Request for Proposal: Technical Document for 3rd Public Dialogue of SAFE EUDR

The Third SAFE Regional Technical Dialogue will have objectives:

1. Enable shared understanding of EUDR compliance requirements and deep dives into smallholder inclusion, capacity building, accelerate instruments for compliance and financing issues in Indonesia and Malaysia.
2. To facilitate a participatory and inclusive dialogue process that:
• Provides a platform for smallholders to actively participate in the EUDR discourse, share their perspectives, and contribute to the development of solutions that address their specific needs and concerns.
• Fosters capacity building among key stakeholders, including government officials, businesses, and civil society organizations, on EUDR-related issues, such as due diligence systems, risk assessments, and the use of innovative technologies.
• Encourages collaboration among stakeholders, including government agencies, businesses, civil society organizations, and research institutions, to develop and implement joint solutions for EUDR compliance.
• Effectively disseminates knowledge and findings from the dialogue to a wider audience through reports, publications, and other appropriate channels.


The IBCSD – TFA secretariat opens recruitment for Technical Consultant, with the following scope of work (job description):

Development of Technical Terms of Reference (ToR) for the 3rd Public Technical Dialogue

1. Conduct Literature Research on EUDR-related publications, related to sectoral focuses: rubber, palm oil, cocoa in Indonesia and Malaysia.
2. Conduct bilateral meetings or attend FGDs with sectoral stakeholders to collect data and information across smallholders and business sectors. These interactions will provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in the rubber, palm oil, and cocoa sectors.
3. Together with consortium partners, identify and curate strategic stakeholders and/or actors related to the targeted audiences from smallholder and business groups,
4. Develop and Finalize Terms of References with consortium partners.

1. Graduate degree or higher, with relevant field experiences to the EUDR context and issues, and deforestation-free and conversion-free Agri-commodity supply chain.
2. Proven track record and experience in engaging key issues of deforestation-free and conversion-free Agri-commodity supply chain with smallholders and businesses.
3. Comprehensive understanding and knowledgeable of relevant stakeholders within smallholders, businesses, CSOs/NGOs, and governments that are relevant to enrich discussion in the context of Technical EUDR.
4. Demonstrating capacity in facilitation skills, critical and analytical skills.
5. Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

Please submit your CV and one pager experiences relevant to the required position to Dame Manalu at [email protected] at the latest by 24th January 2025.

Vacancy: Policy Expert

Job Purpose

To influence and improve policies related to sustainability, particularly in the area of food loss and waste. This role involves reviewing and evaluating existing legislation, identifying areas for improvement, and working with stakeholders to advocate for effective policy changes. The Policy Expert will gather and analyze data, communicate with policymakers, identify enabling policies for private sectors and relevant stakeholders in reducing food loss and waste, and collaborate with team members to ensure that policies support sustainable development goals. This high-level role is crucial for driving legislative changes that facilitate a more sustainable food system in Indonesia.
Responsibilities :

• Review and evaluate legislation and policies on sustainability related topics (i.e food loss and waste).
• Determine the benefits and drawbacks of existing policies.
• Propose suggestions to improve the effects of policies.
• Identify legal flaws in policies and recommend amendments.
• Liaise with stakeholders (especially the private sector) to determine needs and goals of policies.
• Gather data and produce reports on the qualitative and quantitative analysis.
• Analyse market trends and conditions.
• Engage policy maker to communicate the obstacle of existing policy towards sustainable development.

Requirements and skills

• Bachelor’s or master’s degree program in public policy or law, and analysis on food loss and waste related issue is preferred.
• 7+ years of experience in related areas of public policy such as legislation and/or government relations and advocacy.
• Demonstrated understanding of Indonesia’s political systems and relevant policy on food loss and waste and civil society institutions.
• Ability to exercise sound judgment, communication and persuasive skills.
• Ability to partner and collaborate effectively with cross-functional partners at all levels in a fast-paced environment.
• Experience in working with or for private sector.

Please kindly submit your CV and Cover Letter by 23 January, 2025 to: [email protected]
Subject: “Application for Policy Expert: Full Name”.

IBCSD Gelar Workshop GRASP 2030, Perkuat Komitmen Penanganan Susut dan Sisa Pangan di Indonesia

Pada rantai sektor pangan, seluruh sektor bisnis berpotensi menghasilkan susut dan sisa pangan (SSP). Data menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 33% makanan yang diproduksi secara global hilang atau terbuang, menurut FAO pada 2019. Menanggapi hal tersebut, Indah Budiani, Direktur Eksekutif IBCSD, dalam sambutannya menekankan pentingnya sektor bisnis dalam menangani masalah SSP yang semakin mendesak. “Susut dan sisa pangan bukan hanya masalah lingkungan, tetapi juga merupakan tantangan ekonomi besar. Sebagai sektor yang berperan penting dalam rantai pasok pangan, bisnis memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mengurangi dampak SSP ini. Kami berharap workshop ini dapat menjadi wadah untuk berbagi solusi dan mendorong aksi yang lebih terstruktur dari sektor bisnis dalam mengatasi masalah ini,” ujar Indah.

 Acara ini merupakan bagian dari kegiatan GRASP 2030 (Gotong Royong Atas Susut dan Sisa Pangan di 2030), sebuah inisiatif perjanjian sukarela yang bertujuan mengurangi Susut dan Sisa Pangan (SSP) melalui kolaborasi antara sektor swasta, pemerintah, dan masyarakat. Angelique Dewi, Chairwoman GRASP 2030, menyoroti peran penting GRASP 2030 dalam menciptakan kolaborasi lintas sektor. “GRASP 2030 adalah inisiatif yang mengajak berbagai aktor multipihak dalam rantai pangan untuk berkolaborasi dalam mencapai pengurangan SSP. Kami percaya bahwa melalui kolaborasi yang erat dan dukungan bersama, kita dapat mengurangi susut dan sisa pangan secara lebih efektif dan berkelanjutan di Indonesia,” jelas Angelique.

 Workshop ini menghadirkan berbagai narasumber dari sektor pemerintah, bisnis, serta aktor penyelamat pangan untuk berbagi pengetahuan, praktik terbaik, dan solusi inovatif. Acara ini juga memberikan ruang untuk diskusi yang lebih mendalam tentang regulasi, kebijakan, dan strategi yang diperlukan untuk mendorong sektor bisnis dalam mengurangi SSP.

Yuvlinda Susanta, Wakil Ketua Umum APRINDO, menegaskan peran penting sektor ritel dalam upaya pengurangan SSP. “Sektor ritel, sebagai bagian dari rantai pasok pangan,  sejatinya memiliki kekuatan untuk memengaruhi perilaku konsumen, mengoptimalkan manajemen inventaris, dan menerapkan solusi inovatif untuk meminimalkan sisa dan susut pangan pangan. APRINDO ikut mendorong kerja sama dengan berbagai pihak dalam upaya mencapai efisiensi dan pengurangan SSP tersebut,” ujar Yuvlinda.

Bappenas mencatat bahwa di Indonesia, 115-184 kg pangan per kapita terbuang tiap tahun. Ini memicu kerugian ekonomi hingga Rp 551 triliun, emisi GRK 7,29% dari total nasional, dan hilangnya nutrisi untuk 125 juta orang. Hal ini semakin menekankan pentingnya sektor bisnis mengambil langkah konkret dalam mengatasi SSP. Dalam acara ini, pentingnya perusahaan di sektor pangan memiliki target penurunan SSP, melakukan pengukuran, serta menyusun strategi penurunan SSP melalui pendekatan Target-Menghitung-Aksi (Target-Measure-Act/TMA) disampaikan oleh Michael Jones, Senior International Partnership Manager WRAP.

Untuk itu, workshop ini juga akan memperkenalkan Metode Baku Perhitungan Susut dan Sisa Pangan yang disusun dan diluncurkan oleh Koalisi Sistem Pangan Lestari (KSPL) bersama para mitranya, Badan Pangan Nasional (BAPANAS), dan Kementerian PPN/Bappenas pada 24 September 2024 silam. “Kompleksitas permasalahan pangan yang kita hadapi saat ini hanya dapat diatasi dengan gotong royong dari seluruh pihak, termasuk sektor bisnis. Metode Baku Perhitungan SSP ini akan memungkinkan sektor bisnis mengidentifikasi jumlah SSP yang mereka hasilkan, menentukan target penurunan, mengembangkan strategi dan kebijakan, dan pada akhirnya berkontribusi nyata untuk mengurangi  SSP dari kegiatan bisnisnya,” jelas Gina Karina, Kepala Sekretariat KSPL. Sesi penyampaian metode baku perhitungan ini dipandu oleh mitra KSPL, Eva Bachtiar yang merupakan Pendiri dan CEO Garda Pangan.

Melalui workshop ini, IBCSD berharap adanya kolaborasi yang lebih kuat antara GRASP 2030 dan seluruh mitra di sepanjang rantai pangan dalam mengatasi masalah SSP. Dengan kontribusi aktif semua pihak, Indonesia diharapkan dapat mencapai target pengurangan SSP dan menciptakan sistem pangan yang lebih lestari.

Tentang IBCSD:

Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) adalah sebuah asosiasi yang dipimpin oleh para CEO perusahaan yang beroperasi di Indonesia, yang memiliki komitmen yang sama untuk mempromosikan pembangunan berkelanjutan melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan, keseimbangan ekologi, dan kemajuan sosial. IBCSD memfasilitasi kepemimpinan bisnis yang berkelanjutan dengan mempromosikan praktik-praktik terbaik, bermitra dengan pemerintah dan masyarakat sipil, serta memberikan solusi bagi kebijakan Indonesia dalam isu-isu keberlanjutan. 

Tentang KSPL: Koalisi Sistem Pangan Lestari (KSPL) merupakan bagian dari koalisi Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU) yang berkomitmen untuk mentransformasi cara kita memproduksi dan mengonsumsi makanan, serta menggunakan lahan untuk manusia, alam, dan bumi menjadi lebih lestari. Saat ini terdapat 12 mitra yang tergabung dalam KSPL, yaitu Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR-ICRAF), Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS), EntreVA, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) Indonesia, Garda Pangan, Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial (Humanis), Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD), Yayasan Keanekaragaman Hayati (KEHATI), Koalisi Rakyat untuk Kedaulatan Pangan (KRKP), Parongpong RAW Lab, PT SYSTEMIQ Lestari Indonesia, dan WRI Indonesia. |

Tentang APRINDO:

APRINDO, Asosiasi Pengusaha Ritel Indonesia, adalah organisasi terkemuka yang mewakili industri ritel moderen di Indonesia. APRINDO berfungsi sebagai wadah bagi para pelaku usaha ritel modern berjejaring nasional ataupun pemain lokal, dalam memperjuangkan aspirasi anggota, dan berkontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan dan pengembangan sektor Ritel di Indonesia. APRINDO memiliki sekitar 150 anggota, yang terdiri dari perusahaan ritel lokal dan jaringan nasional, dengan total 45.000 gerai ritel. Pengurus pusat asosiasi ini (DPP) berada di Jakarta, sementara di daerah diwakili oleh Koordinator Wilayah dan Pengurus Daerah (DPD) yang berada di lebih dari 20 provinsi.


Nurina Izazi, Communications Manager IBCSD, [email protected], +62-813-3261-4268

Sakinah U. Haniy, Communications Lead KSPL, [email protected], +62-813-8343-5507

Consultant Services on Private Sector Engagement in Financing & Investment for Low Carbon Development

B. Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of this activity is to conduct research on the potential private sector engagement in financing and investment for low carbon development initiatives that support Indonesia’s green economy transformation and the achievement of Net Zero Emissions target.

The consultant is expected to do the following tasks:
–  Identify Indonesia’s regulatory environment related to climate finance and low-carbon investments, including tax holiday, subsidies, and carbon credits, as well as restrictions and compliance requirements that impact private sector engagement.

–  Conduct a thorough analysis of Indonesia’s low-carbon sectors to identify areas with high investment and financing potentials, such as renewable energy (solar, wind, and hydropower), sustainable forestry, electric mobility, and energy-efficient infrastructure.

–  Assess market needs and gaps in financing across identified low-carbon sectors. This includes assessing current investment flows, identifying underfunded areas, and showing opportunities for private sector involvement in line with Indonesia’s climate targets and commitments.

–  Assess financial, operational, and regulatory risks associated with low-carbon investments in Indonesia. Consider currency fluctuation risks, regulatory uncertainty, market readiness, and technology risks.

–  Gather and assess market data, policy trends (including incentive and disincentive), and financial flows with actionable insights on where to invest and the types of projects that align with Indonesia’s low-carbon roadmap.

–  Identify investment and various innovative financing opportunities to accelerate private sector involvement in low carbon development initiatives.

C. Scope of Works

The primary objective of this consultancy is to conduct a comprehensive assessment on private sector engagement on financing & investment, with a focus on:

  • Reviewing existing policy and regulatory and other public sector support mechanisms intended to attract private investment into low-carbon projects.
  • Assessing financial mechanisms used by the private sector in low-carbon investment (e.g. green bonds, climate funds, sustainability-linked loans), the implementation, and the feasibility of introducing or expanding innovative financing options, such as blended finance, concessional loans, risk-sharing mechanisms, or impact investing, that can appeal to private investors.
  • Evaluating the typical barriers and risks associated with low-carbon investments including regulatory, market, technology, and operational risks and the potential Return on Investment (ROI) for different low-carbon projects, that can show the profitability and long-term gains.
  • Identifying current investment and innovative financing opportunities to step up business adoption in low carbon development initiatives.
  • Providing recommendations on financing mechanisms and strategy for mobilizing private capital for green projects that can support low-carbon development and other important enabling recommendations that can accelerate investment in low carbon initiatives. These recommendations need to be presented in a matrix mentioning a list of existing problems (barriers), proposed recommendations specifically related to these problems/ barriers, and relevant actors/ stakeholders to engage.

The consultant shall be able to propose any methodology deemed appropriate to deliver the best outcome from the outlined activities:

1) Preliminary Drafting

The consultant will be responsible to develop a first draft of research (in Bahasa) based on desk review conducted towards various materials, which at least include:
–  Review of the national and sub-national regulatory framework and incentives for private sector involvement on LCDI.

–  Analyze specific plans related to key industrial sectors that are critical to low-carbon development.

–  Assessment of financial mechanisms used by the private sector in low-carbon investment (e.g. green bonds, climate funds, sustainability-linked loans), the implementation, and the feasibility of introducing or expanding innovative financing options, such as blended finance, concessional loans, risk-sharing mechanisms, or impact investing, that can appeal to private investors.

–  Analyze reports from any national industry associations that detail sectoral trends, challenges, and opportunities on LCDI at national and sub national level.

–  Consider market reports and investment analyses that highlight the private sector’s role in LCDI and also reports from organizations such as the World Bank, International Energy Agency (IEA), and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) that provide insights into low-carbon development trends and best practices.

–  Consider available academic articles, research papers, books, and references in Indonesia, issued by other institutions that discuss the role of the private sector in low-carbon development, focusing on case studies, innovative practices, and theoretical frameworks.

2) Stakeholder Input

Following the finalization of preliminary draft, consultant shall be responsible to conduct interview or discussion with governmental stakeholder and government-related institution relevant to private sector involvement on LCDI, which may include:

a. Ministry of National Development Planning / BAPPENAS
b. Ministry of Finance
c. Banking & Financial Institutions

The consultant may propose other related stakeholders to maximize the support in developing works.

3) Final Report

The consultant is expected to synthesize the findings from the desk review and develop a comprehensive report (in Bahasa). This report should include an overview of key players, potential opportunities for engagement, challenges, and important recommendations that can accelerate private sector involvement in the investment and financing of low carbon initiatives. These recommendations need to be presented in a matrix mentioning a list of existing problems (barriers), proposed recommendations specifically related to these problems/ barriers, and relevant actors/ stakeholders to engage.

D. Tasks, Deliverables, and Level of Effort (LOE)

The tasks, outcome and products, as well as expected schedule to be delivered by the consultant are as follow:
No Tasks Deliverables LOE

No Tasks Deliverables LOE
1. Desk review and first draft  report Preliminary draft report 10 days
2. Stakeholders’ interview and dialogue/ discussions Minutes of Meeting 14 days
3. Finalization of Report Mapping Potential Private Sector  Final Report  7 days


It is expected that the consultant is able to deliver their best results in 1,5 months since the signing of the contract. The consultant is expected to submit their own timeline of program plan in accordance with the outlined activities under this term of reference.

E. Division of Responsibility
Following is the division of responsibility or battery limit for the activities to be executed under this term of reference.
No Tasks IBCSD Consultant

No Tasks IBCSD Consultant
1. First Draft Mapping Providing access to any relevant references needed  Conducting overall activities until report preparation
2. Stakeholders’ Interview,  Dialogue/ Discussions Follow up stakeholder, preparing logistic for meeting (if necessary) Preparing materials, reports, and analysis
3. Finalization of Report  Final review Conducting overall activities until report preparation


F. Proposal Submission
Following are the documents to be submitted by consultant as proposal submission:

1) Administrative
Consultant is expected to submit their legal document (e.g. Decree of Establishment/SK Menkumham atas Pengesahan Akta, Taxpayer Identification/NPWP), corporate profile, and curriculum vitae of consultant, including extensive list of relevant working experiences.

2) Technical
Consultant is expected to submit a technical proposal, which outlines their take on this term of reference as well as their proposed approach and methodology to answer the requirement of this term of reference and to fulfill the expected deliverables at optimal quality.

3) Commercial
Consultant is expected to submit a commercial proposal (budget), which already covers overall personnel and non-personnel cost at most competitive offers.


The above documents shall be submitted at the latest of:
Day/Date : Wednesday, November 21th, 2024
Time : 13.00 WIB

G. Point of Contact

For any clarifications needed by consultant, kindly contact the following:
Name   : Lusye Marthalia (Program Manager, Climate Energy & Circular Economy)
E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected]

Consultant of Event Organizer Services for National Dialogue: Acceleration Of Net Zero Emissions

IBCSD as part of LCDI2 consortium has developed many Initiatives to help businesses move together towards net zero emissions. The initiatives have built a strategic partnerships and net zero ecosystem by assisting private sector get a concrete action to achieve net zero emissions. Therefore, Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD), in collaboration with the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS and supported by the UK Government’s FCDO, will hold a National Dialogue “Accelerating Low Carbon Development Towards a Net Zero Emission & Economic Transformation.” The purpose of this dialogue is to elicit policy inputs to speed up actions that promote low carbon development as part of the green economic transformation towards Indonesia Emas 2045. 

  • Purpose and Objectives

    1. Increase awareness and knowledge of various stakeholders (government, business world, and society) regarding the importance of accelerating low-carbon development for Indonesia’s green economic transformation to be on par with other developed countries. 
    2. Gather ideas from various related aspects for accelerating low-carbon development, including financing and investment, innovation and technology, data, principles of justice, and inclusiveness as input for formulating policies and planning for low-carbon development transformation that supports the achievement of Indonesia Emas 2045.
    3. Strengthen collaboration between government, private sector, and society to accelerate planning and implementation of real actions in realizing low-carbon and climate-resilient development accordance with national development goals.
  • Scope of Works

The Consultant of Event Organizer (EO) will provide a range of services from planning, coordinating, and execute the event that will be conduct at Jakarta area with estimation of not more than 150 participants with details workflow below;

  • Event Concept and Design:

The EO Consultant work closely with IBCSD Program Manager to understand the vision, objectives, and desired outcomes for the event in order to made planning and execution of the events. Any design related for the events will be provided by IBCSD team that should align with IBCSD identity

  • Venue Coordination:

The EO Consultant will assist in finding suitable event venues based on IBCSD requirements, budget, and expected number of attendees. The EO Consultant will prepare and manage the stage setup, room layout, and any needed arrangement on the venue.

  • Manpower Coordination:

The EO Consultant will provide and coordinate the necessary team, and manpower (MC, Notulen and Usher) to ensure all necessary services are secured for the event.

  • Registration and Follow Up invitation  

The EO Consultant will provide support for IBCSD Team for any registration-related process and inquiries, also following up the invitation to get participant confirmation.

  • On-site Event Coordination:

During the event, The Consultant / EO will oversee all logistics and operations, ensuring smooth execution. The Consultant / EO will manage the team setup, registration/check-in processes, audio visual requirements, stage management, overall event coordination and handle any unforeseen issues or emergencies that may arise

  • Post-event Evaluation and Reporting:

After the event, The Consultant / EO will conduct evaluation to assess the success of the event and provide Event Evaluation Report to IBCSD Team and Event Summary that will be circulate among participants.


  • Outcomes 

The expected major outcomes from the EO include:

  • All required preparation for the event of National Dialogue is in place and smooth execution of the event.
  • The structured flow of the event based on planning can build momentum, ensure inclusive participation, and produce actionable results that contribute to event purpose and objective.
  • Final Report on the National Dialogue  that contain:
  • Event Evaluation Report should provide a detailed assessment of an event to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and success of the event, as well as identify areas for improvement. This report will serve as summary of event technical preparation and implementation that assess the success of the event.
  • Event Summary that provides a brief description of the key details, highlights, and outcomes of the event. It should capture the main points that being deliver by speakers and convey important information during discussions. This report will be circulated among participants.


  • Tasks, Deliverables, and Expected Schedule

No Tasks Deliverables/Products Schedule
1. Preparation & Kick-off Meeting Minutes of Kick-off Meeting 5 November 2024
2. Pre-Event Planning Phase (event concept finalization, venue selection, production finalization, invitation dissemination and follow up)  Approved Budget by IBCSD 4-6 November 2024
3 Event Preparation Phase (venue coordination, team and manpower coordination, registration process, materials prepare for events) Minutes Technical Meeting  5-19 November 2024
4 Execution Phase (registration and check-in process, stage management, overall event coordination) Photo Documentation & Video 20 November 2024
5. Post Evaluation Phase 

(event evaluation report and event summary)

Final Report  21 – 28 November 2024 


  • Proposal Submission

Following are the document to be submitted by consultant as proposal submission:

  1. Administrative Requirement

The EO Consultant is expected to submit their legal document (e.g; Decree of Establishment/SK Menkumham atas Pengesahan Akta, Taxpayer Identification/NPWP), corporate profile with a good record of performance and integrity also proven experience in organizing meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions (MICE) for online, offline or hybrid and and Curriculum Vitae of EO Director consultant.


  1. Technical Proposal

The EO Consultant is expected to submit a technical proposal, which outlines their take on this term of reference as well as their proposed detailed to answer the requirement of this term based on a proven experience in developing designs and/or concept for national dialogue, workshop and/or dissemination events for governments as well as events; and experience in drafting project report following successful organization of MICE events. The technical proposal should content; 

  • A statement of interest describing the proposed team and how it meets the above requirements;
  • An outline of the proposed work plan;
  • A proposed budget in excel (.xls, .xlsx) format with a breakdown of costs sufficient to assess reasonableness and compliance with our funder requirements
  • A competitive payment schedule associating invoice amounts with work schedules.


The above documents shall be submitted at the latest of:

Day/Date : Sunday, November 8rd, 2024

Time : 23.59 WIB

  • Point of Contact

For any clarifications needed by consultant kindly contact the following:

Name : Lusye Marthalia 

Title : Program Manager Climate Energy & Circular Economy

E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected]

Knowledge Publication for Regional Technical Dialogue.

The first SAFE Regional Technical Dialogue will have objectives:

  1. Enable shared understanding of EUDR compliance requirements and deep dives into the challenges in applying the legality and traceability aspects for operators, traders, and smallholders focusing on palm oil, rubber, and cocoa in Indonesia and Malaysia.
  2. Demonstrate inclusive supply chains across that of three commodities sectors are transitioning toward EUDR through regional technical dialogues.


The IBCSD – TFA secretariat opens recruitment for Technical Consultant, with the following scope of work (job description):

Development of Knowledge Publication for Regional Technical Dialogue 1.

  1. Curating ideas and key messages then follow up with consortium consultation and key stakeholders involved in the process
  2. Conduct bilateral meetings or attend FGDs and Dialogues with sectoral stakeholders to collect data and information across smallholders and business sectors. These interactions will provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in the rubber, palm oil, and cocoa sectors. 
  3. Develop research publications with intensive feedback from partners
  4. Finalize knowledge publication


  1. Graduate or higher- degree consultant, with relevant field experiences to the EUDR context and issues, and deforestation-free and conversion-free Agri-commodity supply chain.
  2. Well recognized university and or research institutions with experiences to engage with global commodities and deforestation and conversion free Agri commodity supply chain.
  3. Proven track record and experience in engaging key issues of deforestation-free and conversion-free Agri-commodity supply chain with smallholders and businesses.
  4. Comprehensive understanding and knowledgeable of relevant stakeholders within smallholders, businesses, CSOs/NGOs, and governments that are relevant to enrich discussion in the context of Technical EUDR.
  5. Demonstrating capacity in facilitation skills, critical and analytical skills.
  6. Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

Please submit your CV and one pager experiences relevant to the required position to IBCSD at  [email protected] at the latest by 15th October 2024


Request for Proposal: Visual Designer

The objective of the SAFE Regional Dialogue is to:

  1. Enable shared understanding of EUDR compliance requirements and deep dives into the challenges in applying the legality and traceability aspects for operators, traders, and smallholders focusing on palm oil, rubber, and cacao in Indonesia and Malaysia.
  2. Demonstrate inclusive supply chains across that of three commodities sectors are transitioning toward EUDR through regional technical dialogues.


The IBCSD – TFA secretariat opens recruitment for Technical Consultant, with the following scope of work (job description):

Development of Layout Publication   

  1. Professionally develop and design the materials requested to transfer into the high-quality design 
  2. Provide tailor-made solutions and available for the meetings during the process to integrate the review/feedbacks   
  3. Produce draft and final knowledge documentations based on the request and timeline agreed by service provider and IBCSD – TFA 


  1. Proven track record and experience in translating visual design in the context of forest, commodity, supply chain, governance – suffice to translate that into the visually attracted layout.
  2. Demonstrating capacity in designing, lay outing, and interpreting concept into the visual document
  3. Proven flexibility in dealing with short notice request and or stringent requirement during the process that is in line with the user’s needs
  4. Adequate understanding and knowledge in the area of commodity, food, forest and governance that suffice to define the concept, presentations and selections of visual products towards high quality publications.
  5. Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia.


Please submit your CV and one pager experiences relevant to the required position to Janne Siregar at [email protected] at the latest by 30 September 2024

Request for Proposal: Report Writer

The objective of the SAFE Regional Dialogue is to:


  1. Enable shared understanding of EUDR compliance requirements and deep dives into the challenges in applying the legality and traceability aspects for operators, traders, and smallholders focusing on palm oil, rubber, and cacao in Indonesia and Malaysia.
  2. Demonstrate inclusive supply chains across that of three commodities sectors are transitioning toward EUDR through regional technical dialogues.



The IBCSD – TFA secretariat opens recruitment for Technical Consultant, with the following scope of work (job description):

Proposal for Report Writing

  1. Develop reports based on the sectors and activities required in the implementation plans.
  2. Ensure that the report’s valid references stem from the released resources, persons, and publications.
  3. Integrate inputs from consortium members to ensure valid and correctness of the sources and information before the public release
  4. Ensuring final reviews and verify any information based on the discussions and or other resources of information
  5. Final report submission



  1. Post Graduate degree with relevant field experiences in forest, commodities, social, and public policy
  2. Proven track record in engaging with forest, commodities, and jurisdictional approaches related-context.
  3. Demonstrating capacity in evidence-based writing skills with critical and analytical thinking
  4. Demonstrating experiences and knowledge in publications (writings) related to jurisdictions, supply chains, global markets, and sectoral commodities

Please submit your CV and one pager experiences relevant to the required position to Janne Siregar at [email protected]at the latest by 30 Sept 2024











IBCSD – Climate, Energy and Circular Economy Specialist

Job Summary

The Climate and Energy & Circular Economy Specialist will play a crucial role in driving the IBCSD’s sustainability initiatives to strengthen business capacity in the areas of climate, energy, and circular economy. This position will be responsible for providing technical expertise, participating in developing strategies, and implementing programs and projects related to climate change mitigation and adaptation, energy transition, and circular economy principles. The Specialist will work closely with internal and external stakeholders to promote sustainable business practices and contribute to the organization’s mandates.


Main Responsibilities

– Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation:

  • Provide technical expertise in developing climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies and actions, including greenhouse gas emissions reduction plans.
  • Conduct climate risk analysis and identify adaptation measures.
  • Collaborate with relevant internal and external stakeholders to integrate climate mitigation and adaptation into business practices.


– Energy transition:

  • Provide technical knowledge in developing strategies and actions to strengthen business energy transition in Indonesia
  • Engage with internal and external stakeholders including government partners to support accelerated energy transition through both energy efficiency and decarbonization of energy sourcing.


– Circular Economy:

  • Provide technical knowledge to develop circular economy strategies and actions that support green growth among businesses in Indonesia.
  • Conduct analysis to explore circular economy smart practices and opportunities.
  • Engage internal and external stakeholders to collaborate in adopting circular economy principles.


Project Management

Project Planning & Development

  • Work on project proposals development, plans and ensuring the alignment of IBCSD’s mission on climate action goals by providing technical guidance and inputs to the ongoing, potential projects and review deliverables.
  • Assist in preparing project budgets, funding allocation, and managing financial resources efficiently.


– Implementation & Coordination

  • Provide technical support to ensure quality and timely delivery of project outputs delivered on time, within scope, and on budget.
  • Coordinate with cross-functional teams, including IBCSD Teams, partners and beneficiaries to ensure effective project execution.
  • Convening of events and ensures event preparation and execution is delivered according to the objective, executed on time, and complies with donor requirements.
  • Preparing the post-events report documentation and ensure events are communicated to the related stakeholders.


– Stakeholder Engagement

  • Engage with various stakeholders such as government bodies, NGOs, private sector partners, and community organizations to build partnerships and facilitate project support.
  • Assist to organize and facilitate stakeholder meetings, workshops, and consultations to gather input, share progress, and ensure alignment with project goals.


– Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting

  • Track project milestones and deliverables, ensuring that project output or activities are progressing as planned.
  • Collect and analyse data related to the project outcomes.
  • Prepare regular reports on project status, challenges, and successes includes financial reporting, impact assessments, and lessons learned.
  • Participate in developing communication assets relating to climate, energy and circular economy, including slides, articles and reports.


Knowledge and Skills Requirements

  1. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in sustainability, climate change, energy, industry, environment, economics, or related field.
  2. At least 5 years of experience in the areas of sustainability, particularly related to climate, energy, and circular economy.
  3. Strong knowledge and analytical skills particularly in the areas of climate, energy, and circular economy.
  4. Ability to engage with a wide range of stakeholders to promote and enhance business transformation in the areas of climate, energy, and circular economy.
  5. Ability to do multi-tasking, maintain flexibility, and meet deadlines as well as attention to details.
  6. Fluency in English.
  7. Focus on problem solving.

Interested applicants should send the cover letter and CV to [email protected] before 31 August 2024.