GRASP 2030 Regular Meeting: Encouraging More Stakeholders to Join Together to Tackle Food Loss and Waste

Opened by GRASP2030 Chairperson, Angelique Dewi from Nutrifood, the event commenced with a poignant reminder of the global imperative outlined in goal 12.3 SDGs: reducing food loss and waste from post-harvest to consumption. With a mission to serve as a catalyst for change, this platform stands as a beacon for sharing best practices aimed at curbing food loss and waste. Moreover, in line with the ethos of GRASP2030, the gathering aimed to raise awareness among participating companies, fostering a collective understanding of the profound environmental, social, and economic impacts associated with food loss and waste.

In this meeting, GRASP2030 welcomed 2 new association signatories, PT. BIKI and Scholar of Sustenance (SOS) Indonesia. PT. BIKI is a company that produces innovations to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables thereby reducing potential food loss and waste. In addition, BIKI also goes directly to farmers to provide education about post-harvest. Meanwhile, SOS Indonesia is an NGO that focuses on food rescue efforts, using refrigerated trucks to help maintain the quality of the rescued food until it is received by the beneficiaries. 

GRASP2030 wants to create a sector-specific directory to further identify what can be done per sector to address food loss and waste. GRASP2030 also wants to help MSMEs and the hospitality sector to increase awareness regarding food loss and waste. It is unfortunate when there is still a lot of food waste produced, while on the other hand there are still many Indonesians suffering from malnutrition. Therefore, it is necessary to find a solution so that food that has the potential to become food loss and waste can be distributed for the improvement of community nutrition.

Through several working groups divided into several sectors, namely FMCGs, retail, hospitality, and food banks, it is hoped that in the future the discussions carried out by the GRASP2030 signatories will be more focused to be part of the solution to overcome food loss and waste in Indonesia.

Public Private Dialogue to Assess Implementation of Integrated Energy Transition Strategy for Driving Industrial Decarbonization

The event was opened by Dharsono Hartono, the Executive Committee of IBCSD & Head of Permanent Committee on Climate Change Kadin Indonesia. “Data from the Ministry of Industry shows that in 2022, emissions from Indonesia’s industrial sector are also dominated by emissions from energy supply. It is only natural, if we as industry players and institutions that are involved in the energy supply sector are able to transition so that our energy supply is far more environmentally friendly”, said Dharsono.

The event featured esteemed and holistic speakers and panelists which represent the stakeholders loop between public and private sectors. The keynote speaker of this event was represented by the Director of Energy Conservation, Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Gigih Udi Atmo. 

In his keynote speech, Gigih highlighted Indonesia’s current target and achievement on decarbonization through energy transition. Indonesia’s main goals in decarbonization in the energy sector is to achieve net zero emission from energy in 2060, with the closest target in 2030 following the issuance of Indonesia’s Enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions (E-NDC). Based on E-NDC, in 2030 the emission reduction from the energy sector is targeted at  358 million ton CO2eq by our own effort and until 2023, this target has been reached up to 35.6% or at 127.67 million ton CO2eq. The current progress is achieved through several means of energy transition approach including the development of new and renewable energy as well as applying energy conservation in various sectors. Aside from current targets and achievements, Gigih also underlines the challenges faced in energy transition, especially in the development of new and renewable energy. Several challenges that were addressed during the event include the availability of technology innovation and its mastery, economical feasibility, readiness of supporting industry, supply and demand issue, as well as readiness for project implementation especially in administrative areas including permit process and land preparation.

The theme setting in Gigih’s speech was further explored through the panel sessions, which featured several key champions in energy transition in Indonesia. They were including Head of Joint Office from Indonesia Energy Transition Taskforce (Rumah PATEN), Edo Mahendra, Head of Energy Transition Taskforce of Indonesia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin Indonesia), Anthony Utomo, Executive Director of Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Fabby Tumiwa, and Head of Sustainability of Coca Cola Euro-Pacific Partners Indonesia (CCEPI), Natasha Gabriella.

The inauguration of Indonesia Energy Transition Taskforce (Satgas TEN) earlier this year marked the eagerness of Indonesia in achieving energy transition. In his presentation, Mr. Edo Mahendra shares insight regarding this initiative. Their main function as a collaborative institution consisting of various key champions from several ministries is to accelerate the development of energy transition in Indonesia, this shall include debottlenecking of various challenges faced in energy transition and facilitating business and public initiatives in enhancing energy transition in Indonesia. Two of main products that will be seen in the near future from this initiative are the development of IET (Indonesia Energy Transition) Channel and Energy Transition Hub. Both platforms were expected to have a pivotal function in accelerating Indonesia’s energy transition programs and collaborations between sectors and stakeholders. 

In line with the above national initiative, Kadin Indonesia, as the biggest business association in Indonesia, has also established its own Energy Transition Task Force. To support the national strategy, Anthony Utomo said that Kadin Energy Transition Task Force has three main pillars on transition for Indonesia’s low carbon green industrial ecosystem development, comprising Green Industrial Development Initiative (GIDI), Renewable Energy Manufacturing (REM), and Distributed Energy. Their capital goal is to achieve USD 10.3 million of green industries market valuation by 2050. 

The importance of energy transition and industrial decarbonization is also underlined by Fabby Tumiwa, as representative from one of non-governmental institutions being upfront in various decarbonization and energy transition initiatives. Despite the many challenges explored by his institution, Fabby emphasized that the industrial decarbonization and energy transition will also generate several benefits for the nations, including around 9-30% cost saving opportunities from energy, creation of new target market and increased product competitiveness, potential carbon tax savings with minimum of IDR 30,000/ton CO2eq, creation of up tp 3 millions green job opportunities, improved environmental quality and biodiversity, and reduced need for health subsidies.

Agreeing to the importance of energy transition to achieve national targets as well as obtain potential benefits arising from it, Coca Cola Euro-Pacific Partners Indonesia (CCEPI) as one of prominent industry players has taken a step further in achieving industrial net zero in energy. Natasha said that CCEPI has a very optimistic target to achieve 100% renewable energy across all markets by 2030 as well as achieving net zero emissions (Scope 1,2,3) by 2040. As a realization of this target, CCEPI has invested around IDR 94 billion to develop the largest single-building rooftop solar in Southeast Asia with clean solar energy generation up to 9.6 GWh powering their manufacturing plant and reducing emission up to 8000 tons CO2eq annually. 

It was clear that beyond the very optimistic targets and various barriers that need a collaborative debottlenecking process, Indonesia is in the right direction to advance its energy transition strategy, achieving net zero emissions from the energy sector in 2060. 

As an association that promotes sustainable development, IBCSD is strongly committed to supporting that spirit and expand further through our Integrated Energy Transition Strategy program.  

TEEB for Agriculture and Food: Operational Guidelines for Business Activities

Embark on a journey towards sustainability with this comprehensive guide, crafted to support businesses in navigating the complexities of the TEEBAgriFood Evaluation Framework. With practical examples, insightful case studies, and a structured approach, this guide serves as a vital tool for businesses committed to shaping a more sustainable and equitable future for generations to come.


Great Indonesia, GGF’s Contribution to Reducing Stunting Prevalence in Central Lampung Regency

This program has been running for 4 years (2019-2023), and has made a significant contribution to the handling of stunting in Lampung Province. The stunting prevention program initiated by Great Giant Foods (GGF) as an elaboration of the company’s vision “Nourishing People’s Lives with Quality Food Produce in Sustainable and Innovative Way” has been carried out since 2019 together with related parties / stakeholders including the Central Lampung Regency government, community cadres and also non-Government Organization parties. The program started from 2019 to 2023 and has been implemented in 12 villages in Central Lampung Regency and a total of 4,400 beneficiaries. 

This program is carried out with 3 sub-program approaches including diet, parenting and sanitation as well as the implementation of the Rumah Pangan Lestari (RPL) area and socialization. During the program, the company has handed over approximately 8 tons of bananas and around 8000 liters of fresh milk to the beneficiaries. In addition, various efforts are given by the company in contributing to carrying out strategies to reduce stunting by conducting training or training of trainees (ToT) to cadres consisting of health cadres, school cadres and village cadres who are expected to become an extension of program implementation and spread knowledge related to stunting prevention in the community. The monitoring and evaluation process is also carried out every month by observing the continuity of activities and also the percentage of progress from the expected results.

Based on the program, the resulting impacts include being able to increase the height and weight of children with an average increase of 0.7 kg and 3 cm meters. This is an effort to help Central Lampung Regency in order to reduce the prevalence of stunting which in 2013 according to Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) data the prevalence of stunting at 52.68% until 2022 the prevalence of stunting in this district according to data from the Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI) is only 8.7%. This is an achievement to be proud of considering that stunting is the main problem of child malnutrition in Indonesia and overcoming this problem is included in the national government’s strategic plan. 

Appreciation for the implementation of this activity through the Lampung Province Women and Children’s Rights Observer Institute (LPHPA) gave appreciation to Great Giant Foods (GGF) as a company that fulfills 12 responsive indicators in supporting the government, especially in Central Lampung Regency as a Child Friendly District. Through the collaboration program carried out by GGF and the Central Lampung Regency Government in participating in reducing stunting rates, it is hoped that it will improve the welfare of the community, especially mothers and children.

IBCSD Hosts Offline Knowledge Sharing Session with WBCSD APAC Executive Director Joe Phelan

  • Delivering transformation in a volatile and fragmented world
  • Navigating politics everywhere all at once
  • Reaching a tipping point on accountability
  • Supply chains under more scrutiny than ever before
  • Time for innovation
  • Sustainable by nature
  • Answering tough questions on social justice
  • The urgent need for adaptation and resilience
  • Closing the sustainability skills gap
  • AI: savior or supervillain for sustainable development?

Furthermore, the session emphasized the imperative of living well within planetary boundaries, with a focus on stabilizing global warming at no more than +1.5°C and ensuring the protection, restoration, and sustainable use of natural systems. Key insights highlighted the necessity of the Net Zero pathway, calling for two essential transformations: 1) Innovation and Collaboration Transformation: Bringing companies together along value chains to drive new solutions to scale. 2) Economic Transformation: Changing decision-making processes, managing performance, and holding businesses accountable for decarbonization progress.

The building blocks of transformation were also explored, encompassing value chains transformation, mindset change, and accountability.

Indah Budiani expressed her gratitude to Joe Phelan and all attendees for their active participation and commitment to driving sustainability forward. She emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts in achieving meaningful progress towards a sustainable future.

Empowering Youth in Agriculture: Bayer’s Commitment to Zero Hunger

The Better Life Farming program epitomizes Bayer’s commitment to supporting smallholder farmers and enhancing farmer welfare and national food security. The program, a testament to Bayer’s sustainable initiatives in collaboration with partners, aims to reach 4 million farmers, with 20% being women farmers, across 17 provinces from 2020 to 2030. The program strives to foster advanced, self-sufficient, and modern agriculture practices.

Under Better Life Farming, farmer groups and individual farmers receive on-farm training, entrepreneurial guidance, and facilitated access to financing, agricultural insurance, and market access. Through Better Life Farming Centers (BLFCs), Bayer and its partners provide technological access, education, and mentoring to enable farmers to professionally and commercially manage their agricultural businesses. BLFCs adopt a holistic approach to farmer welfare, measuring not only financial well-being but also gender equality and health.

Furthermore, Better Life Farming prioritizes the empowerment of women farmers by providing specialized training and education on reproductive health and access to modern contraceptives. By addressing the unique needs of women farmers and wives of farmers, Better Life Farming aims to create an inclusive and sustainable agricultural ecosystem.

Bayer’s initiative underscores its dedication to fostering youth involvement in agriculture, nurturing sustainable farming practices, and championing the eradication of hunger. Through collaborative efforts and innovative solutions, Bayer continues to pave the way towards a future where agriculture thrives, and communities flourish.



Consultant Services for Development of Guideline on Business Energy Transition

  B. Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of activity set out in the term of reference is to develop a guideline for increasing business capacity in decarbonisation actions through integrated energy solutions strategy, with objectives as follow:

  1. Utilizing WBCSD’s Guidelines for An Integrated Energy Strategy to be adapted with Indonesia’s context;
  2. Streamlining approach and target related to business decarbonisation through integrated energy;
  3. Gaining input and views from relevant government institution regarding the target and direction of business decarbonisation through integrated energy;
  4. Gaining input and views from businesses regarding their interest and trend in decarbonisation through integrated energy.

  C. Scope of Works

The guidelines that shall be delivered according to this term of reference, will consist of two modules as follow:

  1. Module 1: Energy Efficiency
  2. Module 2: Decarbonizing Energy Sourcing

The following are the scope of works expected to be delivered by the consultant in relation to the development of the above guidelines modules. The consultant shall be able to propose any methodology deemed appropriate to deliver the best outcome from the outlined activities.

  1. Preliminary Drafting

The consultant will be responsible to develop a first draft of guideline based on desk review conducted towards various materials, which at least include:

  1. WBCSD’s Guidelines for An Integrated Energy Strategy
  2. Regulation and policy in Indonesia related to business decarbonization through integrated energy strategy;
  3. References from global policy regarding business decarbonization through integrated energy strategy (at least 5 countries, and among them at least 2 countries shall have similar context with Indonesia);
  4. Available paper, books, and references in Indonesia, issued by other institutions regarding business decarbonization through integrated energy strategy.
  5. Stakeholder Input

Following the finalization of preliminary draft, consultant shall be responsible to conduct interview or discussion with governmental stakeholder and government-related institution relevant to business decarbonization through integrated energy strategy, which may include:

  1. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR);
  2. Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF);
  3. Ministry of National Planning (MoNP);
  4. PT PLN (Persero).
  5. Related companies.

The consultant may propose other related stakeholders to maximize the support in developing the guidelines.

  1. Validation Workshop

Validation workshops will be done by engaging at least 20 (twenty) companies for each module. The company’s selection will be shortlisted from IBCSD members and Kadin NZH members, or other companies proposed by the stakeholder during the dialogue process in (2). 


  D. Tasks, Deliverables, and Expected Schedule

The tasks, outcome and products, as well as expected Schedule to be delivered by the consultant are as follow:


No Tasks Deliverables/Products Expected Schedule
1. Desk Review List of reviewed documents & summarized relevant content 7 days
2. First Draft Guideline Preliminary draft of guidelines modules 20 days
3. Stakeholders’ interview and  dialogue/ discussions Minutes of Meeting 8 days
4. Validation Workshop Module 1 Activity Report 1 day
5. Validation Workshop Module 2 Activity Report 1 day
6. Finalization of Guidelines Modules Issuance of Guidelines 5 days


It is expected that the consultant is able to deliver their best results in 3 (three) months since the signing of contract/MoU. Consultant is expected to submit their own timeline of program plan in accordance with the outlined activities under this term of reference.

  E. Division of Responsibility

Following is the division of responsibility or battery limit for the activities to be executed under this term of reference.


No Tasks IBCSD Consultant
1. Desk Review Providing access to relevant references especially available in WBCD including establishing contact Conducting overall activities until report preparation
2. First Draft Guideline Conducting overall activities until report preparation
3. Stakeholders’ interview,  dialogue/ discussions Managing event: providing logistics and media, including venue (if necessary) Preparing materials, reports, & analysis
4. Validation Workshop Module 1 Managing event: providing logistics and media, including venue  Preparing materials, reports, & analysis
5. Validation Workshop Module 2 Managing event: providing logistics and media, including venue Preparing materials, reports, & analysis
6. Finalization of Guidelines Modules Final review Conducting overall activities until report preparation


  G.Proposal Submission

Following are the document to be submitted by consultant as proposal submission:

  1. Administrative

Consultant is expected to submit their corporate legal document, at least the Decree of Establishment (SK Menkumham atas Pengesahan Akta), corporate profile and curriculum vitae of related consultants,, including extensive list of relevant working experiences.

  1. Technical

Consultant is expected to submit a technical proposal, which outlined their take on this term of reference as well as their proposed approach and methodology to answer the requirement of this term of reference and to fulfill the expected deliverables at optimal quality.


  1. Commercial

Consultant is expected to submit commercial proposal, which already covers overall personnel and non-personnel cost at most competitive offer

The above documents shall be submitted at the latest of:

Day/Date : Tuesday, January 30th 2024

Time : 12.00 WIB


Point of Contact

For any clarifications needed by consultant kindly contact the following:

Name : Regi R. Sandi

Title : Program Manager

Mobile/WA : +62 877 2208 1704

E-mail : [email protected]

Regional Manager, Asia Pacific Transition Accelerator, CDP

Key responsibilities include: 

  • Developing and implementing a regional corporate engagement strategy to further drive CDP’s strategic climate leadership initiatives in Asia Pacific, focusing on mainstreaming science-based targets in the region.
  • Working with Asia Pacific’s most impactful companies, inviting and supporting them to implement 1.5°C science-based emissions targets and commit to achieving netzero value-chain emissions before 2050;
  • Coordinating closely with colleagues in CDP’s Disclosure and Supply Chains as well as Partnerships teams on corporate engagement activities and contributing to the development of key engagement materials for use by the global CDP Disclosure team;
  • Speaking on science-based targets in a public capacity at both CDP internal as well as external events, workshops, and corporate meetings across the region.
  • Coordinating closely with the Global Lead, Transition Accelerator, particularly in the management of relationships with key internal and external stakeholders, including initiative partner organizations, regional partners and collaborators, and industry groups to advance CDP’s corporate engagement strategy and goals;
  • Supporting the Transition Accelerator team’s work with other CDP programs, supporting events, and contributing to reports, briefings, and updates.
  • Utilizing internal client relationship management systems and software (e.g. Microsoft

365, Dynamics etc) to keep records and track progress;

  • Lead on project deliverables for grant-funded activities in Southeast Asia together with a regional team, with internal cross team support; { Assist with ad-hoc tasks as required.


Required skills and experience: 


  • At least five years of work experience, preferably related to sustainability and/or business.
  • Knowledge of environmental sustainability topics, particularly GHGs, climate change and renewables
  • Demonstrated experience in campaign work, sales, project management, and/or event management preferred.
  • Strong oral and written communication skills, and ability to interact with high-level stakeholders with confidence and fluency on key campaign messages and goals.
  • Strong attention to detail, time management and organization skills, with an ability to work effectively under pressure.
  • Excellent writing skills, including the ability to make complex technical subjects accessible to non-expert audiences
  • Proven ability to work collaboratively in a culturally and geographically diverse professional environment
  • Ability to work collaboratively with a range of teams and external stakeholders, liaising as needed across different time zones, teams, and cultures within the organization.
  • Understanding of the aims and objectives of CDP, as well as a passionate desire to drive forward the mission of CDP.
  • Strong language skills in business English a must; proficiency in a Southeast Asian language will be a bonus.

Applicants must be eligible to work legally in Indonesia. Remote working may be possible for the right candidate in other Asian Countries.

Salary and benefits:

 Competitive NGO salary, 24 days’ holiday plus bank holidays, training and development and other benefits.

This is for a 12 months fixed-term contract with possibility for extension.  

Before you apply

We’ll only use the information you provide to process your application. For more details on how we use your information, see our applicants privacy notice. By emailing us your CV and covering letter, you are permitting CDP to use the information you have provided for recruitment purposes.

How to apply

Please email your CV (no longer than 2 pages) and a covering letter (no longer than 1 page) setting out how you meet the required skills and experience or key responsibilities, to [email protected] with “Regional Manager, Asia Pacific, Transition Accelerator”, followed by your first name and surname in the subject. The deadline is 20th January, 2024. 



About CDP:

CDP is an international non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests. Over 23,000 companies and 1,100 cities, states and regions disclose their environmental data to CDP. Our platform is one of the richest sources of information globally on how companies and governments are driving environmental change. By working with institutional investors with assets of US$130 trillion, we leverage investor and buyer power to motivate companies to disclose and manage their environmental impacts. Visit and or follow us @CDP to find out more.


Key responsibilities include:

  • Partner with Asia leadership team on strategic and tactical compensation, recruitment and reward-related decisions.
  • Ensure HR policies are consistent and align with our business requirements yet compliance with local rules, regulations and best practice.
  • Coordinating global, APAC resources to provide training for Asia colleagues, to meet development requirements.
  • Providing advice and information on all HR related topics especially in Indonesia, Singapore, HK, etc.
  • Supporting and advising managers on global policies such as annual reviews and recruitment to ensure they are aligned.
  • Championing wellbeing and equality, inclusion, and diversity within region.
  • Supporting with the global HR teams to ensure competitive and proper salary benchmarking.
  • Support and overseeing the creation and updating of the employee handbook.
  • Other tasks assigned by Senior HRBP or SMT.


Essential criteria:

  • A demonstrated understanding across the broad range of HR areas.
  • Ability to influence others into action and to think creatively about solutions.
  • Strong communication skills at all levels with ability to build strong relationships.
  • Excellent organisation and management skills.
  • Experience of working in a global, multiple culture organisation.
  • Extensive knowledge of the operation of relevant laws, regulations and rules
  • Experience of researching, developing and rolling out new policies and procedures
  • Strong IT skills using the Microsoft Office suite and HR databases.
  • Business level English skill.
  • Eligible to work legally in Indonesia.


This is a full-time role based at CDP’s Indonesia office and expect to provide support to APAC area including Indonesia, Singapore, HK and other APAC area if business expanding.  

Salary and benefits: Competitive NGO salary dependent on experience, flexible working opportunities, health insurance, welfare pension and others. Interested applicants must be eligible to work legally in Indonesia.

To apply, please email your a) CV, b) a covering letter setting out how you meet the key responsibilities and c) reference letter (additional letters may be requested) to [email protected] and [email protected] with ‘HRBP, APAC’ followed by your first name and surname in the subject. Your a) CV and b) a covering letter should be in English. The deadline is 16:00 JST, 20th, Jan 2024. Interviews will be held as soon as there is a suitable candidate even prior to the deadline.

Please note that we only provide feedback to shortlisted candidates due to the sheer volume of applications. If you do not hear from us within 21 days, please assume your application has been unsuccessful on this occasion.