Reporting Exchange

The objective of the Reporting Exchange is to bring coherence to the disclosure landscape by providing one central resource for reporting provisions ? the term we use to describe reporting requirements and supporting resources related to the disclosure of non-financial information.

IBCSD with the guidance of WBCSD conducted the research for 2 months on the reporting provisions for companies in Indonesia.  The beta version of the Reporting Exchange is now available at  This can be a reference for companies in reporting provision.  As the commitment of IBCSD to continuously support the private sector in providing sustainability information, IBCSD will continuing to contribute to the platform – most notably as it provides a valuable tool for the member companies.

Congratulation to the Winners Indonesian Sustainable Business Award 2016


Main Winner of the Sustainable Business Awards : Unilever Indonesia

APPENDIX A – BEST IN CATEGORY AWARD (See detailed descriptive below)

  1. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa 2. Best Business Responsibility & Ethics – Unilever Indonesia 3. Best Workforce – Nestle Indonesia 4. Best Sustainability in the Community – Vale Indonesia 5. Best Supply Chain – H&M 6. Best Stakeholder Engagement – Unilever Indonesia 7. Best Energy Management – Holcim Indonesia 8. Best Water Management – Multi Bintang Indonesia 9. Best Waste Management – Nestle Indonesia 10.Best Climate Change – RAPP (APRIL Group) 11.Best Landuse, Biodiversity & the Environment – SMART


  1. Pertamina (Persero) 13. Best Flagship Initiatives project – PT PIPA 14. Best Newcomers (entering SBA for the first time) CIMB NIAGA APPENDIX C – SPECIAL RECOGNITION BY CATEGORY
  2. Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) 2. Business Responsibility & Ethics – L’Oreal Indonesia 3. Workforce – Bayer 4. Sustainability in the Community – Tirta Investama (Danone Aqua) 5. Supply Chain – Sinar Mas Land 6. Stakeholder Engagement – Bukit Asam 7.  Energy Management – Frisian Flag8. Water Management – Martina Berto 9. Waste Management – Dupont 10. Climate Change – United Tractor 11. Landuse, Biodiversity & the Environment – Branita Sandhini (Monsanto)


  1. Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) 2. Business Responsibility & Ethics – L’Oreal Indonesia 3. Workforce – Bayer 4. Sustainability in the Community – Tirta Investama (Danone Aqua) 5. Supply Chain – Sinar Mas Land 6. Stakeholder Engagement – Bukit Asam 7.  Energy Management – Frisian Flag8. Water Management – Martina Berto 9. Waste Management – Dupont 10. Climate Change – United Tractor 11. Landuse, Biodiversity & the Environment – Branita Sandhini (Monsanto)

CDP – IBCSD Event 25 July 2016

Carbon Disclosure Project is an effort aimed at changing the way in which businesses around the world operate in response to the use of natural resources and climate change. CDP data is used by investment managers and advisors, asset owners, data and index providers, banks and brokers for a growing range of purposes and is available through various platforms. Transparency of this data throughout the global marketplace ensures the financial community has access to the best available corporate climate change information to help drive investment flows towards a low carbon and more sustainable economy.

Sawit Challange

Indonesia merupakan penghasil terbesar kelapa sawit di dunia. Kelapa sawit sangat penting bagi perekonomian negara dan memberikan pendapatan bagi banyak masyarakat miskin, termasuk para petani sawit swadaya. Namun kelapa sawit juga dikaitkan dengan penggundulan hutan yang sangat cepat, musnahnya habitat spesies langka, serta bencana kebakaran hutan dan asap beracun yang berulang setiap tahun.

Indonesia kini berada di persimpangan. Pada tanggal 14 April 2016, Presiden Joko Widodo mengumumkan larangan sementara bagi konsesi kelapa sawit baru. Pengumuman tersebut, yang diharapkan akan dirumuskan dalam keputusan presiden, atau moratorium, merupakan bagian dari upaya pemerintah untuk melindungi hutan tropis dan lahan gambut negara serta meningkatkan produksi di lahan kelapa sawit yang ada.

SAWIT merupakan inisiatif baru untuk memberikan solusi kelapa sawit yang berkelanjutan bagi para petani sawit. Terdapat sekitar tiga juta petani  sawit swadaya di Indonesia yang memproduksi kurang lebih 40 persen dari total panen kelapa sawit di Indonesia. Para petani ini cenderung menggunakan praktik pembukaan dan penanaman lahan secara tradisional yang tidak efisien dan berkelanjutan. Akibatnya, banyak petani sawit yang membuka hutan dan menanam di lahan yang lebih luas.

Sekaranglah saatnya untuk memperkenalkan dan mendorong solusi terobosan. Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit (SPKS), Dewan Bisnis Indonesia untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan/Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD), dan Badan  Pembangunan Internasional Amerika Serikat/U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) mengundang anda untuk mengirimkan solusi yang dapat membantu para petani sawit memproduksi kelapa sawit yang berkelanjutan. Kelapa sawit diproduksi secara berkelanjutan apabila produksi tidak mengakibatkan atau berkontribusi terhadap penggundulan hutan, melakukan penanaman di lahan gambut, atau melakukan pembakaran saat membuka lahan, sekaligus memastikan manfaat ekonomi bagi komunitas petani dan perlindungan hak-hak tanah masyarakat.

SAWIT mencari solusi inovatif dalam membantu petani sawit swadaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas di setiap langkah produksi – mulai dari penyiapan lahan untuk penanaman hingga menanam bibit yang lebih baik dengan pemeliharaan yang tepat, memanen dan mengangkut buah sawit secara cepat ke pabrik – dan pada saat yang sama memenuhi standar produksi kelapa sawit berkelanjutan. Inovator terpilih akan diundang untuk berpartisipasi dalam Innovation Marketplace, dimana mereka akan mendapatkan pelatihan dari para ahli dan kesempatan untuk menyampaikan idenya kepada calon investor atau mitra untuk dikembangkan di Indonesia.

Kunjungi situs :

Energy Efficiency in Building Laboratory, Jakarta Indonesia, 2015

Energy Efficiency in Building Laboratory, Jakarta-Indonesia, 2015 The Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the Green Building Council Indonesia (GBC Indonesia), aided by several leading corporate partners and respected non-profit org, are hosting the Indonesia Energy Efficiency in Buildings Laboratory (EEB Lab) on July 29-30, 2015 in Jakarta.

The laboratory is part of the WBCSD’s Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EEB) market transformation initiative. The initiative builds on a global analysis of the energy efficiency in the building market (“Transforming the Market” report, 2010) and seeks to unlock financially viable energy efficiency investments in buildings through a series of local engagements. The cornerstone of such an engagement is the EEB Laboratory, which helps identify the key challenges, define opportunities and implementation actions with key stakeholders.

IBCSD Member Council and Liaison Delegates Meeting

Jakarta, May 28th — In improving awareness for business community for the importance of sustainability on their business practices and to report its programs, Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) is organizing Member Council and Liaison Delegate Meeting in Jakarta on Tuesday, May 28th 2013. The annual meeting forum is inviting business community from IBCSD member and also non-member to gather and share the idea of stepping out from megatrends as business as usual to inclusive business initiative as part of Indonesia Vision 2050.

On the meeting, the invited participants which are coming from business sector were given an insight about ecosystem, the Business Ecosystem Training (BET) – a training initiated by IBCSD – , the importance of water, and Green Growth with REDD+. The insight was given by several company members and working partners of IBCSD. Meanwhile for those who have no idea about what IBCSD is, were given an opportunity to get an explanation about IBCSD programs such as capacity building for business sector, the Indonesia Visions 2050, and green growth in economic planning.

Discussion of Indonesia Vision 2050 explores the scenario of Business as Usual versus Green Growth. The session also discussed the acceleration of green growth in Indonesia and its elements. The challenges and opportunity in achieving the 2050 vision were discussed on the funding, technology, regulation, and human resource point of view.

Sustainability forum 7 November 2012

IBCSD launches its vision 2050

Jakarta, November 7th 2012: The Indonesian Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) has launched its vision 2050 in Jakarta Indonesia. The announcement inaugurated by the President of IBCSD Shinta W Kamdani during the Sustainability Forum themed Business Solution for Sustainable Indonesia. The announcement attended by Coordinating Minister of Welfare of Republic of Indonesia Agung Laksono, Chairman Indonesia Climate Change Council Rakhmat Witoelar, Chairman Indonesia Chambers of Commerce (KADIN) Suryo Bambang Sulisto, President World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Peter Bakker and Chairman of IBCSD Kusnan Rahmin.

Shinta W Kamdani said that in alliance with KADIN, the IBCSD provides a professional platform for business leaders who are committed to supporting sustainable development in Indonesia. Combining advocacy and action, the IBCSD promotes business solutions to the challenges of the next decades, changing the paradigm of business through CEO leadership, responsibility and innovation.

Vision 2050 – A New Agenda for Business

Shinta W Kamdani continued that based on this, in 2010 WBCSD launched its Vision 2050 report, calling for a new agenda for business, laying out a pathway to a world in which nine billion people can live well and within the planet’s resources, by mid-century.

The need for an Indonesian Vision 2050

Kusnan Rahmin also explained that over the next 4 decades Indonesia will enter the top 10 global economies. Rapid rural development, intense competition for land and resources, infrastructural development, increasing urbanization, greater connectivity to global trade and financial markets – all present huge business opportunities. But increased prosperity and a sustainable quality of life cannot be guaranteed without far-sighted planning.