
Green Lifestyle Initiative

To support the achievement of Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12), IBCSD has implemented green life style program since 2017.

The first phase (2017-2019) resulted in the development of strategy, action plan and the commitment of 13 companies to achieve responsible consumption and production as part of their journey towards sustainable business.


Tropical Forest Alliance 2020

Preserving and restoring forests is critical to averting the most dangerous climate change and achieving global goals. According to the latest IPCC report, about 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions are tied to deforestation; with up to 20% of all the abatement potential identified in the land-use sector. Forests are also extremely important to food security, water security and livelihoods, so that conserving and restoring forests feature prominently in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) approved in 2015 by the United Nations

IBCSD Programs

IBCSD as an association led by CEOs who have a shared commitment in promoting sustainable development, using SDG as one of the guidelines for the implementation of programs and projects We target the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through six work programs to achieve systems transformation.


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Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development - IBCSD

Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development - IBCSD


A CEO-led association of companies in Indonesia for more sustainable business.

IBCSD hadir di Global Food Pact Network pertama di Meksiko! 🌎🤝🏻Sebagai inisiator GRASP 2030, kami bergabung dengan para mitra global dari Inggris, Amerika Serikat, Australia, Selandia Baru, Meksiko, Brasil, dan Afrika Selatan untuk memperkuat aksi dalam mengurangi susut dan sisa pangan (SSP).GRASP 2030 adalah perjanjian sukarela yang menyatukan bisnis dan organisasi untuk mengurangi SSP di Indonesia, dan IBCSD merasa bangga bisa ikut berpartisipasi.Beberapa poin utama dari diskusi di acara tersebut mencakup peningkatan kolaborasi global, berbagi praktik terbaik, dan mendorong perubahan yang berdampak melalui pendekatan Target-Ukur-Tindak. Bersama-sama, kami membangun jaringan yang lebih kuat dan terhubung untuk mengurangi susut dan sisa pangan di seluruh rantai pasok dan rumah tangga di seluruh dunia. Baca artikel lengkap kami di situs web GRASP 2030: #GRASP2030 ... See MoreSee Less
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Halo Mitra Keberlanjutan! 🌱IBCSD sukses menyelenggarakan Workshop GRASP 2030: “Metode Target-Ukur-Aksi” pada 6 Februari 2025 lalu.Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan pelaku usaha dalam mengukur serta mengurangi susut dan sisa pangan (SSP).Workshop ini dihadiri oleh signatories GRASP 2030, anggota GAPMMI, serta perwakilan pemerintah.Pantau terus akun kami untuk informasi mengenai GRASP 2030 atau acara workshop yang akan datang! #GRASP2030 #TentangGRASP2030 ... See MoreSee Less
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[PROCUREMENT NOTICE]Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) is seeking competent consultants experience, expertise on policy analysis and advocacy, to conduct a Gap Analysis Study on LCD Policy and support the development of strategies to enhance low-carbon development (LCD) initiatives in Indonesia.📌 Submit Now!🗓 Deadline: Before February 14th, 2025📩 Please send your Application and your proposal to deliver your responsibility to IBCSD Secretariat at [email protected]Check out the full details and how to apply in our website or the link in our bio! 🔗#IBCSD #wearehiring #LowCarbonDevelopment #Sustainability #PolicyAnalysis ... See MoreSee Less
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[PROCUREMENT NOTICE]Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) is looking for competent consultants to conduct an analysis to unlock the potential of the business sector for circular economy and cleaner production for industrial LCD actions through activities. 📌 Submit Now! Deadline : Before February 14th, 2025Please send your Application that includes your CV and Cover Letter that include your planning to deliver your responsibility to IBCSD Secretariat [email protected] Check out the full details and how to apply in our website or the link in our bio! 🔗#IBCSD #wearehiring #CircularEconomy #cleanerproduction #SustainableIndustry ... See MoreSee Less
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"Pencapaian SDGs sangat penting untuk menciptakan dunia di mana setiap orang dapat berkembang di planet yang sehat dan berkelanjutan. 🌟Susut dan sisa pangan (SSP) tidak hanya berdampak pada manusia, tetapi juga pada planet dan ekonomi kita. 💡Pelajari bagaimana bisnis dan pemangku kepentingan sistem pangan dapat mendorong perubahan yang berarti melalui GRASP 2030 lebih lanjut di sini: #Keberlanjutan #SistemPangan #TentangGRASP2030" ... See MoreSee Less
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Bergabung dengan GRASP 2030 membuka kesempatan untuk kolaborasi dan bertukan pengetahuan. Di sini, bisnis bisa berbagi wawasan, belajar dari praktik terbaik, dan berkolaborasi lintas sektor untuk menciptakan solusi inovatif dalam mengurangi susut dan sisa pangan (SSP). Tertarik untuk eksplorasi lebih jauh potensi besar yang bisa dihadirkan melalui GRASP 2030? 😊#tentanggrasp2030 #GRASP2030 ... See MoreSee Less
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