20 adidas Supply Chain Companies “Graduate” from KADIN Net Zero Hub (NZH) Corporate Assistance Program (CAP), Successfully Proving Commitment to Reach Net Zero Before 2050

Along with the company’s commitment, the government, in this case the Ministry of Industry through the Green Industry Center, also supports the net zero ambition. “Industry needs to immediately make decarbonization efforts due to climate-related risks and disasters that can disrupt the supply of raw materials, as well as due to demand from the market and regulations that encourage a more environmentally friendly industry,” said Andalia Gustari as Functional Industry Supervisor of the Green Industry Center of the Ministry of Industry.  

“Significant steps through the Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution increase Indonesia’s emission reduction target from 29% to 31.99%,” as stated by Dharsono Hartono, as Chairman of KADIN NZH in his remarks at the KADIN Net Zero Hub Corporate Assistance Program Graduation Batch 2 event which took place in Jakarta, on Monday, November 27, 2023. He continued, “Industrial decarbonization can be achieved with high commitment. The Kadin NZH Corporate Assistance Program was created to provide a forum for training and realization of decarbonization commitment.”

The event aimed to recognize companies in the adidas supply chain that successfully completed the Corporate Assistance Program (CAP) under the KADIN NZH. CAP is a 5-month intensive technical assistance program aimed at helping companies identify and quantify greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in scopes 1, 2, and 3, while committing to net zero. CAP facilitates training, 1:1 consultations with mentors, industry best practice sharing sessions, pre-assessment, and guidance on the use of tools that have been adapted to the Indonesian context.

“There are 20 companies in the adidas supply chain incubated through CAP batch 2, consisting of industries in the apparel, footwear, finished goods (bags and balls), and raw materials sectors,” said Clorinda Wibowo, Senior Manager of WRI Indonesia. “From these 20 companies, there is a potential carbon reduction of 3.5 million tons of CO2 in 2035 from Scope 1-3. This is a huge impact that we can be proud of our efforts,” she continued.

The launch of KADIN Net Zero Hub in November 2022 at B20 shows the real commitment of Kadin Indonesia in encouraging more private sector participation in decarbonization efforts. KADIN Indonesia collaborates with WRI Indonesia, CDP, IBCSD, and WWF Indonesia in the development of KADIN NZH as a platform to form strategic partnerships and accelerate the development of the net zero ecosystem in Indonesia.

Within the framework of the CAP program, companies receive support to integrate several international standards, such as the GHG Protocol and Science Based Target Initiatives (SBTi). The purpose of implementing these standards is to ensure that all the company’s climate actions are based on a solid scientific basis and in line with the 1.5 degree Celsius pathway, so as to reduce the potential for more severe negative impacts from the climate crisis.

“After committing to SBTi, companies have 24 months to validate the target. During this validation process, companies need to develop several criteria and ensure the target ambition is in line with the 1.5 degree Celsius decarbonization pathway, submit it to SBTi for formal validation, communicate the target to other stakeholders, and finally, disclose to SBTi,” said Ingo Hauter, Account Manager (Reporter Services & Supply Chains) at CDP. “Currently, the trend to disclose to SBTi is growing rapidly in Southeast Asia,” he added.

“The key to achieving net zero targets requires an appropriate strategy,” said Rizkia Sari Yudawinata, Sustainable Finance Program Lead, WWF Indonesia. “After reporting and disclosure, companies need to implement a net zero strategy, one of which can be accelerated by a climate transition financing plan. Rizkia also mentioned the need for companies to seek access to funding through sustainable financing, which has now been developed by various financial institutions.”  

The support from KADIN NZH and its program partners in assisting companies towards net zero is welcomed by companies that have joined and completed the CAP program.

“It started as a simple reason to join the NZH Chamber of Commerce, since our company does not produce a very significant amount of emissions, and our factory has a large roof that is suitable for installing solar panels. As time goes by, everyone is complaining about the earth getting hotter. As a company, we have to take action and this is our chance to commit to net zero,” said Rahardrian Prananditya, Corporate HSE & Sustainability Department Head of PT Apparel One Indonesia.

“This program can help improve efficiency. We have opportunities and potential improvements to make our production system more efficient. We can also find out where the biggest sources of emissions are, so that we can make the right strategies to reduce these emissions,” said Semuel Izaac L., SEA-Labor & HSE Manager of PT Tah Sung Hung.

Going forward, NZH Chamber of Commerce is committed to continue developing the CAP program to support more companies in reducing their carbon emissions. Currently, 81 companies have officially joined KADIN NZH by signing a memorandum of agreement.

It is hoped that more companies will join to support Indonesia’s net zero ambition. “Today’s markets and investors are increasingly interested in businesses that emphasize their commitment to climate change. This not only has a positive impact on the environment and society, but also ensures future business continuity. By joining NZH, companies can get direct support in designing and implementing strategies to achieve climate change targets, especially towards net zero,” said Indah Budiani, Executive Director of IBCSD.

Find out more about the event in this post-event summary!

Consumindful Initiative: Encouraging Consumers to Prevent Food Waste through Behavior Change

“The issue of food loss and waste is a serious concern for Indonesia and other countries, as stated by the National Food Agency in the UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment 2023 forum,” said Febrina Cholida, as Food Security Analyst who represented the Deputy II for Food Insecurity and Nutrition of the National Food Agency, Nyoto Suwignyo, in the keynote speech delivered at this event. “Therefore, we want to achieve Better Nutrition, Better Behavior, and Better Collaboration to jointly address this issue.”

The main idea of the Consumindful initiative is to increase consumer participation in preventing food waste. This movement is expected to amplify the message to a wider audience to be wiser in consuming and not wasting food. Spreading the message of the importance of reducing food waste is considered necessary, because Indonesia experiences economic losses of 4-5% of total GDP due to food loss and waste based on Bappenas data in 2021. The Consumindful initiative is in collaboration with WRAP, a non-profit environmental organization based in the UK that has experience working on projects related to changing consumer behavior. “The consumption phase needs to be considered because the most food waste is generated at this stage. As we all know that humans are complex creatures, their behavior is also complex. For this reason, we created an intervention that targets the 18-34 age group who are known to be social media savvy and concerned about environmental issues,” said Michael Jones, WRAP’s International Partnership Manager.

The Consumindful initiative was also made possible with the support of the Danish Embassy in Indonesia. “Inviting the younger generation to bring change to environmental issues is very important,” said Hanne Larsen, Minister Counsellor for Food and Agriculture at the Danish Embassy in Indonesia. She continued, “Denmark continues to support Indonesia to address the issue of food loss and waste because we share the same mission to achieve a circular economy. Consumindful is an exciting initiative as it leverages IBCSD’s extensive network with WRAP’s global experience”.

Consumindful is a follow-up initiative to the previous initiative called GRASP 2030 (Gotong Royong Atasi Susut dan Limbah Pangan 2030) which was launched on September 8, 2021. GRASP 2030 is a concrete effort to unite all actors across the food system chain in reducing food loss and waste in Indonesia. A total of 22 actors including companies, associations, and other organizations in the food sector have committed to participate in this movement. This event was also made possible with the support of Nutrifood Indonesia, which is part of GRASP 2030.

Yogyakarta is the location of the Consumindful campaign because it is known as a tourist and student area with many visitors from other regions, making food waste handling efforts in Yogyakarta very important. In addition, the Provincial Government of Yogyakarta Special Region (Pemprov DIY) also has a commitment to encourage efforts to handle food waste. 

Regional Secretary of Yogyakarta Special Region, Beny Suharsono said, “Appreciation for being an active partner of the government to manage food according to its portion. We have high hopes that this campaign will bring change, because big changes certainly start with small steps that are consistent and measurable. Our message is to utilize the results of this campaign as a stepping stone and create collaboration between parties in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.”

Consumindful implementation was carried out by conducting campaigns on social media as well as in schools, universities, hotels, restaurants and cafes in Yogyakarta Province. There are 3 main activities carried out. First, by involving elementary school children to play a board game with the theme “Ramadan Calendar Good Deeds”. This calendar contains positive activities during the month of Ramadan that children can do with their parents and other family members, including activities to prevent food waste at home. The involvement of children in these activities is expected to act as a medium to convey the message to parents and other family members that food waste behavior is not good. The calendar can also be a fun learning tool for children. As a result, 75% of calendar users said that there was less food waste at home and they were encouraged to prepare less food so that nothing was wasted.

The next activity was a social media campaign. This campaign involved an influencer who actively shares content related to eco-friendly lifestyle on her Instagram account, Astri Puji Lestari (@atiit). The campaign was also carried out through infographic content and educational quizzes inviting people to eat more wisely and prevent food waste. As a result, more and more people understand the negative environmental impact of food waste behavior. The last activity was through the installation of banners on campuses, hotels and restaurants with messages to eat more wisely and take sufficient portions so that there are no leftovers. From this activity, the campuses, hotels and restaurants involved reported that less food was wasted.

Solving the food waste problem from various perspectives and sectors is necessary to ensure that the food waste reduction target is achieved. On this occasion, various multi-stakeholder actors who play a role in the food system were involved as responders to the discussion on the results of the Consumindful campaign carried out over the past 6 months. A number of figures invited were Dr. Dwi Larasati, Lecturer at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Gadjah Mada University; RR. Fitri Diah W., Head of Creative Economy Development at the DIY Tourism Agency; R. Hery Sulistio Hermawan, Acting Head of DIY Agriculture and Food Security Agency; Dr. Bambang Pramusinto, Acting Head of Semarang City Food Security Agency; Erwan Sakti, IFBEC Yogyakarta representative; and Eva Bachtiar, CEO of Garda Pangan.

It is hoped that the new data and knowledge gained from this campaign can serve as input and inspire various parties in their efforts to reduce food waste. It is also hoped that more people and industries will care about the issue of food loss and waste and take concrete actions in their daily lives.

Shaping Circular Fashion in Asia-Pacific: The CTI Fashion Initiative

The fashion industry is facing a pressing need to shift away from its traditional “take-make-waste” model, which is not only wasteful but also detrimental to the environment. Embracing circular approaches could create a USD $560 billion economic opportunity while significantly reducing the industry’s climate and nature impact.

Furthermore, Irene Martinetti, WBCSD’s CTI-Fashion Lead, highlighted that going circular in fashion can potentially reduce 26% carbon emissions, reduce 40% land use, and recover 9% biodiversity by 2030. She also provided an overview of the CTI Fashion Initiative.

To accelerate this transition towards circularity, WBCSD has introduced a standardized methodology known as the Circular Transition Indicators (CTI) system. The CTI system provides a quantitative and flexible framework to establish industry-wide standards, aiding companies in decision-making and scaling circular practices. It brings together fashion stakeholders to develop harmonized standards, metrics, and best practices.

The event also included an interactive panel discussion featuring , Director of Asia Pacific Rayon (APR), an IBCSD Member, and Anik Sengupta, President Director of Indo Bharat Rayon, ABG, a WBCSD & CTI-Fashion member. The panel was facilitated by Trisha Mascarenhas, Business Engagement Manager APAC, WBCSD.

“Engaging with the Asia fashion community on the project is essential to understand the challenges and opportunities of transitioning to circularity in the fashion industry and textile value chain in Southeast Asia,” said Indah Budiani, Executive Director of IBCSD.

The event was an intimate gathering, providing guests from Asia-based fashion and textile companies the opportunity to connect and discuss the industry’s shift towards circularity. It follows the ASEAN Flexible Packaging Summit 2023 and the Indo Pacific Circular Plastics Summit, creating a platform for valuable discussions and networking.

“Conventional ways to produce textiles are not relevant anymore. Companies should be transparent and able to ensure the traceability of the products,” said Basrie Kamba. He added that it’s also important to get everyone involved and to get the market ready for the circular economy model.

Utilizing NCS Voluntary Carbon Credits in Corporate Net Zero Emissions Plans

Voluntary carbon credits are one way to fund NCS carbon projects to address the climate crisis. Companies wishing to mitigate emissions through voluntary carbon credits in NCS projects need to ensure that the projects invested in are of high quality, which are efficient to reduce emissions while benefiting the surrounding communities.

“There is a new way of doing business where we can be transparent, equitable, serve a purpose, and be profitable,” Dharsono Hartono, IBCSD Executive Committee & CEO PT Rimba Makmur Utama

NCS Alliance is a multi-stakeholder coalition (80+ organizations) initiated by WBCSD to voice the importance of high quality NCS projects. The NCS Alliance has an NCS Procurement Hub that can serve as a forum for businesses to exchange and obtain NCS-related information and help businesses achieve their climate crisis mitigation goals.

More information about the NCS Procurement Hub can be accessed via: https://ncsprocurementhub.org/

Update on Ministerial Regulation No. 75/2019 Regarding EPR and the Role of Plastic Credits as a Mechanism to Support the Waste Reduction Roadmap

Environmental Expert Associate at the Directorate of Waste Reduction of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Asep Setiawan, said, “We must work together to encourage the national and local governments, as well as all the penta-helix stakeholders to be involved in waste reduction”. He also highlighted that legal certainty regarding this is needed.

EPR has become mandatory, requiring all producers in the manufacturing, brand, retail, food and beverage service sectors to limit waste generation, take back the packaging, and recycle. This road map is set for 10 years. It’s important that business actors prepare themselves through planning documents, calculating the baseline, and implementing it. EPR is a circular economy tool, whereas producers can maintain the circularity of a product or material that will become waste to be reused, so as to maintain the use value of the goods and eventually can control environmental pollution.

One option for producers to achieve their waste reduction goals is through plastic credits. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry acknowledges it as one way to contribute to waste reduction strategy. Representative of PCX Markets, Faisal Yusuf, said that plastic credits can be counted as part of the 30% waste reduction target by producers. 

Plastic credits, similar to carbon credits, are a market-based mechanism designed to mitigate plastic pollution. Businesses can invest in or purchase credits equivalent to the amount of plastic waste they generate, with funds directed toward plastic waste reduction and recycling projects. These credits incentivize the reduction of plastic usage and the support of initiatives that combat plastic pollution, ultimately helping to balance the environmental impact of plastic production and consumption while fostering a more sustainable approach to plastic management.

Transforming Food Systems in Indonesia: TEEBAgriFood for Business Project Leads the Way

In close collaboration with the Capitals Coalition, UNEP TEEB, and the Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBSCD), TEEBAgriFood is making remarkable strides in reshaping the future of agriculture and food in Indonesia. This partnership is committed to accelerating the transition towards a nature-positive, climate-friendly, and equitable food value chain. A capacity building event was held on the 7th of September 2023 in Jakarta. This event promises to be a pivotal moment for all stakeholders involved, offering several key opportunities. 

The TEEBAgriFood for Business Project has been actively working since 2020 in seven countries, with a mission to mainstream best practices, build resilience, and contribute to a more sustainable agrifood sector. In Indonesia, the Capitals Coalition, IBCSD, and UNEP TEEB have played a vital role in organizing roundtable consultations, training sessions, and providing support to businesses. These activities have been instrumental in transforming practices and assessing the impacts and dependencies of businesses on nature and people. The capacity building was a concluding event of the project.

This event provided the attendees an opportunity to learn from and be inspired by the best business practices in the realm of Food System Transformation in Indonesia. These practices are aimed at creating a more sustainable and equitable food system. Moreover, it brought together a wide range of stakeholders, from business peers to public sector representatives, to collectively create a pathway for food system transformation. Collaboration and shared insights will be key to this endeavor. By uniting various stakeholders, TEEBAgriFood aims to drive a meaningful shift towards a more sustainable and equitable future.


Project: Jurisdictional Collective Action to pursue sustainable commodity production, emission reduction and reducing deforestation


The Tropical Forest Alliance Southeast Asia (TFA-SA) continues to convene multi-stakeholder dialogue and build shared action agenda for collective action through developing a collection of business cases and policy briefs and other publications required.

The objective of this consultancy is to support TFA-SA community to facilitate multi stakeholder dialogue through facilitating service, report writing, communication and design, webinar/logistic facilitation support and interpreter/translators

Thematic areas of interest: multi stakeholder, jurisdictional collaborative, green growth policy, financing and investment, smallholders and indigenous communities. 


The Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA) is a global multi stakeholder platform focused on reducing commodity driven deforestation. Hosted by the World Economic Forum, the TFA works with over 160 public, private and civil society actors to catalyze high-impact partnerships to address the inherent tensions that exist to grow production while protecting the forests – public and private, producer and market, global and local, people and the forest frontier.  The TFA operates regional platforms in Latin America, West and Central Africa, China and Southeast Asia. The work under this consultancy will be performed in collaboration with the Southeast Asia platform.  


The consultant will work closely with TFA Southeast Asia Team and its members and partners (Government of Indonesia, business sectors and civil societies) and will undertake the following tasks.

Facilitator and or Report writer

  • Consult with TFA SA in the process of developing the concept note and draft of proposal.  
  • Develop proposals that indicated an overview of the study includes: background, methodological framework, objectives, indicative timelines & deliverable and budget.
  • Participate in the meetings/dialogue that TFA convened with its stakeholders to identify topics/issues to be covered for business case/policy briefs
  • Review existing documents covering studies, reports, regulations, rules and other documents, related to respected theme: responsible business, indigenous communities, green investments, smallholders, policy and governance systems in Indonesia and Malaysia.
  • Write a report on the review of the implementation of two decades of fiscal decentralization in Indonesia, including providing concrete policy recommendations on improving fiscal decentralization and local government finance in Indonesia
  • Present the findings from the business cases/policy briefs to the stakeholders should that be requested by the TFA Southeast Asia team.

Interpreter and or Translator

  • Proven experience to support the TFA-SEA team for either in Interpretation and Translation.
  • Consult with TFA SA prior the commencement of the assignment
  • Conduct internal research to ensure accurate understanding to deliver the assignments (both interpreter and translator)
  • Interpret and or Write with the choice of diction best suit to the context and  represent the  to the request of user (TFA SA)
  • Ensure the delivery of the service at the timely manner.

Communication handling

  • Mastering webinar and or zoom handling – and all the detailed as requested by the user
  • Develop concept and requested communication products (posters, backdrop etc) in line to the themes/context of JCAF
  • Proven ability to work under tight deadline and minimum supervision



  • Identifying one thematic area of interest and provide TFA SA with : 1) Draft of Terms of Reference (ToR)— outlining: context/background, objective, methodology, scope of works, timeline and deliverables —- and 2) Draft proposal of work plan.
  • Draft of business case/policy briefs and other required documents
  • Final business cases/policy briefs and other required documents
  • All deliverables must be prepared in reporting format that must be agreed by TFA SA team.


  • Extensive working experience and knowledge in the issues  of responsible business, green investment, policy and governance, communication, indigenous community, smallholders and communication and youth engagement.
  • Strong background Public policy in Indonesia and have extensive experiences working with Government of Indonesia with Coordinating Ministry and Technical Ministry. (Facilitator and Report Writer)
  • Strong analytical, reporting and writing abilities (Report writers)
  • Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia both written and oral. (Interpreter and Translator). 
  • All positions required extensive experiences working (in the respected roles) with multi-stakeholder/consortium, private sectors, INGO and Government in cross-cutting areas of sustainable commodity productions, deforestation-free commodities, good governance, jurisdictions and or landscapes initiatives.
  • Master’s degree from nationally/internationally recognized university in Public Administration, Public Policy, Development Studies, Political Science, Economics, Governance or Social Science field. (Facilitator)
  • Prior work experience with Government of Indonesia in the national level, particularly with Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), National Development Planning Agency, Coordinating Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Agriculture. (Facilitator)
  • Work experience in development agency and research institution. (Interpreter – Translator and Communication)


The level of effort is total of 4  months (no travel required) with estimated 4 – 7 days in a month. 

Please kindly submit your application by  September 11, 2023 to the email below: 

[email protected]

SCG Breaks Ground on Innovative RDF Technology Project in Sukabumi, Bolstering Sustainability Efforts

The RDF technology at the core of this initiative is a remarkable innovation, transforming Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) into a valuable renewable energy source for use in the cement manufacturing process. Notably, this project targets the revitalization of the Cimenteng landfill, a site currently tasked with managing waste from 27 sub-districts, amounting to an overwhelming 220 tons per day, exceeding its designated capacity. The RDF technology will not only facilitate the sorting and preprocessing of waste but will also provide a transformative solution for managing the accumulated waste at the landfill. The hazardous waste and other materials will be separated, and the resulting RDF products will be utilized as an alternative fuel, effectively replacing coal in the production process of SCG Cement.

Standing in front of the RDF construction area, Regent of Sukabumi; President of SCG’s Green Circularity Business, Visut Chongcharoenkit; Country Director of SCG in Indonesia, Warit Jintanawan; President of PT Semen Jawa, Somchai Dumrongsil; President of UAC in Indonesia; Head of West Java Environment Office; Head of Sukabumi Environment Office; Vice Chairman of DPRD; and Secretary of Sukabumi Regency (23/8). 

This project is indicative of a shared vision between SCG and the Sukabumi District Government, jointly working towards reducing waste and harnessing the potential of renewable energy sources. The initiative is projected to effectively manage 330 tons of waste daily and produce an impressive 100 tons of RDF products, serving as an eco-friendly substitute for coal in SCG Cement production. With construction set to commence in 2023 and full operational capability anticipated by 2024, PT Semen Jawa’s pioneering commitment to environmental responsibility becomes manifest, aligning with the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) framework.

Marwan Hamami, the Regent of Sukabumi, expressed his appreciation for SCG’s involvement in advancing sustainable waste management solutions. RDF technology, he believes, will wield a positive influence on the environment and the community, contributing to the realization of waste reduction targets and establishing an advanced waste management system. Prima Mayaningtias, Head of the West Java Provincial Environment Agency, commended the collaboration and aspired that RDF technology will reduce waste volume at the Cimenteng landfill by an impressive 30-40%.

This transformative RDF technology initiative represents a significant step forward in SCG’s dedication to its ESG 4 Plus principles. These principles encompass achieving net-zero emissions, crafting eco-friendly products, reducing social inequalities, and fostering collaborations with stakeholders. As the world grapples with increasingly complex environmental challenges, SCG’s pioneering efforts in Sukabumi offer a tangible example of the remarkable impact that private and public sector collaboration can achieve. This endeavor is not just a local milestone; it is a profound contribution to global sustainability efforts, showcasing SCG’s commitment to shaping a more sustainable future for both society and the environment.

Chakkapong Yingwattanathaworn, the President Director of PT SCG Indonesia, emphasized that the development of RDF technology is a tangible manifestation of SCG’s ESG 4 Plus principles, focusing on the target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 and the realization of a green industry through every aspect of the company’s operations.

As the project commences in Sukabumi, it serves as a testament to the power of collaboration between public and private sectors in addressing complex challenges such as waste management and renewable energy adoption. SCG’s commitment to environmental stewardship, technological innovation, and a sustainable future stands as a beacon of hope in a world where such initiatives are increasingly vital for our planet’s wellbeing.

Somchai Dumrongsil, Presiden Direktur PT Semen Jawa: Pembangunan RDF merupakan kolaborasi SCG bersama Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Sukabumi. Teknologi RDF ditargetkan mampu mengelola 330 ton sampah/hari dan akan  menghasilkan 100 ton produk RDF sebagai bahan bakar pengganti batu bara dalam produksi Semen SCG.