GRASP 2030 Hadirkan Pendekatan Target-Ukur-Aksi untuk Tekan Susut dan Sisa Pangan di Indonesia

Workshop ini mencakup berbagai sesi diskusi dan latihan praktik, termasuk pengenalan konsep Target-Ukur-Aksi dan pemaparan bagaimana perusahaan dapat menerapkan pendekatan Target-Ukur-Aksi secara efektif. Peserta juga diarahkan langkah-langkah untuk mengumpulkan, mengisi Data Capture Sheet, serta menganalisis data yang dikumpulkan. Tidak hanya itu, peserta juga diajak berpartisipasi aktif untuk menyusun aksi dan strategi konkret dalam mengurangi SSP dalam operasi bisnis masing-masing, rantai pasok dan konsumen.

Para peserta yang hadir juga menyampaikan sejumlah tantangan yang dihadapi dalam mengukur SSP di perusahaan masing-masing. Namun, para peserta mengapresiasi adanya pendekatan ini sebagai solusi yang lebih terstruktur. Salah satu peserta yang hadir, Deni Hamdani, Chef Grand Hyatt Jakarta, mengatakan “Acara ini bagus dan membantu menjelaskan kepada kita terkait cara pengumpulan data makanan sisa. Di Grand Hyatt, kami telah melakukan pengukuran data sehingga bisa mengevaluasi dan menyusun aksi yang lebih baik untuk mengurangi jumlah makanan sisa,” ujar Deni. Menurut Deni, upaya penghitungan sisa makanan membantu untuk mengenali titik kritis dimana makanan berpotensi terbuang. Selain itu, ada keuntungan secara ekonomi yang didapatkan dari melakukan penghitungan. “Penghitungan makanan sisa ini juga membantu kita melakukan penghematan karena berhasil melakukan perencanaan yang lebih efisien dan menurunkan jumlah makanan terbuang,” lanjutnya.  

Dalam sambutan penutupnya, Nita Yulianis, SP, M.Si, Direktur Kewaspadaan Pangan dan Gizi, Badan Pangan Nasional, menyampaikan apresiasi atas inisiatif ini, serta terhadap upaya yang dilakukan oleh masing-masing sektor bisnis. “Pemerintah sangat mendukung upaya kolaboratif yang dilakukan sektor bisnis melalui GRASP 2030 untuk mencapai target pengurangan SSP secara nasional,” ujarnya. “Strategi data-driven decision menjadi ranah yang penting untuk dilakukan, tidak hanya sektor pemerintah, tetapi juga seluruh mitra kerja termasuk bisnis. Upaya yang dilakukan GRASP 2030 dapat disinkronkan dengan upaya pemerintah, khususnya terkait pelaporan pangan terselamatkan,” lanjut Nita.

Workshop ini menjadi langkah konkret dalam mewujudkan visi GRASP 2030 untuk mengurangi  angka susut dan sisa pangan di Indonesia. Dengan adanya pengukuran yang lebih sistematis dan aksi nyata dari sektor bisnis, diharapkan upaya ini dapat berkontribusi pada ketahanan pangan, pengurangan emisi, serta efisiensi rantai pasok pangan secara berkelanjutan.

GRASP 2030 merupakan platform kolaborasi melalui skema perjanjian sukarela (voluntary agreement) yang diinisiasi oleh IBCSD. Model perjanjian sukarela ini sudah diterapkan di berbagai negara dan terbukti berhasil menurunkan susut dan sisa pangan di negara masing-masing. Salah satu contohnya, di Inggris, perjanjian sukarela Courtauld 2025 telah berhasil mencegah 1,7 juta ton makanan terbuang antara tahun 2010 dan 2012, mengurangi emisi karbon sebesar 5 juta ton dan menghasilkan penghematan lebih dari £3 miliar (setara Rp 60 triliun). 

Platform ini melibatkan berbagai pemangku kepentingan, termasuk sektor bisnis, pemerintah, organisasi masyarakat sipil, bank pangan, dan akademisi dalam upaya bersama mengatasi SSP di Indonesia. Misi GRASP 2030 adalah mengurangi SSP di sepanjang rantai pasok pangan melalui pendekatan berbasis data dan aksi nyata, mendorong kolaborasi antar sektor untuk berbagi pengetahuan serta praktik terbaik, dan mendukung kebijakan serta regulasi untuk mempercepat transisi menuju sistem pangan yang lebih berkelanjutan.

Target-Measure-Act: A Proven Framework to Tackle Food Loss and Waste

Target: Setting Actionable Goals

The first pillar of the framework emphasizes the importance of establishing clear, measurable, and ambitious targets. Setting specific goals not only drives action but also cultivates accountability and focus. 

The framework encourage business to adopt targets that align with or exceed the SDG 12.3 objective of cutting food waste by 50% by 2030 across business operations. These targets should follow the SMART criteria – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound – ensuring they are both practical and impactful.

Measure: Data-Driven Insights and Analysis

Measurement is a necessary cornerstone of effective waste reduction strategies. Accurate and consistent data collection always enables business to understand the scale of their food loss and waste and identify key areas for intervention. Businesses are encouraged to conduct comprehensive assessments using standardized methodologies. 

By tracking progress over time, business can uncover patterns, address inefficiencies, and refine their strategies. Transparent reporting of food loss and waste data is also vital, fostering collective progress and accountability across the industry.

Act: Implementing Targeted Strategies for Positive Change

With targets set and insights gained, the next step is to act decisively. There are 3 action focuses recommended for GRASP 2030 signatories:

  • Reducing food loss and waste in operations in Indonesia.
  • Collaborate with supply chain partners to reduce food loss and waste.
  • Supporting communities to reduce food loss and waste.

To help business taking actions, GRASP 2030 provide practical toolkits and guidance, empowering businesses to take effective and sustainable actions.

Demonstrating Progress: Real-World Impact of the Framework

The Target-Measure-Act framework proves that a structured, goal-oriented approach can drive real industry progress. It fosters collaboration, sets measurable targets, and leverages data for impactful action. By implementing this method, businesses can tackle food loss waste, support SDG 12.3, and build a culture of accountability. Scaling this approach is key to a more sustainable food system.

How GRASP 2030 can help?
GRASP 2030 (Gotong Royong Atasi Susut & Sisa Pangan di Tahun 2030) is a voluntary agreement, initiated by the Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD), to unite businesses and key stakeholders across Indonesia’s food system. Its primary mission is to cut food loss and waste (FLW) in half by 2030, aligning with SDG 12.3.

Since its launch in September 2021, GRASP 2030 has gathered over 20 members from diverse sectors—food and beverage, hospitality, startups, think tanks, food donation organizations, and retail—fostering collaboration across the food system.

GRASP 2030 encourage businesses to use the Target-Measure-Act framework, enabling businesses to take strategic and measurable actions. By providing practical toolkits, data-driven insights, and a collaborative platform, GRASP 2030 empowers businesses to identify inefficiencies, implement solutions, and track progress. Through collective action, it not only reduces FLW but also enhances environmental sustainability, social well-being, and economic resilience across Indonesia.

Get in touch to find out more about GRASP 2030

Why Does Tackling Food Loss and Waste Matter Now More Than Ever?

How Does GRASP 2030 Take Action?

GRASP 2030 (Gotong Royong Atasi Susut & Sisa Pangan di Tahun 2030) is a voluntary agreement initiated by the Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) to unite businesses and other stakeholders in reducing food loss and waste by 50 percent by 2030, in line with SDG 12.3.

Since its launch in September 2021, GRASP 2030 has gathered over 20 members from various sectors—including the food and beverage industry, hospitality, startups, think tanks, food banks, and retail—to foster collaboration across the food system.

As a collaborative platform, GRASP 2030 encourages businesses and other actors in the food supply chain to:

  • Raise awareness and educate stakeholders on the importance of reducing food loss and waste.
  • Help businesses identify practical solutions to minimize food loss.
  • Promote policies and innovations in sustainable food management.
  • Facilitate food redistribution to those in need instead of letting it go to waste.

GRASP 2030 invites companies, communities, and individuals to be part of a more efficient and sustainable food system.

Contact us to learn more about how you can contribute to GRASP 2030.

Creating a Valued and Impactful Global Food Pact Network

Through dynamic discussions, the Global Food Pact Network agreed on three key areas for future collaboration:
1. Increasing the profile of food waste reduction initiatives globally and within individual in-country pacts.
2. Collaborating to accelerate change and improve efficiency in delivering impact across all food pacts.
3. Demonstrating impact across the network to strengthen funding opportunities for continued collaboration.

The in-person Global Food Pact Network event in Mexico created concrete opportunities for impactful collaboration in tackling food loss and waste. Participants emphasized starting with simple activities, such as sharing case studies, best practices, and relevant templates, to strengthen the profile of each national pact through online platforms or direct engagement based on individual needs and opportunities.

Additional collaborative opportunities include enhancing strategic functions such as data collection and measurement, sector collaboration, and unified knowledge sharing across the network. Standardized and consistent data collection and reporting are expected to be key priorities. Sector collaboration, particularly in hospitality, offers opportunities to leverage relationships and build connections with global organizations that share markets.

Finally, the network aims to present a unified voice and utilize shared resources and tools to accelerate change and enhance efficiency in delivering impact.

Vacancy : Data Manager for Food Loss and Waste Recruitment

Key Responsibilities:

1. Data Collection & Management:
o Design, implement, and manage data collection processes related to food loss and waste in different stages of the supply chain.
o Ensure quality control and consistency in data collected from various sources, including but not limited to, supply chain partners, manufacturers, retailers, and consumers using international standards such as the FLW Standard or other reporting frameworks.
o Oversee data entry, cleaning, and validation processes to ensure high-quality, reliable datasets.
o Database Management; Maintain and secure databases to store large volumes of data.

2. Data Analysis:
o Analyze food loss and waste data to identify patterns, trends, and potential areas for improvement using statistical or machine learning methods.
o Collaborate with relevant stakeholders to design effective metrics for monitoring and reducing food loss and waste.
o Use statistical methods and data analysis tools to assess the impact of various food loss reduction strategies.
o Develop key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress in reducing FLW.
o Use predictive analytics to anticipate potential food loss and waste scenarios.

3. Reporting & Visualization:
o Develop reports, dashboards, and other data visualizations to communicate findings and insights to internal and external stakeholders including government agencies, NGOs, and private organizations.
o Regularly update reports on food loss and waste statistics, and provide recommendations for strategic actions.
o Contribute to the preparation of reports for donors, partners, and regulatory bodies as required.

4. System Design & Maintenance:
o Manage the development and maintenance of a comprehensive database and/or data management platform for food loss and waste information.
o Work closely with IT and software developers to ensure that data management systems are optimized for ease of use and integration with other organizational systems.
o Ensure that the data management platform is secure, scalable, and accessible to relevant stakeholders.

5. Collaboration and Coordination:
o Collaborate with external partners, stakeholders, and experts in food loss and waste to share data, best practices, and innovative solutions.
o Participate in working groups, networks, or communities of practice related to food waste and loss.
o Support other teams (such as communications) by providing accurate and timely data to support their activities.
o Provide data-driven insights to support policy development for reducing food loss and waste.

6. Technology Integration:
o Software Management; Implement and manage FLW tracking software solutions.
o Data Innovation; Explore emerging technologies to enhance data accuracy and usability.

7. Compliance and Ethical Standards:
o Ensure Compliance; Adhere to local and international data protection laws and sustainability guidelines.
o Ethical Use of Data; Ensure ethical practices in data handling referring to data security protocol.
o Comply with data protection regulations, including Indonesia’s Personal Data Protection Act (Law No. 27/2022).

Qualifications and Experience:
Education: A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in data science, statistics, environmental sciences and sustainability.
o Minimum of 5 years of experience in data management, with at least 2 years of experience in a related field such as food systems, sustainability, or environmental data management.
o Proven experience with data analysis tools such as Excel, SQL, R, or Python, and visualization tools such as Power BI, Tableau, or similar platforms.
o Familiarity with food loss and waste issues, especially in developing countries or agricultural supply chains, is an advantage.
o Experience with database management and system integration.

o Proficiency in data analytics tools (e.g., Python, R, SQL, Power BI, Tableau).
o Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
o Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to present complex data in a clear and accessible format.
o Ability to work collaboratively in cross-functional teams.
o Understanding of the food supply chain and sustainability practices.
o Knowledge of data privacy and ethical considerations related to the use of data.
o Ability to communicate complex data insights to non-technical stakeholders.
o Strong analytical thinking to address FLW challenges effectively.

Expected Deliverables:
1. Data management system set up and operational.
2. Periodic reports on food loss and waste data, including recommendations for actions.
3. Dashboards and visualizations for easy tracking and reporting.
4. Effective coordination with stakeholders on data-related initiatives.

1. Technical Expertise: Strong background in data analysis and management.
2. Collaboration: Ability to work well with internal and external stakeholders.
3. Attention to Detail: Ability to manage large datasets with accuracy.
4. Communication: Clear and effective communication of technical data to non-technical stakeholders.
5. Problem-Solving: Creative and strategic thinking to find solutions to challenges in data management.

Contract Type: Consultant for 6 months with possible extension.
Application Process: Interested candidates should submit their applications, including a CV and a cover letter outlining their qualifications and experience relevant to the role, by 17 February 2025 to [email protected]

Consultant Services for Gap Analysis Study on LCD Policy

B. Purpose and Objectives
The consultant is expected to do the following tasks:
1. Identify gaps between existing policies and low carbon development goals, using IBCSD outputs on the programme (mapping on the private sector potential engagement in low carbon development, study on investment, guideline development on overcoming inequality in business and other series of activities).
2. Extend data collection (desk research, interviews) and analysis on the current initiatives, regulation, gaps and potential opportunities on low carbon development.
3. Assist IBCSD in designing the relevant FGDs by developing the agenda, ensuring alignment with the objectives of the gap analysis study.
4. Provide a gap analysis study to evaluate the effectiveness of low carbon initiatives focusing on private involvement and identify areas for recommendations to support low carbon development towards green and equitable growth in Indonesia.

C. Scope of Works
The primary objective of this consultancy is to provide report on the gap analysis study and provide actionable recommendations that:
? strengthen the business association’s role in supporting government LCD goals.
? improve IBCSD program design and implementation to address identified gaps to enhance private sector engagement and capacity to adopt low-carbon practices.
? align initiatives with evolving regulatory and market trends, ensuring long-term sustainability and also foster greater transparency and accountability through robust monitoring and reporting mechanisms.

The consultant shall be able to propose any methodology deemed appropriate to deliver the best outcome from the outlined activities:

1) Preliminary Drafting
The consultant will be responsible to develop a first draft of research (in Bahasa) based on desk review conducted towards various materials, which at least include:
? Desk research and analysis on IBCSD’s existing report and activities and other output materials from consortiums.
? Review and gather information on existing low-carbon initiatives, including policies, programs, and private sector engagement compared to IBCSD report.
? Using the reference of IBCSD National Dialogue that was scheduled at the end of February 2025 and intensive communications with the IBCSD Team.

2) 1st Draft Report Outline
Following the finalization of the preliminary draft, the consultant shall be presenting the 1st Draft of Report Outline to IBCSD to gain input and area of improvement.

3) FGDs Facilitation
To ensure stakeholder engagement and further in-depth exploration of issues, challenges, and stakeholder perspectives related to LCD policies

4) Final Report
The consultant is expected to provide a comprehensive report on Gap Analysis Study on LCD Policy, including preparing presentation material by synthesizing the findings from the desk review and conducting an analysis (in Bahasa & English). This report should include review and analysis of relevant policy framework, the target related sector, key stakeholders and provide actionable recommendations, and most importantly summarize the importance of addressing gaps in private sector engagement for achieving Indonesia’s LCD goals and outline the next steps for implementing the study’s recommendations.

D. Tasks, Deliverables, and Level of Effort (LOE)

The tasks, outcome and products, as well as expected schedule to be delivered by the consultant are as follow:
No Tasks Deliverables LOE

1. Desk review and first draft report Preliminary draft report 3 working days
2. Research analysis, Involve on National Dialogue and Discussions with IBCSD 1st Draft Report Outline & Minutes of Meeting 5 working days
3. FGDs design & development FGDs Minutes of Meeting 5 working days

4. Finalization of Final Report Final Report 5 working days

It is expected that the consultant is able to deliver their best results in 1 month since the signing of the contract. The consultant is expected to submit their own timeline of program plan in accordance with the outlined activities under this term of reference.

E. Proposal Submission

Following are the documents to be submitted by consultant as proposal submission:
1) Administrative
Consultant is expected to submit their legal document (e.g. Decree of Establishment/SK Menkumham atas Pengesahan Akta, Taxpayer Identification/NPWP), corporate profile, and curriculum vitae of consultant, including extensive list of relevant working experiences.
2) Technical
Consultant is expected to submit a technical proposal, which outlines their take on this term of reference as well as their proposed approach and methodology to answer the requirement of this term of reference and to fulfill the expected deliverables at optimal quality.
3) Commercial
Consultant is expected to submit a commercial proposal (budget), which already covers overall personnel and non-personnel cost at most competitive offers.

Procurement Process Timeline
Details Timeline Remark
Procurement Notice
(IBCSD Website & Invitation) 10th – 14th February 2025 The proposal submission document shall be submitted at the latest of: Friday, 14th Feb 25
Process Selection 17th – 21th February 2025 1 week
Kick off meeting with Consultant 24th – 25th February 2025 2 days

F. Point of Contact
For any clarifications needed by consultant, kindly contact the following:
Name : IBCSD Secretariat
E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected]

Consultant Vacancy for Assisting IBCSD’s Output to Unlock The Potential For Circular Economy and Cleaner Production For Industrial LCD Actions

B. Qualifications

1. Master’s degree or equivalent with relevant academic background on environmental engineering, industrial ecology, or sustainable development.
2. A minimum of 10 years of professional experience in a relevant working experience on Circular Economy or Cleaner Production
3. Experience with building coalitions or partnerships with key leaders, influential business leaders, leading communities, and development partners on the related issues.
4. Has a holistic, deep understanding of the circular economy on national context and links to the broader climate change agenda
5. Ability to provide a report and analysis report include presentation materials that identify challenges, gap analysis and provide recommendation to optimize project outcome

C. Role and Responsibility (Scope of Work)

1. Based on consultation with IBCSD and key stakeholders, the consultant will develop TOR of 2 activities on forum discussion and capacity building to unlock the potential for circular economy and cleaner production for industrial LCD actions.
2. Provide a knowledge expertise to articulate the key messages from the speakers, panellists, and invited guests.
3. Maintain intensive engagement with key speakers, panellists, and moderators, consisting of key leaders, influential business leaders, leading communities, and development partners to ensure key strategic stakeholders are represented.
4. Provide the report and analysis including the presentation material that evaluates the impact of circular economy and cleaner production interventions, identify challenges, gap analysis and provide recommendations to optimize project outcome.

D. Period of Assignment : February – March 2025 (1 month)
Please send your Application that includes your CV and Cover Letter that include your planning to deliver your responsibility to IBCSD Secretariat [email protected]
We are expecting the application before February 14th, 2025.


Request for Proposal: Report Writer

The objective of the Regional Technical Dialogues is to:
1. Enable shared understanding of EUDR compliance requirements and deep dives into the challenges in applying the legality and traceability aspects for operators, traders, and smallholders focusing on palm oil, rubber, and cacao in Indonesia and Malaysia.
2. Demonstrate inclusive supply chains across that of three commodities sectors are transitioning toward EUDR through regional technical dialogues.

The IBCSD – TFA secretariat opens recruitment for Technical Consultant, with the following scope of work (job description):
Interim Annual Report Writing
1. Develop a report based on the sectors and activities implemented in the period of March 2024 – February 2025 in Indonesia and Malaysia.
2. Ensure that the report’s valid references stem from the released activity reports, resources, persons, and publications.
3. Integrate inputs from partners members to ensure valid and correctness of the sources and information before the submission.
4. Ensuring final reviews and verify any information based on the discussions and or other resources of information
5. Final report submission

1. Post Graduate degree with relevant field experiences in forest, commodities, social, and public policy
2. Proven track record in engaging with forest, commodities, and jurisdictional approaches related context.
3. Demonstrating capacity in evidence-based writing skills with critical and analytical thinking
4. Demonstrating experiences and knowledge in publications (writings) related to jurisdictions, supply chains, global markets, and sectoral commodities
5. Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

Please submit your CV and one pager experiences relevant to the required position to Dame Manalu at [email protected] at the latest by 14th February 2025.

Consultant Services for Developing Guideline on Business Actions to Tackle Inequality

B. Purpose and Objectives
The purpose of this activity is to develop guideline using global business framework and best practices on business actions to tackle inequality to support low carbon development initiatives towards green and equitable growth in Indonesia.

The consultant is expected to do the following tasks:
1. Desk research and assessment on existing global framework and best practices on business actions to tackle inequality.
2. Collect data (desk research, interviews) and analysis on the current initiatives, regulation, gaps and potential opportunities on business actions to tackle inequality in the context of Indonesia that can support low carbon development initiatives.
3. Based on the results of the task 1 and 2, develop draft guideline on business actions to tackle inequality that can support low carbon and equitable growth in Indonesia
4. Discuss the draft guideline with relevant stakeholders and finalise the guideline based on the available feedback.

C. Scope of Works
The primary objective of this consultancy is to provide services to produce guideline using global business framework and best practices on business actions to tackle inequality to support low carbon development initiatives towards green and equitable growth in Indonesia.
, with a focus on:
Learn and analyse global business framework and business cases on business actions to tackle inequality as crucial investments for sustained business success and equitable growth
Reviewing existing policy, regulatory and other public sector support mechanisms intended to support the issue of Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) practices that impact on equality in the workplace and business sector.
Identify the ethical and cultural norms impacting equality in the workplace, in order to understand diverse cultural norms, practices and challenges that can impact on business actions in tackling inequality
Review current practices among the private sector on actions to tackle inequality through different initiatives that relate to low carbon development (considering local community needs, sustainable livelihoods, equitable practices in the workforce, etc.)
Provide the gap analysis that evaluating the barriers and risks faced by the private sector in addressing inequality while supporting low-carbon development initiatives in Indonesia
Develop guideline that can help companies to take actions in tackling inequality as important investments for both the sustainable business success and prosperity for all (equitable green growth)
Discuss draft guideline with relevant stakeholders and finalise it.

The consultant shall be able to propose any methodology deemed appropriate to deliver the best outcome from the outlined activities:
1) Preliminary Drafting
The consultant will be responsible to develop a first draft of research (in Bahasa) based on desk review conducted towards various materials, which at least include:
Desk research and analysis on existing global framework and best practices on business actions to tackle inequality.
Review of the national and sub-national regulatory framework and incentives for private sector involvement on LCDI. Legal Context – Identify Indonesia’s regulatory environment related to gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI)
practices within the company or any regulations impacting equality in the workplace.
Identification of the ethical and cultural norms impacting equality in the workplace, in order to understand diverse cultural norms and practices while promoting principles of equality.
Identification of current related practices by comparing the organization’s practices with industry standards and best practices, the case studies of successful equality initiatives in Indonesia will be beneficial.
Provide the gap analysis that evaluates the barriers and risks faced by the private sector in addressing inequality while supporting low-carbon development initiatives. By addressing these barriers and risks comprehensively, it can provide valuable insights to help the private sector align its equality and low-carbon development goals effectively and sustainably.
Consider available academic articles, research papers, books, existing reports and other references in Indonesia, issued by other institutions that discuss the role of the private sector in the issues, related case studies, innovative practices, and theoretical frameworks.

2) Stakeholder Input
Following the finalization of preliminary draft, consultant shall be responsible to conduct interview or discussion and Focus Group Discussion with relevant governmental stakeholder and non government-related institution to incorporate feedback and ensure the work alignment, which may include:
Ministry of National Development Planning / BAPPENAS
Related National Ministries
Companies Representative
Civil Society Organizations or Groups that directly affected by business equity actions.
The consultant may propose other related stakeholders to maximize the support in developing works.

3) Final Report
The consultant is expected to synthesize the findings from the desk review and develop a comprehensive report (in Bahasa). This report should include an overview of regulatory & cultural context, identification of key players, existing business practices, gap analysis and the proposed guideline for implementing equality actions that can support the social resilience to support the low carbon initiatives. The proposed guideline should cover; foundational principles align with Indonesian regulations, focus area of business action, business case for tackling inequality, measurement & evaluation and other important details needed.

D. Tasks, Deliverables, and Level of Effort (LOE)
The tasks, outcome and products, as well as expected schedule to be delivered by the consultant are as follow:
No Tasks Deliverables LOE
1. Desk review and first draft report Preliminary draft report 7 working days
2. Stakeholders’ interview and dialogue/ discussions Minutes of Meeting 10 days
3. Finalization of Document of Guideline Final Report 7 days

It is expected that the consultant is able to deliver their best results in 1 month since the signing of the contract. The consultant is expected to submit their own timeline of program plan in accordance with the outlined activities under this term of reference.

E. Division of Responsibility
Following is the division of responsibility or battery limit for the activities to be executed under this term of reference.
No Tasks IBCSD Consultant
1. First Draft Mapping Providing access to any relevant references needed Conducting overall activities until report preparation
2. Stakeholders’ Interview, Dialogue/ Discussions Provide link for online meeting (if necessary) Identify respondents, follow up respondents, preparing materials, reports, and analysis
3. Finalization of Report Final review Conducting overall activities until report preparation

F. Proposal Submission
Following are the documents to be submitted by consultant as proposal submission:
1) Administrative
Consultant is expected to submit their legal document (e.g. Decree of Establishment/SK Menkumham atas Pengesahan Akta, Taxpayer Identification/NPWP), corporate profile, and curriculum vitae of consultant, including extensive list of relevant working experiences.
2) Technical
Consultant is expected to submit a technical proposal, which outlines their take on this term of reference as well as their proposed approach and methodology to answer the requirement of this term of reference and to fulfill the expected deliverables at optimal quality.
3) Commercial
Consultant is expected to submit a commercial proposal (budget), which already covers overall personnel and non-personnel cost at most competitive offers.

Procurement Process Timeline
Details Timeline Remark
Procurement Notice
(IBCSD Website & Invitation) 21st – 26th January 2025 The proposal submission document shall be submitted at the latest of: Sunday, January 26th, 2025
Process Selection 27th – 31st January February 2025 1 week
Kick off meeting with Consultant 3rd – 10th February 2025 1 week

G. Point of Contact
For any clarifications needed by consultant, kindly contact the following:
Name : IBCSD Secretariat
E-mail : [email protected] / CC :  [email protected]