seck  beserta tim dan dimoderatori oleh Executive Director IBCSD, Indah Budiani.  Sesi pelatihan terbagi menjadi tiga modul diawali dengan pembahasan (i) Dimensi Hak Asasi Manusia dari Krisis Plastik, (ii) Plastik, Hak Asasi Manusia & Lingkungan (HR&E) serta (iii) Bisnis & Hak Asasi Manusia (BHR) dan Plastik.

Vincent Aloysius, Program Manager UN Environment Program (UNEP) berharap di masa depan akan lebih banyak lagi sektor bisnis yang terlibat dengan pemangku kepentingan untuk mendukung pemberdayaan EPR dan mendorong tingkat pengumpulan dan daur ulang sampah plastik yang lebih tinggi. 

PRESS RELEASE IBCSD and NPAP Encourage Synergy for Plastic Packaging EPR Implementation

In this dialogue, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry represented by the Director of Waste Management, Sinta Saptarina emphasized the importance of implementing the circular economy concept to stop plastic pollution. “The insistence on a global commitment to the UNEA Resolution in handling plastic waste applies to all stakeholders and it is transboundary between countries, especially for marine plastic. In this case, MoEF Regulation No. 75/2019 regarding the Waste Reduction Roadmap is more advanced and detailed,” she said. Sinta hopes that this regulation can become an opportunity and encourage sustainable business to become a necessity.

To emphasize the Brand Owners’ perspective on EPR, the Dialogue also invited several speakers, including Murboyudo Joyosuyono as the Young Functional Industrial Supervisor of the Directorate of Downstream Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries, Ministry of Industry, Prawitya Soemadijo as the Corporate Sustainability Director of Nestle Indonesia, Elly Mustrianita as the Director of Business Development Projects and Corp Communication Asia at PT PZ Cusson Indonesia, and Maya as the Head of Sustainable Environment at Unilever Indonesia and Tuti Hendrawati Mintarsih, Supervisory Board of the Indonesian Plastic Recycling Association (ADUPI) and moderated by Kirana Agustina from NPAP.

the Downstream Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry Directorate of the Ministry of Industry, Murboyudo, to explain further the government’s strategy to regulate the use of plastic will be expanded through the preparation of Guidelines for the Production of Recycled PET Plastic Food Packaging Guidelines and the RSNI for Easily Degradable Plastic Packaging. He continued by stating that the opportunity for the development of the recycling industry is wide open for the Sumatra and Sulawesi regions. “However, the availability of recycled raw materials must be adequate,” he said.

Currently, several companies that own brands of fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) have attempted to implement a circular economy and EPR in accordance with government regulations. There were several interesting things from various sources. Both Nestle, PZ Cussons, and Unilever had committed to reducing plastic material in products by 25%, redesigning packaging, and collecting and recycling plastics to educate various groups. 

“Currently the infrastructure ecosystem supporting the collection and recycling of plastics, especially multilayer in terms of technology, suppliers, and collection, is still a challenge,” said Prawitya Soemadijo from Nestle. 

Elly Mustrianita from PZ Cussons emphasized that the implementation of EPR cannot only depend on the company, “We also depend on suppliers, if the initial provider is able to offer competitive prices and can meet market demand, then it will certainly be a consideration for the industry”. 

Maya Tamimi from Unilever also agreed with this, “Another challenge for business commitment to EPR is that the application of regulations should apply equally among industries.” she said.

Tuti Hendrawati Mintarsih from ADUPI emphasized, “The key to successful recycling lies in Collection-Separation and Supply-Demand”. If at the time of segregation and collection, the value of recyclable waste increases and varies, resulting in an increase in supply and demand. For this reason, collaboration and synergy between collectors, aggregators, suppliers, research institutions, government, companies and the community in managing waste is beneficial.

“NPAP is ready to assist in the dissemination of these regulations to producers in order to facilitate the implementation of MoEF Regulation No. 75/2019. NPAP appreciates the efforts made by consumer goods and brand owners in reducing plastic waste; we will continue to encourage them to innovate and collaborate and to fulfill the requirements in order to carry out the responsibility to reduce waste.”, said Tuti Hadiputranto, Chairwoman of WRI Indonesia’s NPAP.

This well and interactive discussion was part of the IBCSD program, Tackling Marine Litter by Seizing Circularity Opportunities supported by SEA Circular, UNEP, and COBSEA seeking to encourage business awareness to contribute to reducing marine litter by implementing circular economy and EPR. This dialogue is expected to be able to enrich business insights and be a trigger for all to continue the good intentions of building the Indonesian economy that still cares about the natural environment. So that in the future various real actions can be implemented by each existing sector for the realization of a plastic-free Indonesia.



IBCSD dan NPAP Dorong Sinegi Implementasi EPR Plastik Kemasan 


JAKARTA – Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) bersama National Plastics Action Partnership (NPAP) menyelenggarakan Dialog Industri dan Pemilik Merek bertemakan “Enchancing EPR among Consumer Goods and Brand Owners”, secara luring dan daring di Jakarta, Selasa (12/7), yang dilanjutkan dengan panel diskusi. IBCSD dan NPAP mendukung penuh komitmen sinergi implementasi penerapan tanggung jawab produsen yang diperluas (EPR) dalam konteks kemasan daur ulang yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan pemiliki merek dalam upaya mengatasi sampah plastik di Indonesia. 


Pendekatan EPR dalam pengurangan sampah, termasuk sampah plastik dan kemasan,  telah didorong oleh regulasi PERMENLHK No.75/2019. Peraturan yang menyasar sektor industri manufaktur, ritel dan jasa makanan minuman ini mengatur tanggung jawab produsen atas produknya, mulai dari perencanaan pengurangan sampah, pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan pelaporan.


Dalam dialog ini, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan yang diwakili oleh Direktur Pengelolaan Sampah, Sinta Saptarina menekankan pentingnya penerapan konsep ekonomi sirkular untuk mengakhiri polusi plastik “Desakan komitmen global pada UNEA Resolution dalam penanganan sampah plastik berlaku untuk seluruh pihak dan bersifat transboundary antar negara, khususnya untuk marine plastic. Dalam hal ini, PERMENLHK No.75/2019 mengenai Peta Jalan Pengurangan Sampah sudah lebih advance dan detail,” ungkapnya. Sinta berharap peraturan ini dapat menjadi peluang dan mendorong sustainable business menjadi suatu kebutuhan.


Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, Dialog ini turut mengundang beberapa pembicara, yaitu Murboyudo Joyosuyono selaku Fungsional Muda Pembina industri Direktorat Industri Kimia Hilir dan Farmasi, Kementerian Perindustrian, Prawitya Soemadijo, Corporate Sustainability Director Nestle Indonesia, Elly Mustrianita, Director Business Development Projects and Corp Communication Asia PT PZ Cusson Indonesia, Head of Sustainaible Environment Unilever Indonesia Foundation Maya Tamimi, dan Tuti Hendrawati Mintarsih, Dewan Pengawas Asosiasi Daur Ulang Plastik Indonesia (ADUPI) dan dimoderatori oleh Kirana Agustina dari NPAP.


Perwakilan Industri Kimia Hilir dan Farmasi Kementerian Perindustrian, Murboyudo untuk menjelaskan lebih lanjut strategi pemerintah mengatur penggunaan plastik akan diperluas melalui penyusunan Pedoman Cara Produksi Kemasan Pangan Plastik PET Daur Ulang dan RSNI Kemasan Plastik Mudah Terurai. Ia menambahkan peluang pengembangan industri daur ulang terbuka luas untuk wilayah Sumatera dan Sulawesi. “Namun ketersediaan bahan baku layak daur ulang harus memadai,” ungkapnya.


Saat ini, beberapa perusahaan pemilik merek barang konsumsi cepat habis (FMCG) telah berupaya menerapkan ekonomi sirkular dan EPR sesuai peraturan pemerintah. Ada beberapa hal menarik dari berbagai narasumber, baik Nestle, PZ Cussons, dan Unilever telah berkomitmen untuk mengurangi material plastik pada produk sebanyak 25%, mendesain ulang kemasan, melakukan pengumpulan dan mendaur ulang plastik hingga melakukan edukasi ke berbagai kalangan.  “Saat ini ekosistem infrastruktur mendukung pengumpulan dan daur ulang plastik khususnya multilayer dari segi teknologi, suplier dan collection masih menjadi tantangan.” ungkap Prawitya Soemadijo dari Nestle. Elly Mustrianita dari PZ Cussons menekankan penerapan EPR tidak bisa hanya bergantung pada perusahaan, “Kami juga bergantung pada suplier, jika penyedia awal mampu menawarkan harga kompetitif dan dapat memenuhi market demand maka tentu menjadi pertimbangan bagi industri”. Maya Tamimi dari Unilever pun setuju dengan hal tersebut, “Tantangan lain komitmen bisnis menuju EPR yaitu penerapan peraturan sebaiknya berlaku rata antar sesama industri.” ungkapnya. 


Tuti Hendrawati Mintarsih dari ADUPI menekankan “Kunci keberhasilan daur ulang ada pada Pengumpulan-Pemisahan dan Pasokan-Permintaan”. Apabila di saat pemisahaan dan pengumpulan sudah teratur, maka nilai sampah layak daur ulang bertambah dan beragam sehingga berdampak pada meningkatnya pasokan dan permintaan. Untuk itu kolaborasi dan kerjasama sinergi pengumpul, agregator, suplier, lembaga riset, pemerintah, perusahaan hingga masyarakat dalam mengelola sampah menjadi bermanfaat. 


“NPAP siap mendukung implementasi PERMENLHK No.75/2019 dengan turut mendiseminasikan peraturan tersebut kepada para produsen. NPAP sangat menghargai usaha yang sudah dilakukan oleh para consumer goods dan brand owners dalam mengurangi sampah plastik; kami akan terus mendorong mereka untuk berinovasi dan berkolaborasi, serta memenuhi  ketentuan dalam rangka melaksanakan  tanggung jawab untuk mengurangi sampah”,  tutur Tuti Hadiputranto, Chairwoman NPAP WRI Indonesia.


Diskusi yang berlangsung dengan baik dan interaktif ini merupakan bagian dari program IBCSD, Tackling Marine Litter by Seizing Circularity Opportunities yang didukung oleh SEA Circular, UNEP dan COBSEA berupaya mendorong kesadaran bisnis untuk turut andil mengurangi timbunan sampah laut dengan menerapkan ekonomi sirkular dan EPR. Dialog ini diharapkan mampu memperkaya wawasan bisnis dan menjadi pemantik bagi semua untuk terus melanjutkan niat baik membangun ekonomi Indonesia yang tetap memperdulikan alam sekitar. Sehingga kedepannya berbagai aksi nyata mampu diimplementasikan oleh tiap-tiap sektor yang ada demi terwujudnya Indonesia bebas plastik.


Tentang IBCSD 

Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD), adalah asosiasi yang dipimpin oleh CEO yang memiliki komitmen bersama untuk mempromosikan pembangunan berkelanjutan di Indonesia melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi, keseimbangan ekologi, dan kemajuan sosial. IBCSD adalah perwakilan regional dari WBCSD dan didirikan pada tahun 2011 oleh enam bisnis terkemuka di Indonesia termasuk Bakrie Telecom, Bank Negara Indonesia, Medco Power Indonesia, Holcim Indonesia, Garuda Indonesia, dan PT Riau Andalan Pulp Paper. Saat ini, kami telah berkembang menjadi 46 anggota dari 17 sektor usaha. Dengan program 6 pilar yaitu Food & Nature, People, Circular Economy, Climate & Environment, Cities & Mobilities, dan Redefining Value, IBSCD bertujuan untuk menjadi katalis kepemimpinan bisnis untuk perubahan menuju pembangunan berkelanjutan.



Tentang NPAP


National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP) adalah suatu platform multipihak yang merupakan kolaborasi antara Global Plastic Action Partnership (GPAP) dengan Pemerintah Indonesia. NPAP mempertemukan para pembuat kebijakan, ahli, sektor bisnis, pengusaha, dan organisasi masyarakat sipil untuk bersama-sama berupaya mengurangi 70 persen sampah plastik di laut pada 2025. NPAP merupakan wadah berkumpul para pihak untuk mencapai target nasional pengurangan sampah plastik di laut pada tahun 2025 dan bebas sampah plastik pada tahun 2040. NPAP memiliki lima pilar kunci untuk mempercepat penyusunan solusi ekonomi sirkular untuk menyelesaikan masalah sampah plastik, yaitu kebijakan, keuangan, Inovasi, perubahan perilaku, dan metriks.