The meeting concluded with numbers of recommendations from committee members. The TFA 2020 Southeast Asia Program is suggested to expand its coverage to include second and third tertiary level of business chain and incorporate this within its time frame. Collective efforts to develop peatland database is viewed as necessary steps that need to be taken, whereas government is proposed to be lead the initiative and selected group members serve as the administrator. Task force is also expected to facilitate a shared-learning process to accommodate exchange knowledge and expertise amongst TFA 2020 members, one concrete example is on determining financial solution model for smallholder and independent farmers. Field visit has been opinioned as one of approach the team can facilitate to seize opportunity of knowledge sharing transfer in a more hands-on way.

After providing inputs and recommendations, the regional committee meeting has finally adjourned at 16.00 Indonesia time.   








Mewakili pihak perusahaan: Bapak Agus Purnomo (GAR), Ibu Kelly Chen (WI) dan Ibu Triana (RGE). Mewakili masyarakat sipil: Bapak Mansuetus Darto (SPKS) dan Bapak Fitrian Ardiansyah(IDH), dan juga Bapak Budi Santosa (IBCSD) dalam hal ini sebagai tuan rumah program TFA2020 regional Asia Tenggara.