Recognizing the above problems, the Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) has developed a platform to promote Green Lifestyle for Sustainable Consumption and Production, particularly through 6 business sectors: Food, Pulp & Paper, Fashion / Beauty, Building / Infrastructure, Plastics & Packaging, and Rubber. Discussions were also carried out to facilitate an inclusive coordination process among various actors. “It is important for all parties to actively contribute in maintaining the sustainability of the food system, both from the business, government and public sides in general,” said Laksmi Prasvita, Executive Committee of IBCSD.
In this discussion, guidelines for strengthening the sustainability of the food sector are discussed, starting from the production side related to the procurement of raw materials to responsible consumption. Present to explain the guidelines, Nia Sarinastiti, Accenture Development Partnerships Lead in Indonesia. Not only that, there is also an explanation of the food security program pushed by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) entitled The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for Agriculture and Food (TEEBAgriFood). This program is an initiative in more than 10 countries for collaboration for food security, as explained by Martine van Weelden, TEEBAgriFood Project Manager Capitals Coalition.
This discussion can generate input and benefits for the food industry in a more sustainable future. Dozens of company and institutional representatives who attended are also planning to join in this collaborative Green Lifestyle action, and implement the points contained in the guidelines presented.
“2020 we are launching a strategy to multiply the Community of Practices. So it is very important to show many parties that this is an action that can be done. In 2021 we are also preparing an implementation plan at the city district level down to the village and sub-district levels, ”said Noer Adi Wardojo, Head of the Center for Environmental and Forestry Standardization, KLHK.
Apart from KLHK, this business sector initiative is also fully supported by the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia / the National Development Planning Agency (abbreviated as the Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas). As stated by the Director of Food and Agriculture of Bappenas, Anang Noegroho Setyo Moeljono, “We are in full support on this activity and were looking forward to the result and were very ready for the partnership.”