From UNEP data, it takes approximately 5-7 trillion USD per year to fund SDGs and also around 90 trillion USD are estimated to support the objectives of the Paris Agreement 15 years. On that basis Business holds an important role to play as a source of investment and as a driver of technology and innovation development, and as an engine of economic growth and labor fulfillment.
Private support for the government was also implied by the IBCSD President, Shinta Kamdani, “today we gather to see that the private and government sectors are no longer working alone, no longer working in silos. We (as a business), government and civil society will work together to encourage changes in the desired value and behavior change, to achieve sustainable development goals. It’s a common, but different responsibility. ”
The discussion and launch event also received support from the Indonesian Minister of National Development Planning, Bambang Brodjonegoro, who attended as the Keynote Speaker. Also present were 2 other speakers, President Director of PT RAPP Sihol P. Aritonang, and President Director of PT ERM Indonesia Willem de Jonge.
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