Sustainable Business Awards (SBA) Indonesia 2020/2021

We are delighted to announce The Sustainable Business Awards (SBA) Indonesia 2020/2021 is open for registration!

SBA is organized by Global Initiatives in partnership with PwC, IBCSD, and Indonesia Chambers of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) recognizing corporate leadership in 12 categories, including sustainability strategy, community, energy and water management, supply chain, and ethics among others.

What is different this year?

The Awards have been transformed in the value they create. Unlike past years, this year each participant will have the opportunity to receive a comprehensive view of their own sustainability preparedness via an Insights Report.

Increasing regulatory requirements and stakeholder demands are compelling companies to enhance sustainability reporting. Understanding global reporting standards (e.g. GRI) needs some effort. The SBA questionnaire has been broadly aligned with such reporting standards/best practices and offers a way to assess their general compliance.

The SBA’s insights on the industry performance will help your company to identify areas for innovation to meet and compete with the industry’s top performers. The ability to easily recognize areas for improvement aids in the development of the overall business and sustainability strategy for the year. Unlike awards that only focus on winners, the reformatted SBA provides value to all participants by assessing their sustainability footprint and providing actionable feedback to improve the same.

To participate, please register through this link. The online questionnaire will be sent to you shortly after you register.

The registration and deadline for questionnaire data submission is open until January 31, 2022

Thank you and we look forward to having you at the Sustainable Business Awards Indonesia 2020/2021.

If you have any inquiries, please contact Andrea Song at Global Initiatives, [email protected] or [email protected]. For further information about the awards, download the brochure and terms condition by clicking the link below.

A Journey Towards Net Zero Emission (NZE): What does NZE Mean for Private Sector?

climate change adaptation and mitigation among private sector, the Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) and the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) collaborated in conducting a virtual webinar “What net zero emission means for the private sector” (14/12). This event is part of a bigger IBCSD initiative entitled  “Towards Net Zero Emission” to encourage business leadership and collective action in initiating a concrete long-term plan toward a low-carbon economy and net zero emission by following the government’s goals.

Following the Paris Agreement, which was revisited at COP26, the number of companies declaring their commitment to net-zero emissions and taking action to tackle climate change has tripled globally. At least one of the world’s five largest publicly traded companies has committed to zero net emissions by 2050.[1]

In her remarks as the President of IBCSD, Shinta W Kamdani stated, “As we all know, Indonesia is striving for low-carbon economic development by expanding measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change. To achieve net zero emissions by 2050, in line with global business trends and national targets, IBCSD and KADIN will work together to raise public awareness and understanding of the necessity of the NZE transition, promote business leadership and collective action, and collaborate among diverse stakeholders. The discussion today is intended to be one of the milestones that contribute to the private sector managing Net Zero Emissions in order to establish a sustainable economy.”

In her remarks at the Webinar “Journey Towards Net Zero Emission (NZE): What Does NZE Mean for Private Sector?” which was held virtually by IBCSD (13/12), the Director-General of Climate Change Control, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ir. Laksmi Dhewanti, MA explained, “Through the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) target, Indonesia has committed to reducing GHG emissions by up to 41% by 2030 with the support of international partnership. Indonesia’s unconditional target of 29 % NDC has been dispersed to five key sectors, including forestry and other land uses, energy, waste, industry process, and agriculture. The most significant contributors to the NDC objectives are the forestry and energy industries. The Long-Term Strategy on Low Carbon and Climate Resilience (LTS-LCCR) was developed with a long-term policy strategy in mind until 2050. This document provides guidance on how to set NDC and policy reform goals in light of current developments and demands. In essence, this endeavor is not just the responsibility of the government, but it also emphasizes the importance of all stakeholders’ contributions. As a result, we encourage the participation of various stakeholders, particularly the private sector in the implementation of the NDC and the climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy. More collaboration and networking hopefully will occur as a result of this event to meet NDC goals.”

As for several steps that have been taken by the government for low-carbon development, the Director of the Environment of the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS, Ir. Medrilzam stated “Currently undergoing a green economic transformation is based on the premise of low carbon development. According to the Bappenas scenario, the green economy is expected to increase per capita income by about 6% in Indonesia Emas 2045. Indonesia will need massive investments of around 3-5% of GDP every year from now on to achieve the NZE. The government will be unable to finance all of them. As a result, the government provides fiscal tax incentives and import taxes for New Renewable Energy (NRE) Developers, as well as non-fiscal incentives like as license liberalization and prizes, to encourage private sector economic engagement. However, there are still risks of stranded assets, planning for green employment migration, and knowledge and innovation transfer. Indonesia will only become a market for technology from wealthy countries if we do not significantly innovate on technology.

On the same occasion, Executive Director of Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Fabby Tumiwa added, “Business may implement four solutions; the first of which is to reduce reliance on fossil fuels through RNE, electrification, and the use of clean energy sources in response to increasing emissions from the sector. If we want to attain Net Zero Emissions by 2030, renewable energy should account for at least half of the primary energy supply. As a result, companies should conduct an inventory of their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, set explicit objectives, and provide measurable transparency of target performance to the public in order to match the corporate NZE aim with the Paris Agreement target in 2030.”

Seeing this, Regional Lead – Commit to Action (CTA) Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Amelia Tan said, “In order to attain NZE, businesses must have science-based targets, both short and long-term by making adjustments in terms of emission residual mitigation and neutralization. The Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) will assists your business in determining how much and how rapidly it can cut greenhouse gas emissions while also driving actual action in its operations. The International Sustainability Standard Board (ISSB) has produced financial reporting sustainability disclosure requirements that have been incorporated with state and stakeholder regulations referencing the SBTi.”

Apart from the government, a low-emissions transition also needs to be carried out by the private sector. Head of Commission on Climate Change KADIN, Dharsono Hartono explained “The issue of Net Zero Emission isn’t going away anytime soon. KADIN has 7 priority focusing on decarbonization of diverse private sectors to support the Presidential Decree on the Economic Value of Carbon, which is based on the NZE objectives of countries and businesses. One of them by concentrating on restoration and conservation initiatives which represents a significant potential for Indonesia. We believe that Indonesia has 300 billion tons of CO2 stored, which might be the country’s entry point into the carbon market. In this context, KADIN has begun to carry out many activities as a government business partner, including webinars, working on the sale of domestic carbon credits that can assist the government in meeting NDC objectives, and pushing for public-private partnerships.”

Joining the session as discussant, Azis Armand, Vice President and Group CEO of Indika Energy explained “Indika, as a holding company with an 80% coal energy portfolio, considers the crucial need to decarbonize its operations and portfolio to decrease its carbon footprint. Indika focuses on transferring energy to solar panels and mobile combustion fossil fuels to electric automobiles in its operations. Indika has divested high-carbon assets and invested in low-carbon economies in our asset portfolio. We believe Indika can reach net zero emissions in 2050 by achieving a 20% decrease in emissions in 2025 and a 40% utilization of renewable energy technologies in 2030.”

Meanwhile Deputy Director of APRIL Group’s Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement, Dian Novarina shared, “With four pillars, the APRIL Group aspires to move to NZE by 2030. One of these is a positive climate target that includes net zero emissions from land usage, increasing the use of renewable energy in fiber operations to 50% and mill operations to 90%, and decreasing carbon emissions in all products to 25%. All APRIL 2030 commitments have precise indicators that make them measurable, auditable, and transparent.”

Desi Anwar, the webinar moderator concluded 2050 Net Zero Emission is a collective goal to which all stakeholders must commit in energy transition plan, collaborate in innovation, technology, and investment, and transparent reporting as well as calculations. Net Zero Emission is not only the responsibility of one corporation or one country, but of the entire globe as residents of the planet.


Rewatch the discussion here: A Journey Towards NZE: What does NZE Mean for Private Sector?

For further the webinar video, please access

To download the material, please go through

Job Vacancy: GRASP 2030 Part-time Consultant

IBCSD is looking for a Part-time Consultant for GRASP 2030 signatories engagement. The consultant  is expected to support IBCSD in providing assistance to bring the best value of GRASP 2030 signatories’ actions and to build collaboration and engagement associated with the mobilisation of the GRASP 2030. The role will be starting as soon as possible and ending on September 2022.

About GRASP 2030

The GRASP 2030 (Gotong Royong Atasi Susut & Limbah Pangan di Tahun 2030) is a Voluntary Agreement (VA), that will bring a collaborative commitment and action to support the global goal of halving food loss and waste by in 2030, thus increasing the environmental, social, and economic benefits for the participating organizations and for Indonesia.

The Voluntary Agreement model will deliver the GRASP 2030 goals through representative governance with evidence-based work program, progress-focused approach, and commitment to work fairly in pre-competitive business environment. It has been adopted and successful in many countries, such as UK, USA, Mexico, South Africa, and Australia.

Currently, GRASP 2030 has 14 signatories, including 6 core Signatories (business who are passionate to reduce the FLW) and 8 Associate signatories (supporting actors to achieve the goals).

Required Skills and Experience

  • Have a broad of experience in the food sector and sustainability, preferably in food loss and waste reduction and food surplus donation.
  • Can demonstrate a good understanding of the Indonesia food system. Direct experience of working with Indonesia food system/food industry is preferable.
  • Excellent communication skills and demonstration of collaborative working.
  • Can demonstrate flexibility and adaptability to ensure greatest impact.
  • Can demonstrate ability to deliver in accordance with commercial law and confidentiality.
  • Can demonstrate analytical assessment of qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Excellent English proficiency

Role and Responsibility (Scope of Work)

The technical expert will be responsible for technical input and delivery of the following GRASP 2030 activities:

  • Shape the delivery of support for signatories that will enable them to develop and implement their action plan to reduce food waste and effectively manage surplus within operations and supply chain.
  • Lead signatory engagement on applying food loss and waste best practices including:
    • Manage and respond to signatory enquiries.
    • Provide one to one technical support to signatories (i.e. overcoming specific challenges or identifying where improvements could be made). This include time on-site with a signatory to enable further reductions (i.e. improving measurement or identifying food waste hotspots).
    • Utilize and analyze signatory food waste data to identify and prioritise actions that will have the greatest impact in reducing food waste and maximising food donation.
    • Support signatories to improve food waste measurement and reporting.
    • Develop food waste reduction and surplus management plans with signatories, regularly tracking and reviewing progress.
  • Shape and lead the facilitation of the collaborative working group.
  • Provide technical input and signatory updates in development of case study content to demonstrate GRASP 2030 progress and signatory value.
  • Provide technical input into regular signatory updates – webinars and newsletters.

The consultant will have a minimum of 8 days of work in a month with a total number of days budgeted (approximately until September 2022).  This will allow flexibility to manage needs and timings of outputs.

To apply please email your CV and a cover letter setting out how you meet the required skills and experience or key responsibilities to [email protected] and [email protected] with subject ‘Application: GRASP 2030 Part-time Consultant’. We are expecting the application before 25 December 2021.

Waste4Change Appreciating the Responsible Waste Management Initiative

IBCSD member, PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia (Waste4Change)has just celebrated its 7th Anniversary. Closing the series of celebrations, Waste4Change held the “Award4Change 2021” as a recognition for the implementation of responsible waste management by companies and government institutions. In this event, Waste4Change also gave lifetime achievement awards to two figures who inspired solid waste in Indonesia. Award4Change 2021 which was attended by the Director of Waste Management of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Novrizal Tahar, Managing Director of Waste4Change Mohamad Bijaksana Junerosano, President of IBCSD Shinta Kamdani, Chairman of MVB Alistair Speirs, Ciliwung Care Community Activist Suparno Jumar, and Founder of The BGBJ Bantar Gebang Resa Boenard, as well as award recipients from waste companies, organizations, and institutions.

Award4Change is an annual event held by Waste4Change as a form of appreciation for clients, partners, and partners from both the private and government sectors. There are 10 categories with a total of 27 recognition: Most Zero-Waste to Landfill, Most Reduce-Waste to Landfill, Most Responsible Brand, Local Initiator of the Year, Community Empowerment Project Highlights, Ecotourism Project Highlights, Research Project Highlights, Low-Value Plastic Collection Project Highlights, Best Recycling Partner, Great Collaboration, and the Waste Warrior lifetime achievement category.

“Through the Award4Change 2021, we would like to appreciate to companies that have made their best efforts in waste management responsibilities. Start from ensuring the supply chain runs optimally at every stage to minimize waste generation, using environmentally friendly packaging to increase recycling value, ensuring partners and consumers are involved in waste reduction and management,” said Waste4Change Managing Director, Mohamad Bijaksana Junerosano (Sano)

“In its 7th year, Waste4Change has managed 8,424 tons of waste. Our waste transportation services have reached 2,828 families in two residential areas as well as 68 client companies in 114 location points. Waste4Change has also run 227 community assistance projects, research, and waste management training, with a total of 514,306 direct beneficiaries spread throughout Indonesia. We were able to achieve all of that because of the support from our clients, partners, partners, and activists for solutions to solid waste issues who continue to struggle with us,” said Sano.

Source :

Frontier Sumatra: A Documentary of Kampar Peninsula’s Incredible Biodiversity

Jakarta, 30 November 2021 – IBCSD’s members, APRIL held the first screening of Frontier Sumatra attended by dozens of enthusiastic stakeholders.?Frontier Sumatra tells the incredible story of the people, the animals, and the land of the Kampar Peninsula in Riau Province, a remote peatland rainforest twice the size of Singapore. At its heart is Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER), the ambitious forest ecosystem restoration project of APRIL that unites communities, scientists, and industry in the battle to protect one of the last intact peatland forest landscapes in the region.

Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER) is a ground-breaking private sector-led (APRIL) project to restore and conserve ecological important high conservation area on Indonesia’s Kampar Peninsula and Padang Island, Riau Province. Kampar Peninsula is the largest remaining intact peat forest in Sumatra and home to at least 823 species, many of them critically endangered. The forest, on Sumatra’s east coast, has been degraded over the years by wildlife poaching, illegal logging, and human encroachment. Since 2013, RER has been working with partners from the private and public sectors to protect this vital ecosystem

Speaking at the event, Anderson Tanoto, Managing Director, RGE highlighted the importance of conservation and responsible landscape management. “We have run our business successfully. But we also have to protect the forest landscapes around us”.

At the event, Praveen Singhavi, President, APRIL Group, and Lucita Jasmin, Director of Sustainability and External Affairs, also provided updates on the company’s business performance and the ongoing implementation of its sustainability commitments.? The screening was just one of several activities set up to mark the one-year anniversary of the launch of APRIL’s long-term 2030 sustainability targets.

This project documentary has proven that the private sector is particularly concerned about the environment’s long-term sustainability. The movie succeeds in documenting the attempts to restore the Riau ecosystem, in which all parties are involved, including not only the ecological expert team but also the population of the surrounding region. IBCSD hopes to see more private sector businesses take action to protect Indonesia’s biodiversity.

Responsible Plastic and Packaging Waste Management, Adopting the Circular Economy Model for the Private Sector

As an effort in the sustainable development economy as well as encouraging the application of circular processing of plastic and packaging waste in the private sector, the Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) and the WWF Indonesia Foundation held a “Circular Business Model for Responsible Plastic Waste Management” Webinar on Tuesday, November 9, 2021.

“The purpose of this event is to strengthen and support the synergy of multi-stakeholder collaboration. Plastic waste dependency and mismanagement pollute both the land and the water. Packaging waste is the producer’s duty, both directly and indirectly. The Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 75 of 2019 specifies that businesses need to re-examine the pre-to-post-production process to reduce waste by 30% by 2029. Businesses should begin to use the 5R Principles (reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, and repair) as a circular economy strategy to optimize the product value chain. I hope that this webinar will encourage businesses to adopt the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) implementation” said Djoni Wesida, Executive Committee Member of the IBCSD as his opening remarks.

The Deputy Secretary for Environmental and Forestry Management Coordination, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Dirhansyah Conbul, also realizes that our awareness towards responsible waste management and support of multi-stakeholders are the main focus of efforts that have been made by the government. “The MoEF Regulations No. 75 of 2019 covers Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policy which creates a market mechanism for producers to collaborate with recycling facilities, waste bank managers, or nearby facilities and agencies to reduce the cost of waste management infrastructure and recycling mechanisms. The government is now working on ten waste management sites using Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) technology to accelerate waste reduction. Hopefully, unique ideas may be implemented into future collaborative projects as a result of this webinar.”

This online webinar involves governments, businesses, associations, and communities to discuss strategies and action plans to reduce waste. It also discusses the role of producer in the transition to a circular economy with the adoption of EPR, changing the people behavior in perceiving waste management as well as opportunities, challenges, and innovative solutions for Indonesia to adopt a circular business model. Other speakers were present during the discussion; Jazlyn Lee, Regional Coordinator of SEA WWF Malaysia; Hidayah Hamzah, National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP) Manager, WRI Indonesia; Annisa Paramita, Secretary-General, Indonesia Packaging Recovery Organization (IPRO); and Awadhesh Singh, Head of Technology Flexible Packaging, SEA-North Siegwerk.

“Through the implementation of EPR, companies can take responsibility for extending product life with an upstream to downstream approach. Ensuring EPR as a stable financing tool can improve waste management as well as recycling capacity. In this case, WWF supports collaboration on the design of the short, medium, and long term implementation of the product and packaging business system inclusion scheme, consumers, and relevant organizational alliances”, said Jazlyn Lee.

NPAP that was represented by Hidayah also stated that NPAP has launched the Behavior Change Roadmap through education to millennials, rural area communities, and businesses through social media, schools, facilitators, communities, and religious groups approaches to encourage changes in the perspective of people who are responsible for waste. Due to a lack of regulatory information, recycling facility infrastructure, and incentives, the public is unaware of the negative effects of plastic consumption.

Annisa from IPRO further added, to ensure the success of the circularity pilot project in Bali and East Java, IPRO implemented strategies to find a second life for plastic waste as a form of process, input, and output. IPRO distributes contributions from three aggregator member firms to guarantee that recycling is compliant, traceable, and putting a focus towards social, economic, and category balance, as well as providing intensification assistance.

Head of Technology Flexible Packaging, SEA-North Siegwerk, Awadhesh Singh said, Siegwerk is an enabler of safe and circular plastic systems. “We are trying to create circularity with Design 4 Recycle. We innovate closed-loop recycle plastic waste through high quality application of mono-layered plastic or single-use recycle, encouraging a de-inking system for plastic packaging, and packaging products that can be composted.”

The Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD), an association led by a CEO who shares a commitment to promoting sustainable development and a circular economy, has developed a Green Lifestyle program to facilitate an inclusive coordination process among various actors in accelerating collaborative business actions towards Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in line with SDG 12. The Green Lifestyle Program has established a Plastic & Packaging Working Group that gathers all relevant stakeholders and promotes actions to realize SCP in the plastics and packaging industry. Through this webinar and future collaborations, it is hoped to encourage the implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) to achieve the goals of SDG 12.

For further the webinar video, please access

To download the material, please go through

Sustaining SDG-Based Missions Through Weaving Community

Founded with three pillars to empower women, promote culture, and improve livelihood, Du Anyam started its work in East Flores otherwise known as the least developed parts of the country. During its growth, it also maintains the same principle in reaching out to different rural districts across Indonesia. These forgotten areas typically deal with high counts of mother and child mortality rate, malnutrition, along other complex economic issues.

It’s without saying that Du Anyam is compelled to take part in the SDG by taking the weaving community further into globalization through long-term social and business programs. Of the 17 goals listed in the Global SDG Programs, Du Anyam has been able to pinpoint the 4 most relevant ones which are to fight poverty, establish good health and well-being of the community, support gender equality, and strive for decent work, and economic growth.

The idea of eliminating poverty is one of the most successful goals by Du Anyam with an increase of over 40% income-generating weavers and counting. It’s notable that by providing work opportunities through authentic weaving products, these women are self-sufficient in the long term rather than a one-off financial program. The weavers also benefit from a supply chain system where Du Anyam positions itself as the off-takers, picking up goods rather than having the women deliver goods which saves delivery costs in their favour.

As for establishing good health and well-being of the community, Du Anyam has an ongoing Malnutrition Intervention Program which also touches on the root problem of healthcare issues. This program addresses the mindset of mothers through a behavioural intervention approach.

The ongoing education revolves around the key facts such as the importance of nutrition in the 1000 days of life for their children, tapping into the nutrition of locally grown foods, cooking and preparing foods, nourishing themselves, and encouraging hygienic lifestyles – ultimately increasing the well-being of the community.

With women weavers as the arsenal of weaving businesses who constantly receive skills upgrades, Du Anyam is proud to be one of the faces for women empowerment as well as helping them boost their economic power. More regeneration programs are also in action where they

are learning weaving techniques as well as other soft managerial skills, including financial and digital literacy.

The SDG has kicked off an excellent map with feasible points for all development sectors. To take part as an IBCSD, Du Anyam is committed to hitting more of the existing points and implementing them as an integral part of the business. With the firm foundation of social values, Du Anyam is set to improve its business blueprint where SDG goals will merge into it naturally and effortlessly.

Redefining Social Entrepreneurship The Du Anyam Way

Through their observation a year prior, the three co-founders were able to highlight several critical issues, such as malnourished mothers, lack of income/cash access, low education level, lack of infrastructures, and more. Realizing that donation programs may only work temporarily in resolving the issues, Du Anyam then turned to the two most powerful resources available: the fact that the majority of the women can weave and the abundance of local natural resources.

Under the Du Anyam flag, a fusion of “Du’a” and “Menganyam” which translates to “The Weaving Mothers” in Sikka, Maumere local tongue, production soon began after a series of orientation, introduction and training was implemented. The initiative prioritized empowering young and pregnant mothers to be self-sufficient, but also gained support from all-age local women, including female farmers and senior local citizens.

Merging modern urban design in the form of unique traditional weaving is proven to be a successful strategy in answering the demand for unique corporate souvenirs, useful gift products and creative handmade items. By 2015, Du Anyam had steadily expanded to other districts in East Flores, broadened the reach to Papua in 2017 and recently to South Kalimantan in 2020. Along the way, Du Anyam has been able to recruit more women weavers while establishing various social programs from financial literacy, nutrition supplement program, scholarships, provisions of infrastructures and public facilities, to production and managerial skills training.

Today, Du Anyam has recorded a total of over 1400 women weavers across 54 villages in 3 provinces in Indonesia. It’s been able to offer exclusive Indonesian made corporate gifts with personalized logos for local businesses, while also exporting traditional handwoven products to the USA, Europe, Australia and Japan. Having gained multiple insights & experiences by active participation in international crafts events, it’s no wonder that Du Anyam was given the honor as the official merchandiser of Asian Games 2018.

Dubbed as the social entrepreneur business brand with winning stories, Du Anyam constantly returns to its three core pillars, i.e. to empower women, promote culture and improve livelihood. By focusing on the social impact which is generating income, educating the local community and the market, as well as long-term social programs, Du Anyam has been able to redefine social entrepreneurship with a sustainable model.

By building their business foundation on creating long lasting social impacts, Du Anyam has been able to find a way to promote and reward work of marginalized women through fair trade,

at the same time preserve the vanishing weaving culture. Du Anyam’s work is also heavily centralized on environment-friendly methods, using all natural materials with eco-friendly production systems and taking part in the government peatland preservation project.

In its stride, Du Anyam maintains to uphold their business pillars and use social impacts as the benchmarks of business success. The three female founders believe that the work is far from done as more initiatives for female empowerment are currently being geared up. The goal remains from day one: to deliver benefits that empower the lives of women in rural and hidden villages all across Indonesia.

WEBSERIE 1: Government and Private Efforts to Achieve SDGs for Social Welfare


Sihol Aritonang, Chairman of the IBCSD, stated that to achieve SDGs by adhering to the principle of “No One Left Behind”, the business sector has a very important role in encouraging community empowerment and social equity.

In this new normal era, according to Sihol, leadership and collective action in the business sector are needed in the recovery of social impacts given the number of advantages it has such as job creation, technology development, innovation and investment. The business sector can also play a role in overcoming negative environmental and social impacts through their business value chains and supply chains.

The “No One Left Behind” global goal can be achieved if all parties involved, including the private sector, contribute together to achieve the SDGs goals. IBCSD will continue to collaborate and request the direction of the government, including the Ministry of Social Affairs and Bappenas in order to continue to play an active role in advancing the global agenda and encouraging social equity, “said Sihol when giving a speech.

Collaboration between business and government according to the Minister of Social Affairs Juliari Coal can be done through support for the Poverty Reduction Strategy with support for the implementation of the Stimulant Assistance for Business program that is accessible to the public, including KUBe and Social Entrepreneurship as well as other funding schemes for Business Development such as the Government Investment Center, People’s Business Credit, Ultra Micro Credit, Mekaar PNM and so on.

“The Indonesian government has prepared a policy framework that supports government and private partnerships in the distribution of non-cash social assistance through Presidential Regulation No. 82 of 2016 concerning the National Financial Inclusive Strategy which states that efforts made in the distribution of social assistance programs are carried out in non-cash, as well as with the Presidential Regulation No. 63 of 2017 concerning the Potential for the Implementation of Social Welfare and Poverty Alleviation “, said Juliari Coal in her keynote address.

A number of actions have been taken by the private sector so far in achieving social welfare in line with the achievement of the SDGs. In the financial sector, companies engaged in the banking sector can play an important role such as that carried out by Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) with the Let’s Save with the Waste Bank Movement.

In his presentation, BNI Consumer Funding VP Rizwan Nazaruddin said the Let’s Save with Waste Trash Movement was a continuation of the pilot project that had taken place since 2018 in the administrative cities of West Jakarta and North Jakarta. As of September 2019, this movement has been attended by more than 150,000 students and 5,000 citizens and orange troops, more than 200 garbage banks with a total fund raised from sales of more than Rp 3 billion.

Another example is the School Improvement program of pulp and paper producers, the APRIL Group which aims to improve the quality and infrastructure of schools in achieving the goals of SDGs # 4 Quality Education. With this program, communities around the company’s operational areas will still get access to proper education in the midst of the pandemic.

The webinar series that was held by IBCSD was also filled by several other speakers such as: Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti, Head of the National Secretariat of the SDGs Ministry of PPN / Bappenas; Ageng Herianto, Deputy Director of FAO Indonesia; and Glenn Pardede, President Director of PT East West Seed Indonesia (Cap Panah Merah). Also present was Prof. Bambang Shergi Laksmono, Social Welfare Study Program, University of Indonesia; and young farmers Cecep Saepul Milah as responders.

Watch the taped webinar here: