Job Vacancy: EPR Policy Paper Consultant for Tackling Marine Litter


  • The consultant can be an individual consultant institution (consulting firm, research institute, NGO) that works particularly in fields related to plastic and packaging waste, marine environmental sustainability, climate change, marine pollution, or circular economy. The individual consultant or team leader having a higher degree in the related field is preferable.
  • Demonstrate a good understanding of plastic circularity. Direct experience in working with Indonesia’s plastic industry is preferable.
  • Have a good understanding of Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR), how it works, who is involved, and what are their roles. Direct experience of work related to EPR is preferable.
  • Have a good understanding of existing policy and regulations in Indonesia, specifically those related to plastic waste management.
  • Have a good experience and knowledge of fine plastic debris systems in the field including the data.
  • Excellent writing skills and demonstration of collaborative working.
  • Demonstrate flexibility and adaptability to ensure the greatest impact.
  • Demonstrate the ability to deliver by commercial law and confidentiality.
  • Demonstrate analytical assessment of qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Excellent English proficiency

Role and Responsibility (Scope of Work)

The technical expert will be responsible for technical input and delivery of the following Tackling Marine Litters – Study on Enabling Environment for Plastics & Packaging Circularity activities:

  • Conduct research to identify the current issues/ problems relating to policy and finance aspects that become barriers to the successful implementation of EPR
  • Conduct a deep analysis of the mentioned above problems (why the problems happen, what the gaps are, what potential solutions and recommendations, such as incentive system for both the policy and financial models, etc)
  • Draft policy paper based on the research and analysis and analyze the existing policy or regulations related to the EPR system (Format: 1-page containing key messages, maximum 3 pages for the executive summary, and max 25 pages for the paper)
  • Present the draft policy paper in a validation workshop and finalize the paper based on the feedback from the workshop
  • The following deliverables and timeline of activities are expected to be finished within 8 weeks, starting from July 2022. Further details will be discussed.

To apply please email your CV and a cover letter setting out how you meet the required skills and experience or key responsibilities to [email protected] with the subject ‘Application: EPR Policy Paper Consultant’

We are expecting the application before 30 June 2022.

GRASP 2030: Welcome on Board

Indah Budiani, Executive Director of IBCSD, stated in her opening remarks the current goal of COP26 is to assure the successful and impactful accomplishment of net-zero emissions through several initiatives and investment funds, which GRASP 2030 contributes. This is in line with the UN Food System Summit’s fives areas of action which aimed to accelerate the accomplishment of SDGs. Meanwhile, in the action tracks number 1 of the UN Food System Summit, Nourish All People, the action is not only focused on providing inexpensive and safe food but also on reducing food waste and loss. Therefore, IBCSD appreciates the signatories’ commitments who have joined GRASP 2030 and strives to facilitate all signatories with experienced practitioners to be able to implement their actions through the initial phase of GRASP 2030.


During the session, Michael Jones, International Partnership Manager WRAP, and Bryan Citrasena, Project Manager GRASP 2030 explained about GRASP 2030 Governance, reviewing the Voluntary Agreement model where the signatories were involved in several working groups with the same views on the objectives, activities, resources, and time to achieve the Target-Measure-Act approach and form a collaboration between signatories in the FLW reduction project. With the working groups, the signatories will be more focused on adopting and implementing their FLW action plan and make the most contribution to the initiatives that will be carried out. From this session the signatories are expected to have more understanding for the next steps, starting from the governance of the program, the establishment of a team, and the principle of Target-Measure-Act to deliver their commitment in reducing FLW through GRASP 2030.


Since its launch on September 8, 2021, the number of GRASP signatories has increased to 14 participants, including the Core Signatories; PT East West Seed, PT Multi Bintang Indonesia, Nutrifood, Sintesa Group, PT Kalbe Nutritionals, and Superindo. Meanwhile, Associate Signatories consist of Catalyze, Foodcycle, Waste4Change, Surplus, WRI Indonesia, Laskar Bumi Pertiwi, Srikandi Harmoni Bumi and Indonesia Food and Beverage Executive Association (IFBEC).


The second Onboarding Session will be held on the 23rd November for the Core Signatories and 24th November for the Associate Signatories. This next session aims to identify what Signatories can contribute to GRASP 2030 objectives and what support is available from GRASP 2030.


CEO Forum Called the Human RIght Due Diligence Implementation as Responsible Business during in COVID-19 Pandemic

The event was opened by Arsjad Rasjid, Chairman of Indonesian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), H.E. Yasonna H. Laoly, Minister of Law and Human Rights,  Vincent Piket, EU Ambassador of Indonesia and Brunei, and Sophie Kemkhadze, Deputy Resident Representative UNDP Indonesia.

In the opening remarks, Sophie Kemkhadze, Deputy Resident Representative UNDP Indonesia stated that 7.5 million Indonesians lost their jobs. It was devastating but we all need to focus on the opportunity to take a chance to rebuild our economy by creating more jobs and protecting human rights as a responsible business. Arsjad Rasjid, Chairman of KADIN also stated KADIN as the organization for all industry plays an active role in helping the government by carrying out the battle of social, economic, and health by having a CEO Forum discussion to explore the impact of the increasing momentum of the business and human rights narrative on business finance strategy and practice.

H.E. Yasonna H. Laoly, Minister of Law and Human Rights conveyed that the human rights principle during a pandemic is crucial and should be prioritized by businesses. The companies can refer to United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) which describe the role and responsibilities for state and companies normative frameworks and implementation procedures.  Vincent Piket, EU Ambassador of Indonesia and Brunei also agreed with Yasonna’s remarks. He added every stakeholder in the country has to collaborate and support each other to face the pandemic and build new resilience.

Later on the event, Livio Sarandrea, Business and Human Rights Advisor UNDP; Yono Reksoprodjo, Vice President of Corporate Affairs Sintesa Group; Anne Patricia Sutanto, Vice CEO PT Pan Brothers, Tbk, Sera Noviany Sustainability Manager APP Sinarmas, and Evie Yulin, President Director PT Merck, Tbk were joined on the panel discussions on human rights due diligence practices within the Indonesia business.

Livio reflects the growth of responsible business globally in Asia and grew very fast in the 5 years as well as Indonesia. It was shown by the involvement and knowledge of CEO’s in human rights as business actors. UNGP now are helping Indonesian companies to enlarge what they understand about humans right to the next step of implementation on the business thought capacity building training.

As IBCSD members are concerned, Sintesa Group addresses human rights as a benefit to achieving SDGs. While PAN Brother conducts HRDD by valuing humanity based on i-PAN and Pancasila. As well as APP Sinar Mas respects human rights through Sustainability Roadmap Vision, Forest Conservation Policy on Social Commitment, Employee Welfare, and Business Code and Conduct. Merck identified the priorities towards access to health, community, product stewardship, security, and workplace as the principle of HRDD processes. One of the common challenges in implementing HRDD in business was to have the same understanding and awareness.

At the end of the panel session, the business agreed that companies in Indonesia are open to mandatory or voluntary basis regulations for implementing HRDD. However, the business expects collaboration with the government to achieve stakeholder readiness in implementing regulations through policymaker engagement, private sector discussions, partnerships, socialization, and clarity of detailed guidelines in order to have the same understanding of the impact on the business and society.

Rewatch the Forum on




Human Right Due Diligence Training for Business in Indonesia

In Indonesia, UNDP supports the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business Human Rights (UNGPs) is done inclusively and based on international standards. UNGPs use HRDD to help businesses assess and mitigate threats to the lives and dignity of stakeholders, including employees, vulnerable groups, communities, and consumers. Even though conducting HRDD does not have a direct impact on profitability. It would help companies avoid reputational and operational harm that might, for example, accompany charges of forced labor. 

As the commitment to leverage the knowledge, understanding, and practical skills of human rights due diligence, UNDP and IBCSD had collaborated to host a series of Training on Human Rights Due Diligence for Business in Indonesia virtually on 21, 23, 27, and 29 September 2021. The training was attended by more than 31participants and opened by Elim Sritaba, Chief Sustainability Officer Asia Pulp & Paper represents the Executive Committee of IBCSD; Siprianus Bate Soro, Team Leader of Democratic Governance and Poverty Reduction, UNDP Indonesia; and Sean Less, Business and Human Rights Specialist, UNDP Asia Pacific.

Many speakers from the Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI), UNDP, UNICEF, ILO, Komnas HAM, and ELSAM lectured during the training. The training began with an overview of business and human rights, followed by discussions of business duties in human rights policy, human rights due diligence (introduction, identification, and evaluation), and corporate integration, monitoring impacts, and communicating reports on measures taken.

Ensuring that human rights in business operations are protected, respected, and promoted is a shared responsibility of governments, businesses, and organizations.




Sustainability Talk: Improving Sustainable Business Practices on Learning from the COVID-19 Pandemic

Oke Nurwan, Director General of Domestic Trade, Ministry of Trade, also conveyed that the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on changes in the trade. In maintaining the sustainable industry, Oke said that 9 things are the focus in the Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) framework. The regulations for implementing industrial sustainability have been translated into various regulations by the Ministry and the Regional Regulations. But the next question is, can Indonesia commit to SDG 2030 from the Covid-19 pandemic?

Arief Susanto – Head of Sustainability Program & Impact / Social Contribution, the Association of Indonesian Food and Beverage Entrepreneurs (GAPMMI) said that during the pandemic the food and beverage industry is no longer only concerned with food availability and food security, but also natural resources and resilience. For this reason, the food and beverage industry has a role to help the community become a top priority. The best effort is how the community is still able to buy their needs (affordability), have easy access (accessibility), and fulfill their nutritional and nutritional needs.

In the sharing session, Debasmita Kumar, Sustainability Strategy, Accenture Development Partnerships explained that despite the pandemic, global demand for palm oil continues to increase, raising concerns about the negative impact on Southeast Asia. This is because the current trend in the palm oil industry has led to the 100% RSPO-CSPO’s commitment. Unfortunately, however, less than 25% of palm oil companies in Asia are RSPO certified.

The panel discussion discussing palm oil products and sustainable sourcing presented various perspectives from resource persons attended by Emil Satria, Director of Forest and Plantation Products Industry, Ministry of Industry; Ribut Triwanti, Deputy Head of Sustainability Program & Impact/Social Contribution, GAPMMI; Ali, Triambodo, RSPO Management Representative, PT Wahana Citra Nabati; Arya Kusumo, Sustainability Department Head, PT Lion Super Indo; Kharisma Fitriasari, Head of Corporate Communications, PT Mondelez Indonesia; Joko Sarjito, Sustainable Commodities Program Manager, WWF Indonesia Foundation and moderated by Risyika Putri Istanti, Deputy Head of the Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari Program.

To encourage increased absorption of sustainable palm oil in Indonesia, Emil Satria said that the government has designed ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) regulations for the management system of oil palm plantations from upstream to downstream, issuance of progressive levy tariff policies, harmonization of export customs and incentives for R&D and other activities. vocation. In a state of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Industry issued a Mobility and Industrial Activity Operational Permit (IOMKI).

The palm oil industry sector both upstream and downstream has remained high-performing during this pandemic. In the upstream sector, the price of CPO which tends to be high from the beginning of the pandemic until now has been able to become the mainstay of creating the welfare of the oil palm farming community, especially in the 3Ts (Outermost, Innermost and Disadvantaged). Meanwhile, in the downstream sector, the supply capacity of the oleochemical industry has a high enough demand for the domestic and export markets.

Later in the session, Ali Triambodo and Arya Kusumo shared success stories of collaboration between upstream and downstream companies in realizing sustainability in the palm oil industry. PT Wahana Citra Nabati and Superindo made an action plan for sustainable palm oil which strives to provide healthier choices for customers. These two companies carry out an education campaign on sustainable product awareness by releasing a collaboration product of palm cooking oil with the RSPO label code. While Kharisma Fitriasari also shared the commitment of PT Mondelez Indonesia in the use of palm oil with the “Palm Oil Action Plan” and Traceability. Where Mondelez uses RSPO certified palm oil suppliers.

WWF Indonesia strives to help companies by assisting, enlightenment so that they can meet sustainability and traceability standards both downstream and upstream. In addition, WWF Indonesia also encourages companies that already commit to sustainability, provide education to their consumers.

Ribut Triwanti stated that GAPMMI has encouraged its members to practice sustainability. This is a challenge because as an association, GAPMMI must be able to provide knowledge and awareness of the extent to which members understand and desire to redesign business strategies towards sustainable practices. Because implementing sustainability is not easy and cheap. Requires time and resources, government support in implementation as well as assistance and monitoring.

From this panel discussion, the speakers called to action through 4K (Komitmen, Kiat, Kolaborasi dan Kontribusi). Strong commitment from the regulatory side. Tips for real action that are innovative and creative in turning challenges into opportunities. Collaboration and Contribution of all parties to achieve sustainable consumption and production practices.

IBCSD Launches Book on the Business Contribution to Achieve Sustainable Consumption and Production (SDGs 12)

Sustainable Consumption and Productions strive to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, increase resource efficiency, and promote sustainable lifestyles which also can contribute substantially to poverty alleviation and the transition towards low-carbon and green economies.  A better understanding of the business’s value chain, product life cycles, environmental and social impacts of products and services are needed to lead and have the greatest potential to interfere, improve and make an impact while improving well-being.


Read the business contribution for more inspirations and insight 

Download here!

GRASP 2030 (Gotong Royong Atasi Susut & Limbah Pangan di 2030)

The GRASP 2030, which generously funded by P4G (Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030), is built based on evident success of what has been done by WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme), IBCSD’s partner in developing GRASP 2030

The launch event was inaugurated by Dr. Arifin Rudiyanto as Deputy for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources of the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS and also attended by Ian De Cruz, Director of P4G Global and Lars Bo Larsen, Ambassador of Denmark to Indonesia.

From Ian de Cruz’s explanation, it was found that there is a US$2.5 trillion financing gap needed by developing countries to implement the SDGs. The gap will be filled if the private sector and investors can work together to find a solution. “What we are doing with GRASP 2030 is a Target, Measure, Act, Invest approach. This is in line with Indonesia’s commitment and national strategy to achieve the goals of the Low Carbon Development Initiative.” he added.

Danish Ambassador, Lars Bo Larsen in his speech explained, “When we talk about the food value chain, from production to consumption, I think it is important for Indonesia to identify different strategies at all levels. The challenge for every country is that we have different targets and actors at different levels.”

In addition, in the virtual launch event held on Wednesday 8 September 2021, entitled “Reinforce Food Loss and Waste Partnership Actions through GRASP 2030”, several representatives of companies that have joined GRASP 2030 were present, including Afrizal Gindow, Deputy Managing Director of East West Seed Indonesia; Ika Noviera, Head of Corporate Affairs of PT Multi Bintang Indonesia; Angelique Dewi, Head of Corporate Communication at Nutrifood; Anissa Ratna Putri, Consulting Manager of Waste4Change; and M. Agung Saputra, Managing Director of Surplus Indonesia.

Rows of other panelists from government agencies who also support this program, among others, Dr. Andriko Noto Susanto, Head of the Center for Food Availability and Reserves of the Food Security Agency; Novrizal Tahar, Director of Waste Management at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry; Andriati Cahyaningsih, Policy Analyst for the Green Industry Center of the Ministry of Industry; Putu Juli Ardika, Expert Advisor to the Minister of Industry, Strengthening and Disseminating Industry at the Ministry of Industry, and Anang Noegroho, Director of Food and Agriculture at BAPPENAS.

Putu Juli Ardika, from Ministry of Industry, said that in terms of the processing and packaging industry, since 2000, food loss was recorded at around 4.17%, in 2011 it fell to 3.75%, and in 2019 it fell again to 3.26%. “We appreciate industry players participating together on how to reduce food loss and food waste. We think this effort will be quite successful,” he concluded.

In closing the event, Anang Noegroho emphasized that his party appreciated two things. The first is the tagline ‘Gotong Royong’ which is a form of social capital to build this nation in a better direction, building initiatives that are the original face of our nation. Second, the government really appreciates multi-stakeholder cooperation and does not forget about the inclusiveness and synergy of all parties.

As of the launch date, nine founding signatories of GRASP 2030 has joined, including East West Seed Indonesia, Multi Bintang Indonesia, Nutrifood, Kalbe Nutritionals, Sintesa Group, Waste4Change, Surplus Indonesia, WRI Indonesia, and PT Lion Super Indo. Through GRASP 2030, businesses can increase their capacity to manage food loss and waste, improve their reputation in terms of sustainability, gain more connections, and improve their business operation and potential benefit.

Circular Transition Indicators v2.0 – Metrics for business, by business

Although the use of common indicators for circularity performance is essential to accelerating the transition to the circular economy, the value of CTI for a company goes beyond the calculation in the guidance, analysis and explanation for how circularity drives company performance. The CTI process helps companies’ scope and prepare the assessment and interpret its results, understand its risks and opportunities, prioritize actions and establish SMART targets to monitor progress.  

Version 2.0 comes a year after the launch of CTI v1.0 bringing three main additions in the existing methodology, including:

  • Water Circularity: As promised in CTI v1.0, this version now includes calculations for Circular Water Inflow/Outflow and Onsite Water Circulation.
  • CTI Revenue: Acknowledging growing investor interest for metrics that link circular and financial performance, the new CTI Revenue provides a consistent way to credibly respond to investor inquiries.
  • Bioeconomy Guidance: CTI v2.0 includes extensive instruction and interpretation on the bioeconomy across all indicators and process steps.

If companies have already completed an assessment with CTI v1.0, the new content will not affect their performance. Ideally, CTI only became easier and more valuable with these changes. In order to support and guide companies through this process, we have partnered with Circular IQ to develop the CTI online Tool available at Through the tool, CTI initiates value chain discussions, which are essential to accelerating the transition to the circular economy.

We invite companies of all sizes and industries worldwide to demonstrate their commitment to the circular economy by measuring their circular baseline with the launch of this updated version of CTI in February 2021.

Circular Transition Indicators v2.0