Our Ocean Youth Leadership Summit 2018

Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) was supporting the Our Ocean Youth Leadership Summit 2018, partnering with the Sustainable Ocean Alliance. 200 talented and bright future leaders from around the world were there to pitch in their ideas on how to make our ocean sustainable. They also got the chance to learn from the companies, expertise in ocean sustainability issues. The event itself was held as a side event of the Our Ocean Conference in Nusa Dua Bali, from 29th to 31st of October.

Welcome PT Repal International Indonesia!

PT Repal International Indonesia is a producer of pallets. Re>PalTM is an Australia-Indonesian pallet manufacturer of cost effective, 100% zero waste, low energy, durable and sustainable pallets using 100% recycled plastic. Their unique Thermo-FusionTM technology, prevents waste plastic from going to land-fill or oceans, and reduces global deforestation as it reduces the need for wooden pallets. Their range of pallets is specifically designed to meet logistics needs whether it is for warehousing, domestic distribution or export.

Check out more about our new member, PT Repal International Indonesia here: https://re-pal.com/

National Advisory Panel SBA Indonesia 2018

This allows companies to demonstrate that they are both aware of the scale of their impacts in the social and natural environments in which they operate and that they are taking steps to manage them in a way that is data driven and systematic. Compatible experts, as the National Advisory Panel has already pick the best of each category for the awards on Tuesday, Oct 16th. The awarding night of the SBA Indonesia 2018 will be on January 7th, at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Jakarta.

Join Our SDGs Working Group!

From UNEP data, it takes approximately 5-7 trillion USD per year to fund SDGs and also around 90 trillion USD are estimated to support the objectives of the Paris Agreement 15 years. On that basis Business holds an important role to play as a source of investment and as a driver of technology and innovation development, and as an engine of economic growth and labor fulfillment.

Private support for the government was also implied by the IBCSD President, Shinta Kamdani, “today we gather to see that the private and government sectors are no longer working alone, no longer working in silos. We (as a business), government and civil society will work together to encourage changes in the desired value and behavior change, to achieve sustainable development goals. It’s a common, but different responsibility. ”

The discussion and launch event also received support from the Indonesian Minister of National Development Planning, Bambang Brodjonegoro, who attended as the Keynote Speaker. Also present were 2 other speakers, President Director of PT RAPP Sihol P. Aritonang, and President Director of PT ERM Indonesia Willem de Jonge.

For more info on the working group and on how to join the working group, please contact us at info@ibcsd.or.id.

The Good Life Goals as Your Personal Actions Guide!

The Good Life Goals focus on the personal actions that everyone can take to support each of the 17 SDGs. They were created to be relevant, easily understood and accessible to individuals all around the world. Although focused on individual actions, this campaign offers some great opportunities for business.

The Good Life Goals can provide companies with valuable clarity into the ways the SDGs link to the actions, activities and lifestyles of their customers and where products and services fit into that picture. As a result, the Good Life Goals can also be leveraged to channel new product development in support of the SDGs. Exploring the linkages between people’s day-to-day lives and the SDGs will help businesses to identify innovation opportunities capable of offering better, more sustainable, lifestyles to their customers. Finally, the Goals provide companies with a simple tool that they can use to enhance awareness of the SDGs among their own staff and promote a corporate culture that is aligned with the 2030 agenda…

Learn more about this on:

Sustainable Infrastructure Design for Education

The micro library project “Micro Libraries” by Daliana and Florian, who successfully became finalists of the global LafargeHolcim Awards, is a form of minimalist and environmentally friendly construction concept as a means to broaden the public. On the same occasion, Andi Subagio also conveyed the importance of building by maintaining local values in the present.

As the winner of the Next Generation category for the Asia Pacific Region, Andi Subagio had the opportunity to attend the International LafargeHolcim Next Generation Lab Award in Mexico in September. During the session, the winners of the Next Generation category from all over the world were invited to exchange ideas in developing the concept of sustainable development.

Meanwhile, Daliana Suryawinata and Florian Heinzelmann, SHAU, Bandung, Indonesia are the winners of the Silver Award in the Asia Pacific Region. They created “Micro Libraries – Micro Library” in Bandung to encourage informal education by encouraging reading and community interest throughout Indonesia. Their success in the Asia Pacific region has led SHAU to become a finalist at the Global LafargeHolcim Awards competition.

“We are very proud of the achievements achieved by SHAU in the LafargeHolcim Awards competition at the regional and global levels. “To reach that stage, of course it takes a very big effort to get through all the challenges,” said Oepoyo Prakoso of Sustainable Development Manager of Holcim Indonesia.

Read more on:   www.industry.co.id/read/42871/holcim-indonesia-lanjutkan-komitmennya-dukung-peningkatan-pendidikan-di-indonesia

Smallholder Task Force (STF) Tropical Forest Alliance 2020

Kedua, tim gugus tugas satu-data menyepakati untuk bekerjasama dengan tim STF dan bersedia untuk menginformasikan hasil pembahasan rencana kerjanya agar tim STF bisa bersinergi bekerjsama dengan gugus tugas satu-data. Selanjutnya, pertemuan lanjutan akan diselenggarakan untuk mengidentifikasi masukkan para anggota STF terkait penetapan areal HCV dan HCS berikut juga rencana untuk audiensi ke Kementrian Perekonomian.
Pertemuan ditutup dengan kesepakatan bahwa rapat akan diadakan pada minggu ketiga setiap dua bulan selama selama satu tahun kedepan. Tiga topik utama yang telah disepakati oleh para anggotanya untuk menjadi pembahasan dalam forum rapat adalah Akses Terhadap Pendanaan (Access to Finance), Legalitas Lahan(Land Legality) dan Isu seputar Kawasan Ekonomi Esensial (KEE).

IBCSD SDGs Working Group Launch

IBCSD officially launch the SDGs Working Group on Sept 6th 2018. The Working Group developed as a platform for the members to help achieve the targets on the 17 Goals of SDGs. This collaborative action has all the support from private sectors and also the government.