Request for Proposal: Report-Writer

The objective of the SAFE Regional Dialogue is to:

  1. Enable shared understanding of EUDR compliance requirements and deep dives into the challenges in applying the legality and traceability aspects for operators, traders, and smallholders focusing on palm oil, rubber, and cacao in Indonesia and Malaysia.
  2. Demonstrate inclusive supply chains across that of three commodities sectors are  transitioning toward EUDR through regional technical dialogues.



The IBCSD – TFA secretariat opens recruitment for Technical Consultants, with the following scope of work (job description):  Proposal for Report Writing  

  1. Develop reports based on the sectors and activities required in the implementation plans.  
  2. Ensure that the report’s valid references stem from the released resources, persons, and publications. 
  3. Integrate inputs from consortium members to ensure valid and correctness of the sources and information before the public release 
  4. Ensuring final reviews and verify any information based on the discussions and or other resources of information
  5. Final report submission 


  1. Post Graduate degree with relevant field experiences in forest, commodities, social, and public policy
  2. Proven track record in engaging with forest, commodities, and jurisdictional approaches related-context.
  3. Demonstrating capacity in evidence-based writing skills with critical and analytical thinking  
  4. Demonstrating experiences and knowledge in publications (writings) related to jurisdictions, supply chains, global markets, and sectoral commodities  

Please submit your CV to Janne Siregar at [email protected], at the latest by 30 June 2024

Consultant Services for Development of Guideline on Business Energy Transition

  B. Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of activity set out in the term of reference is to develop a guideline for increasing business capacity in decarbonisation actions through integrated energy solutions strategy, with objectives as follow:

  1. Utilizing WBCSD’s Guidelines for An Integrated Energy Strategy to be adapted with Indonesia’s context;
  2. Streamlining approach and target related to business decarbonisation through integrated energy;
  3. Gaining input and views from relevant government institution regarding the target and direction of business decarbonisation through integrated energy;
  4. Gaining input and views from businesses regarding their interest and trend in decarbonisation through integrated energy.

  C. Scope of Works

The guidelines that shall be delivered according to this term of reference, will consist of two modules as follow:

  1. Module 1: Energy Efficiency
  2. Module 2: Decarbonizing Energy Sourcing

The following are the scope of works expected to be delivered by the consultant in relation to the development of the above guidelines modules. The consultant shall be able to propose any methodology deemed appropriate to deliver the best outcome from the outlined activities.

  1. Preliminary Drafting

The consultant will be responsible to develop a first draft of guideline based on desk review conducted towards various materials, which at least include:

  1. WBCSD’s Guidelines for An Integrated Energy Strategy
  2. Regulation and policy in Indonesia related to business decarbonization through integrated energy strategy;
  3. References from global policy regarding business decarbonization through integrated energy strategy (at least 5 countries, and among them at least 2 countries shall have similar context with Indonesia);
  4. Available paper, books, and references in Indonesia, issued by other institutions regarding business decarbonization through integrated energy strategy.
  5. Stakeholder Input

Following the finalization of preliminary draft, consultant shall be responsible to conduct interview or discussion with governmental stakeholder and government-related institution relevant to business decarbonization through integrated energy strategy, which may include:

  1. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR);
  2. Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF);
  3. Ministry of National Planning (MoNP);
  4. PT PLN (Persero).
  5. Related companies.

The consultant may propose other related stakeholders to maximize the support in developing the guidelines.

  1. Validation Workshop

Validation workshops will be done by engaging at least 20 (twenty) companies for each module. The company’s selection will be shortlisted from IBCSD members and Kadin NZH members, or other companies proposed by the stakeholder during the dialogue process in (2). 


  D. Tasks, Deliverables, and Expected Schedule

The tasks, outcome and products, as well as expected Schedule to be delivered by the consultant are as follow:


No Tasks Deliverables/Products Expected Schedule
1. Desk Review List of reviewed documents & summarized relevant content 7 days
2. First Draft Guideline Preliminary draft of guidelines modules 20 days
3. Stakeholders’ interview and  dialogue/ discussions Minutes of Meeting 8 days
4. Validation Workshop Module 1 Activity Report 1 day
5. Validation Workshop Module 2 Activity Report 1 day
6. Finalization of Guidelines Modules Issuance of Guidelines 5 days


It is expected that the consultant is able to deliver their best results in 3 (three) months since the signing of contract/MoU. Consultant is expected to submit their own timeline of program plan in accordance with the outlined activities under this term of reference.

  E. Division of Responsibility

Following is the division of responsibility or battery limit for the activities to be executed under this term of reference.


No Tasks IBCSD Consultant
1. Desk Review Providing access to relevant references especially available in WBCD including establishing contact Conducting overall activities until report preparation
2. First Draft Guideline Conducting overall activities until report preparation
3. Stakeholders’ interview,  dialogue/ discussions Managing event: providing logistics and media, including venue (if necessary) Preparing materials, reports, & analysis
4. Validation Workshop Module 1 Managing event: providing logistics and media, including venue  Preparing materials, reports, & analysis
5. Validation Workshop Module 2 Managing event: providing logistics and media, including venue Preparing materials, reports, & analysis
6. Finalization of Guidelines Modules Final review Conducting overall activities until report preparation


  G.Proposal Submission

Following are the document to be submitted by consultant as proposal submission:

  1. Administrative

Consultant is expected to submit their corporate legal document, at least the Decree of Establishment (SK Menkumham atas Pengesahan Akta), corporate profile and curriculum vitae of related consultants,, including extensive list of relevant working experiences.

  1. Technical

Consultant is expected to submit a technical proposal, which outlined their take on this term of reference as well as their proposed approach and methodology to answer the requirement of this term of reference and to fulfill the expected deliverables at optimal quality.


  1. Commercial

Consultant is expected to submit commercial proposal, which already covers overall personnel and non-personnel cost at most competitive offer

The above documents shall be submitted at the latest of:

Day/Date : Tuesday, January 30th 2024

Time : 12.00 WIB


Point of Contact

For any clarifications needed by consultant kindly contact the following:

Name : Regi R. Sandi

Title : Program Manager

Mobile/WA : +62 877 2208 1704

E-mail : [email protected]

Request for Proposal: Katingan Investment Outlook

Investment Opportunities in Katingan

The concept of green growth (green growth) presents a new approach to economic growth. Putting human well-being at the center of development and ensuring natural resource assets continue to provide resources and environmental services to support sustainable development.

“Currently there are still many economic practices that do not pay attention to environmental sustainability. These practices should be improved through initiatives to regulate, foster and provide incentives and disincentives for economic activity.

The greatest natural resource potential in Katingan Regency is the agricultural sector which includes agriculture and food crops, plantations, animal husbandry, maritime affairs and fisheries. The development of livestock in Katingan Regency is still on a small scale and is still in the household business stage. Plantation is one of the potentials for development and high potential in Katingan Regency. This is supported by the physical condition of the area. Potential plantations can be divided into several leading commodities such as rubber and palm oil.

With this great potential, we hope that in the future many investors will enter to participate in developing the existing potential, this is supported by the geographical conditions of Katingan which is the gateway to West Kalimantan both from land, air and sea routes, where this is one of the supporting factors. to expedite the entry and exit of goods.

    2. The Outcome

The ultimate outcome of this initiative is to promote, inform and attract investors to invest in an investment plan in Katingan Regency to support green growth through an “Investment Outlook” that will be jointly developed by jurisdictional stakeholders, an approach in Central Kalimantan, which includes governance conditions governance that follows green growth, social and economic growth that encourages investment growth, as well as stakeholder efforts to support the SDGs and climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.

    3. Expected Output

Jurisdictional approaches need to adhere to principles of collective action and as such they must have a strong sense of ownership of the information generated from those jurisdictions. Thus, there are two results that need to be produced, as follows, so that the activities in this initiative can contribute to producing .

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RFP Term of Reference Katingan Investment Outlook (2)

Period of Assignment

March-May 2023

Please send your RFP to [email protected] with subject ‘Application: Consultant “Katingan Investment Outlook”.