In connection with this initiative, the transformation of the domestic market through building consumer awareness to choose palm products that are produced responsibly is chosen as one of the main strategies. The aim is to build incentives for palm oil producers to operate with regard to aspects of sustainability, and compliance with human rights values and norms.

Global demand for Indonesian palm oil is now beginning to decline and is followed by falling prices, following foreign market awareness about the need for compliance with human rights in the production chain with the principle of sustainability. This has an impact on the lives of farmers and oil palm workers in the village.

As a business association that applies the principle of sustainability, IBCSD sees that awareness of the risks of climate change at the consumer level has encouraged people to prefer sustainable products. This was later revealed by IBCSD executive director, Indah Budiani, “With increasing demand in consumers, the creation of sustainable products will ultimately be able to improve the competitiveness position of Indonesian palm oil in the global market.”

“Meanwhile on the producer side, support for this good initiative has also increased due to the many companies that are aware of business risks if they remain in ‘business as usual’ and do not progress to ‘responsible business'”, continued Indah, “this can be proven by implementing sustainable sourcing and various innovations carried out in an effort to meet the demands of the global market for sustainable products. “

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