B. Purpose and Objectives
The purpose of this activity is to develop guideline using global business framework and best practices on business actions to tackle inequality to support low carbon development initiatives towards green and equitable growth in Indonesia.
The consultant is expected to do the following tasks:
1. Desk research and assessment on existing global framework and best practices on business actions to tackle inequality.
2. Collect data (desk research, interviews) and analysis on the current initiatives, regulation, gaps and potential opportunities on business actions to tackle inequality in the context of Indonesia that can support low carbon development initiatives.
3. Based on the results of the task 1 and 2, develop draft guideline on business actions to tackle inequality that can support low carbon and equitable growth in Indonesia
4. Discuss the draft guideline with relevant stakeholders and finalise the guideline based on the available feedback.
C. Scope of Works
The primary objective of this consultancy is to provide services to produce guideline using global business framework and best practices on business actions to tackle inequality to support low carbon development initiatives towards green and equitable growth in Indonesia.
, with a focus on:
– Learn and analyse global business framework and business cases on business actions to tackle inequality as crucial investments for sustained business success and equitable growth
– Reviewing existing policy, regulatory and other public sector support mechanisms intended to support the issue of Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) practices that impact on equality in the workplace and business sector.
– Identify the ethical and cultural norms impacting equality in the workplace, in order to understand diverse cultural norms, practices and challenges that can impact on business actions in tackling inequality
– Review current practices among the private sector on actions to tackle inequality through different initiatives that relate to low carbon development (considering local community needs, sustainable livelihoods, equitable practices in the workforce, etc.)
– Provide the gap analysis that evaluating the barriers and risks faced by the private sector in addressing inequality while supporting low-carbon development initiatives in Indonesia
– Develop guideline that can help companies to take actions in tackling inequality as important investments for both the sustainable business success and prosperity for all (equitable green growth)
– Discuss draft guideline with relevant stakeholders and finalise it.
The consultant shall be able to propose any methodology deemed appropriate to deliver the best outcome from the outlined activities:
1) Preliminary Drafting
The consultant will be responsible to develop a first draft of research (in Bahasa) based on desk review conducted towards various materials, which at least include:
– Desk research and analysis on existing global framework and best practices on business actions to tackle inequality.
– Review of the national and sub-national regulatory framework and incentives for private sector involvement on LCDI. Legal Context – Identify Indonesia’s regulatory environment related to gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI)
– practices within the company or any regulations impacting equality in the workplace.
– Identification of the ethical and cultural norms impacting equality in the workplace, in order to understand diverse cultural norms and practices while promoting principles of equality.
– Identification of current related practices by comparing the organization’s practices with industry standards and best practices, the case studies of successful equality initiatives in Indonesia will be beneficial.
– Provide the gap analysis that evaluates the barriers and risks faced by the private sector in addressing inequality while supporting low-carbon development initiatives. By addressing these barriers and risks comprehensively, it can provide valuable insights to help the private sector align its equality and low-carbon development goals effectively and sustainably.
– Consider available academic articles, research papers, books, existing reports and other references in Indonesia, issued by other institutions that discuss the role of the private sector in the issues, related case studies, innovative practices, and theoretical frameworks.
2) Stakeholder Input
Following the finalization of preliminary draft, consultant shall be responsible to conduct interview or discussion and Focus Group Discussion with relevant governmental stakeholder and non government-related institution to incorporate feedback and ensure the work alignment, which may include:
– Ministry of National Development Planning / BAPPENAS
– Related National Ministries
– Companies Representative
– Civil Society Organizations or Groups that directly affected by business equity actions.
The consultant may propose other related stakeholders to maximize the support in developing works.
3) Final Report
The consultant is expected to synthesize the findings from the desk review and develop a comprehensive report (in Bahasa). This report should include an overview of regulatory & cultural context, identification of key players, existing business practices, gap analysis and the proposed guideline for implementing equality actions that can support the social resilience to support the low carbon initiatives. The proposed guideline should cover; foundational principles align with Indonesian regulations, focus area of business action, business case for tackling inequality, measurement & evaluation and other important details needed.
D. Tasks, Deliverables, and Level of Effort (LOE)
The tasks, outcome and products, as well as expected schedule to be delivered by the consultant are as follow:
No Tasks Deliverables LOE
1. Desk review and first draft report Preliminary draft report 7 working days
2. Stakeholders’ interview and dialogue/ discussions Minutes of Meeting 10 days
3. Finalization of Document of Guideline Final Report 7 days
It is expected that the consultant is able to deliver their best results in 1 month since the signing of the contract. The consultant is expected to submit their own timeline of program plan in accordance with the outlined activities under this term of reference.
E. Division of Responsibility
Following is the division of responsibility or battery limit for the activities to be executed under this term of reference.
No Tasks IBCSD Consultant
1. First Draft Mapping Providing access to any relevant references needed Conducting overall activities until report preparation
2. Stakeholders’ Interview, Dialogue/ Discussions Provide link for online meeting (if necessary) Identify respondents, follow up respondents, preparing materials, reports, and analysis
3. Finalization of Report Final review Conducting overall activities until report preparation
F. Proposal Submission
Following are the documents to be submitted by consultant as proposal submission:
1) Administrative
Consultant is expected to submit their legal document (e.g. Decree of Establishment/SK Menkumham atas Pengesahan Akta, Taxpayer Identification/NPWP), corporate profile, and curriculum vitae of consultant, including extensive list of relevant working experiences.
2) Technical
Consultant is expected to submit a technical proposal, which outlines their take on this term of reference as well as their proposed approach and methodology to answer the requirement of this term of reference and to fulfill the expected deliverables at optimal quality.
3) Commercial
Consultant is expected to submit a commercial proposal (budget), which already covers overall personnel and non-personnel cost at most competitive offers.
Procurement Process Timeline
Details Timeline Remark
Procurement Notice
(IBCSD Website & Invitation) 21st – 26th January 2025 The proposal submission document shall be submitted at the latest of: Sunday, January 26th, 2025
Process Selection 27th – 31st January February 2025 1 week
Kick off meeting with Consultant 3rd – 10th February 2025 1 week
G. Point of Contact
For any clarifications needed by consultant, kindly contact the following:
Name : IBCSD Secretariat
E-mail : [email protected] / CC : [email protected]