To overcome the issue, Smallholder Task Force was established in May 2016, as a platform to discuss and support the innovative implementation to improve the productivity and livelihood while in the same time is protecting the environment. Beside enhance scale of investments in sustainable commodity production across entire supply chains in Indonesia with the aim to greatly reduce deforestation from palm oil and paper and pulp production. The Task Force Meeting attended by 24 Participants from companies, NGOs and grant institution in Jakarta at 14th December 2017 to discuss about:
Stock-take Partners’ ongoing programs and analyze possible synergies among programs and landscapes and collaboration work at pilot Jurisdiction provinces.
Share relevant projects they are working on around the issue of alternative financing solution and access to market:
Statement of “Reactivation of Smallholder Taskforce”
Smallholder meeting will be held in rotation and hosted by members partners every 2 months