Founded with three pillars to empower women, promote culture, and improve livelihood, Du Anyam started its work in East Flores otherwise known as the least developed parts of the country. During its growth, it also maintains the same principle in reaching out to different rural districts across Indonesia. These forgotten areas typically deal with high counts of mother and child mortality rate, malnutrition, along other complex economic issues.

It’s without saying that Du Anyam is compelled to take part in the SDG by taking the weaving community further into globalization through long-term social and business programs. Of the 17 goals listed in the Global SDG Programs, Du Anyam has been able to pinpoint the 4 most relevant ones which are to fight poverty, establish good health and well-being of the community, support gender equality, and strive for decent work, and economic growth.

The idea of eliminating poverty is one of the most successful goals by Du Anyam with an increase of over 40% income-generating weavers and counting. It’s notable that by providing work opportunities through authentic weaving products, these women are self-sufficient in the long term rather than a one-off financial program. The weavers also benefit from a supply chain system where Du Anyam positions itself as the off-takers, picking up goods rather than having the women deliver goods which saves delivery costs in their favour.

As for establishing good health and well-being of the community, Du Anyam has an ongoing Malnutrition Intervention Program which also touches on the root problem of healthcare issues. This program addresses the mindset of mothers through a behavioural intervention approach.

The ongoing education revolves around the key facts such as the importance of nutrition in the 1000 days of life for their children, tapping into the nutrition of locally grown foods, cooking and preparing foods, nourishing themselves, and encouraging hygienic lifestyles – ultimately increasing the well-being of the community.

With women weavers as the arsenal of weaving businesses who constantly receive skills upgrades, Du Anyam is proud to be one of the faces for women empowerment as well as helping them boost their economic power. More regeneration programs are also in action where they

are learning weaving techniques as well as other soft managerial skills, including financial and digital literacy.

The SDG has kicked off an excellent map with feasible points for all development sectors. To take part as an IBCSD, Du Anyam is committed to hitting more of the existing points and implementing them as an integral part of the business. With the firm foundation of social values, Du Anyam is set to improve its business blueprint where SDG goals will merge into it naturally and effortlessly.