B. Purpose and Objectives
The consultant is expected to do the following tasks:
1. Identify gaps between existing policies and low carbon development goals, using IBCSD outputs on the programme (mapping on the private sector potential engagement in low carbon development, study on investment, guideline development on overcoming inequality in business and other series of activities).
2. Extend data collection (desk research, interviews) and analysis on the current initiatives, regulation, gaps and potential opportunities on low carbon development.
3. Assist IBCSD in designing the relevant FGDs by developing the agenda, ensuring alignment with the objectives of the gap analysis study.
4. Provide a gap analysis study to evaluate the effectiveness of low carbon initiatives focusing on private involvement and identify areas for recommendations to support low carbon development towards green and equitable growth in Indonesia.

C. Scope of Works
The primary objective of this consultancy is to provide report on the gap analysis study and provide actionable recommendations that:
? strengthen the business association’s role in supporting government LCD goals.
? improve IBCSD program design and implementation to address identified gaps to enhance private sector engagement and capacity to adopt low-carbon practices.
? align initiatives with evolving regulatory and market trends, ensuring long-term sustainability and also foster greater transparency and accountability through robust monitoring and reporting mechanisms.

The consultant shall be able to propose any methodology deemed appropriate to deliver the best outcome from the outlined activities:

1) Preliminary Drafting
The consultant will be responsible to develop a first draft of research (in Bahasa) based on desk review conducted towards various materials, which at least include:
? Desk research and analysis on IBCSD’s existing report and activities and other output materials from consortiums.
? Review and gather information on existing low-carbon initiatives, including policies, programs, and private sector engagement compared to IBCSD report.
? Using the reference of IBCSD National Dialogue that was scheduled at the end of February 2025 and intensive communications with the IBCSD Team.

2) 1st Draft Report Outline
Following the finalization of the preliminary draft, the consultant shall be presenting the 1st Draft of Report Outline to IBCSD to gain input and area of improvement.

3) FGDs Facilitation
To ensure stakeholder engagement and further in-depth exploration of issues, challenges, and stakeholder perspectives related to LCD policies

4) Final Report
The consultant is expected to provide a comprehensive report on Gap Analysis Study on LCD Policy, including preparing presentation material by synthesizing the findings from the desk review and conducting an analysis (in Bahasa & English). This report should include review and analysis of relevant policy framework, the target related sector, key stakeholders and provide actionable recommendations, and most importantly summarize the importance of addressing gaps in private sector engagement for achieving Indonesia’s LCD goals and outline the next steps for implementing the study’s recommendations.

D. Tasks, Deliverables, and Level of Effort (LOE)

The tasks, outcome and products, as well as expected schedule to be delivered by the consultant are as follow:
No Tasks Deliverables LOE

1. Desk review and first draft report Preliminary draft report 3 working days
2. Research analysis, Involve on National Dialogue and Discussions with IBCSD 1st Draft Report Outline & Minutes of Meeting 5 working days
3. FGDs design & development FGDs Minutes of Meeting 5 working days

4. Finalization of Final Report Final Report 5 working days

It is expected that the consultant is able to deliver their best results in 1 month since the signing of the contract. The consultant is expected to submit their own timeline of program plan in accordance with the outlined activities under this term of reference.

E. Proposal Submission

Following are the documents to be submitted by consultant as proposal submission:
1) Administrative
Consultant is expected to submit their legal document (e.g. Decree of Establishment/SK Menkumham atas Pengesahan Akta, Taxpayer Identification/NPWP), corporate profile, and curriculum vitae of consultant, including extensive list of relevant working experiences.
2) Technical
Consultant is expected to submit a technical proposal, which outlines their take on this term of reference as well as their proposed approach and methodology to answer the requirement of this term of reference and to fulfill the expected deliverables at optimal quality.
3) Commercial
Consultant is expected to submit a commercial proposal (budget), which already covers overall personnel and non-personnel cost at most competitive offers.

Procurement Process Timeline
Details Timeline Remark
Procurement Notice
(IBCSD Website & Invitation) 10th – 14th February 2025 The proposal submission document shall be submitted at the latest of: Friday, 14th Feb 25
Process Selection 17th – 21th February 2025 1 week
Kick off meeting with Consultant 24th – 25th February 2025 2 days

F. Point of Contact
For any clarifications needed by consultant, kindly contact the following:
Name : IBCSD Secretariat
E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected]