FGD Green Lifestyle : Shared Resources Joint Solutions

The baseline provision for further tactical plan. Participation of producers, as a front guard in educating consumers Education of Consumers and Communities, educate consumers as a key for sustainable consumption and production Association as resource center, role in connecting and enhancing the capacity of business people Regulation and incentives, issued as a legal background and guidance in applying Sustainable Consumption and Production. Roles of Academia as resource knowledge provider and human resource developer.


Responsible Business Forum

In line with Darmin, IBCSD President Shinta Kamdani said as a country with the largest economy in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is a major producer of agriculture and bridges between Asia and Australia. She also thinks that business as usual is no longer an option. Businesses need new leadership and ways of thinking to solve the challenges of sustainable development.

Climate Resilience Discussion

IBCSD in partnership with BSR was holding a discussion talking on what are the effects of climate change to companies from vary sectors and how to deal with it. The IBCSD – BSR Workshop was held on 6th March 2018 at Mercantile Club Jakarta. The objective of this workshop is on how the private sector in Indonesia can reduce its risk and build resilience to climate-related impacts such as flooding, drought, and rising temperatures.

The discussion runs smoothly with active participants from private sectors. From the discussion, it’s shown that climate change affected vary sectors of companies in different ways. The participant also discussed about how to encounter the climate change effect.

Workshop GRI

Sustainability Report has become a requirement for financial service, listed and public companies in Indonesia based on the Regulation of Financial Services Authority No. 51/Pojk.03/2017 on Application of Sustainable Finance to Financial Services Institution, Issuer and Publicly Listed Companies. Mandatory for issuing Sustainability Report that will effectively be applied in 2019 and after, shall be made for the period of 2018. It will be easier for a company to follow the regulation if the various components in the supply chain start systematically collecting and reporting on their sustainability impacts Report as well. Moreover, in the future, the regulation will possibly be extended and applied for non-listed companies as has been the case for example in the EU.

IBCSD in collaboration with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) are engaged on Corporate Sustainability Management and Reporting for Competitive Business Program (CSRCB), a global training program helping large companies increase the transparency in their value chain while enhancing their ability to report on their own sustainability impacts and measures.

Many companies from varies sector came and actively engaged in the fruitful discussion. OJK, IDX, and other stakeholders were there too sharing their perspective and knowledge. IBCSD and GRI will not stop here and going to continue with many more projects onward. For Indonesian based companies, whether it is IBCSD’s members or not, IBCSD will always be delighted to be contacted regarding this program.



Welcoming PT ERM Indonesia

Focusing on Environmental Services, ERM’s multi-disciplinary teams of experts allow them to consider the entire range of environmental, health, safety, risk, performance assurance, information solution, pollution and natural resource development, social and economic related issues related to the construction and operation of projects. They are also supported by specialists from other offices in Asia Pacific with valuable project experience in Indonesia. By joining IBCSD, PT ERM Indonesia hopes there will be a lot of collaboration projects within the members born along the way.

Regional Committee Meeting – Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 (TFA 2020)

The meeting concluded with numbers of recommendations from committee members. The TFA 2020 Southeast Asia Program is suggested to expand its coverage to include second and third tertiary level of business chain and incorporate this within its time frame. Collective efforts to develop peatland database is viewed as necessary steps that need to be taken, whereas government is proposed to be lead the initiative and selected group members serve as the administrator. Task force is also expected to facilitate a shared-learning process to accommodate exchange knowledge and expertise amongst TFA 2020 members, one concrete example is on determining financial solution model for smallholder and independent farmers. Field visit has been opinioned as one of approach the team can facilitate to seize opportunity of knowledge sharing transfer in a more hands-on way.

After providing inputs and recommendations, the regional committee meeting has finally adjourned at 16.00 Indonesia time.   








Mewakili pihak perusahaan: Bapak Agus Purnomo (GAR), Ibu Kelly Chen (WI) dan Ibu Triana (RGE). Mewakili masyarakat sipil: Bapak Mansuetus Darto (SPKS) dan Bapak Fitrian Ardiansyah(IDH), dan juga Bapak Budi Santosa (IBCSD) dalam hal ini sebagai tuan rumah program TFA2020 regional Asia Tenggara.


Welcoming PT Bayer Indonesia

To Bayer, sustainability basically means future viability and it forms an integral part of their business strategy. They are convinced that they can only achieve lasting commercial success if they balance economic growth with ecological and social responsibility.

Responsible business practices are the foundation of the Bayer Group‘s sustainable alignment. They identify and mitigate risks at an early stage by implementing this alignment in the areas of compliance (e.g. anti-corruption and responsible marketing), human resources policy, product stewardship, health, environmental protection and safety, and supplier management. They believe that this is one of the key requirements for society’s acceptance of their business. On this basis, they aim to contribute to overcoming global challenges with innovations, and in so doing develop additional business opportunities.

    In addition, Bayer also identifies opportunities and risks by analyzing the important expectations of stakeholders. They match the existing assessment, so that it can be implemented into the relevant field in Bayer. They also document the results or findings into the materiality matrix form. With Bayer commitment on joining IBCSD, we hope more and more sustainability programs will be born.


Welcoming PT L’Oréal Indonesia

Spirit, Innovation, Entrepreneurship Soul, Openness, Effort to Achieve Excellence are the values embedded in L’Oreal’s genetic code which the team continues to express by their entire team in different parts of the world. Their ethical principles are Integrity, Respect, Courage and Transparency.This is what shapes L’Oréal’s culture, supports their reputation, and is implemented by all L’Oréal employees.
L’Oréal has undertaken a profound transformation towards an increasingly sustainable model, to respond to its environmental and social impacts, as well as to the main challenges which the world is facing today. Its strong ethical commitment, its Sharing Beauty With All sustainability programme, its policy of promoting diversity and the corporate philanthropy actions conducted with the support of the L’Oréal Foundation enable the Group to contribute to 14 of the 17 goals set by the United Nation.
According to L’Oréal 2016 report, L’Oréal already started a few programme regarding sustainability. Their programmes includes Reducing the environmental footprint of formulas, respecting biodiversity, optimizing packaging, and also to achieve zero deforestation. L’Oréal also very concern in producing sustainably by reducing CO2 commission, water consumption, and waste. by joining IBCSD, L’Oréal is ready to share their expertise in the sustainable field and also learn more about sustainability in all aspects related.