Winners of The Sustainable Business Awards Indonesia 2017

Marina Tusin, President Director of PwC Consulting Indonesia, said “It has been pleasantly heartwarming to witness various sustainability initiatives implemented in Indonesian companies given the environmental and social challenges we face today. It is our responsibility to applaud the progress made by companies moving towards sustainable businesses. The awards have been a great platform to showcase this progress and to recognise these companies.”

The Sustainable Business Awards run in partnership with PwC Indonesia, to recognize businesses that demonstrate leadership and proven commitment to sustainability through rigorous assessment on business practices. Applicants are scored against both processes and performance across the following 12 categories; Strategy and vision; Workforce; Community; Energy Management; Water Management; Waste & Material Productivity; Climate Change; Supply Chain; Land-use, Biodiversity and the Environment; Business Responsibility and Ethics, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“The recognition given to businesses for their sustainable efforts not only encourages
others to follow suit, but also provides an excellent resource to learn from best
practices. The rigorous process and prominence of the panel give the awards
unparalleled credibility and standing in Asia.” explains Tony Gourlay, CEO of Global
Initiatives, the awards organizer for the fifth year. Each contender completed a comprehensive interview, questionnaire and was scored against their corporate sustainability vision, and their environmental and social management strategies. Winners were chosen by an expert cross-industry panel including IBCSD, PwC and BAPPENAS (see full list below).

To learn about the awards criteria and methodology read more here.


Overall Winner of the Sustainable Business Awards: Holcim Indonesia

BEST IN CATEGORY AWARD (See detailed description here)

  1. Best Strategy & Sustainability Management – Holcim Indonesia
  2. Best Workforce – Nestlé Indonesia
  3. Best Community – United Tractors
  4. Best Energy Management – Asia Pulp and Paper (APP)
  5. Best Water Management – Chevron Indonesia
  6. Best Waste and Material Productivity – Holcim Indonesia
  7. Best Climate Change – Holcim Indonesia
  8. Best Supply Chain Management – H&M
  9. Best Land Use, Biodiversity, and Environment – Sinar Mas Agribusiness and Food
  10. Best Business Responsibility and Ethics – PT Vale Indonesia Tbk
  11. Best Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality – PT Astra International Tbk
  12. Best UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – 
    1. PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk
    2. PT Martina Berto Tbk


  1. Best Flagship Initiative – PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk
  2. Best State Owned Enterprise – Pertamina


  1. Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation Practices – PT Branita Sandhini
  2. Energy Management – PT Sarihusada Generasi Mahardhika
  3. GHG Emission Reduction – Gunung Sewu
  4. Water Stewardship – Multi Bintang Indonesia
  5. Health Education – Bayer Indonesia
  6. Employee Engagement – PT Frisian Flag Indonesia
  7. Stakeholder Engagement – GREENHOPE – PT Harapan Interaksi Swadaya
  8. Energy Management – ISPAT INDO
  9. Biomass Energy Initiative – APRIL

Indonesia National Advisory Panel Members

Shinta Kamdani, President of IBCSD and Vice Chair Woman of KADIN Indonesia
Irhoan Tanudiredja, Senior Partner, PwC Indonesia
Erna Witoelar, Founder, Chairperson and Governing Board Member, KEHATI
Nina Sardjunani, Team Leader Secretariat of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), BAPPENAS
Tony Gourlay, CEO, Global Initiatives

About Global Initiatives:

Global Initiatives creates partnerships that address global challenges through film, international events and media projects. By sharing knowledge and best practices, and calling on all stakeholders to take action, we address some of the greatest challenges facing the world. International events include the Responsible Business Forums.

Natural Capital Roundtable: Relation Between Business and Natural Capital

Considering that over the past 50 years, 60% of the world’s ecosystem services have been degraded, IBCSD with its parent organisation WBCSD, are promoting Natural Capital Protocol. In Indonesia, this initiative is also developing and IBCSD as a platform for sustainable development.

Businesses depend on natural capital and the services they provide as an input to their operations. These dependencies are often critical but also frequently misunderstood or not fully recognized. Business operations can also have impacts on the quality and availability of natural capital, either positive or negative, and thus the long-term ability of natural capital to provide returns to the company, the economy, and society.

The discussion will explore how firms in the agribusiness sector might benefit from the natural capital project’s experience in the company case and also the factors that could help companies in adopting to the natural capital approaches in Indonesia.

For the summary of the event please click on the link below:

Jakarta Rountable Summary

Communication & Relation Executive

IBCSD Communications & Relations

Reports to :
Executive Director

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Building and maintain relationships with IBCSD Member and in coordination with Program Director to communicate IBCSD Programs to all members in order to establish the working program related to issue.
  • Responsible in the membership recruitment process, marketing and all administrative & correspondence matters for the new and existing IBCSD Member.
  • Responsible for the development of IBCSD members best practices & case studies, brochures, newsletters, and other publications to promote IBCSD vision, mission and ongoing program.
  • Coordinate the implementation for IBCSD event from planning and executing according to requirements, target audience and objectives.
  • Coordinate and represent IBCSD at various conferences, meetings and events; including the annual membership meeting, new member orientations, regular meeting with related stakeholder and any networking programs.
  • Identify, develop and execute communications strategy for media outreach and media relations content during IBCSD event and related occasion.

Knowledge, Experience, and Education Required

  • Bachelor’s degree in communications / public relations /journalism/ marketing, business, or related field
  • Minimum of three years of experience in similar positions with preference to experience working in private sector
  • Strong interpersonal skills to effectively cultivate relationships with prospects, members, related stakeholders and ability to communicate effectively to diverse audiences.
  • Show independence and initiative, also demonstrate creativity in problem solving, contributing new ideas and solutions.
  • Experience and success in developing compelling written, oral and visual presentation materials
  • Ability to organize, plan and prioritize workload involving multiple projects at one time
  • Strong ability to work independently and as part of a team in fast-paced, changing environment
  • Results-oriented and willingness to be accountability to measurable goals
  • Capable of maintaining sensitive/confidential information
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office programs including Outlook, Excel, Word and Power Point. Additional skill on using Corel will be advantage.


Interested applicants should send the cover letter and CV to [email protected] before 22 September 2017.

Training Consultant Pelatihan Resolusi Konflik

Dekripsi kegiatan dan tugas konsultan

Dengan peserta sekitar 25 orang, pelatihan akan diadakan selama 3 hari di bulan November 2017.

Konsultan akan memiliki kewajiban dan tugas sebagai berikut:

  • Merancang proses pelatihan
  • Menyusun materi pelatihan
  • Mengikuti pertemuan dan diskusi proses perencanaan pelatihan
  • Melakukan pelatihan sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah disetujui bersama
  • Turut melakukan evaluasi pelatihan
  • Menyusun laporan kegiatan dan memberikan masukan bagi laporan Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning  atas kegiatan pelatihan
  • Menyelesaikan laporan keuangan kegiatan pelatihan

Proposal dan bidding

  1. Proposal (maksimal 3 halaman) terbagi menjadi 2 bagian, yakni proposal teknis (berisi konten) dan proposal anggaran.
  2. Untuk proposal teknis harus dapat menggambarkan mengenai konsep pelatihan secara keseluruhan dengan dilengkapi oleh kurikulum lengkap, resume lengkap trainer, dan profil lembaga.
  3. Proposal teknis dan proposal anggaran harap dikirimkan ke [email protected] dengan copy ke [email protected] sampai dengan 22 September 2017

Proses seleksi

Penilaian proposal akan didasarkan pada:

  • Kompetensi konsultan/trainer di bidang terkait
  • Rekam jejak perusahaan konsultan/trainer di bidang terkait
  • Pengalaman dalam merancang dan melakukan pelatihan resolusi konflik
  • Besarnya anggaran yang diajukan
  • Ketersediaan waktu (availability) kandidat

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, anda dapat menghubungi:

Navitri Putri Guillaume, PhD
Program Director, CRU
Tel: +62 812 1023 9384
Email: [email protected]

Fasilitator Diskusi FGD Perspektif Perempuan akan Konflik Sumber Daya Alam

Kasepuhan Banten Kidul tinggal di sekitar Gunung Halimun, dimana satuan kelompok-kelompok masyarakat berada di sebagian Provinsi Banten dan Jawa Barat. Masyarakat Kasepuhan Banten Kidul yang terdiri atas 66 Kasepuhan yang hidupnya bergantung pada sumberdaya alam, mempercayai bahwa Gunung Halimun merupakan satu kesatuan urat Gunung Kendeng yang tidak terputus dari ujung Timur hingga ujung Barat sebagai batas dalam pengelolaan wilayah. Kasepuhan Banten Kidul meyakini memiliki kewenangan untuk menjaga kelestarian kawasan Gunung Halimun.

Pada tahun 2003, pemerintah menerbitkan SK Menteri Kehutanan No. 175/2003 tentang penambahan luas Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun-Salak (TNGHS) menjadu 113.357 ha dan dikelola oleh UPT Balai Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak.

Penetapan status menjadi kawasan konservasi telah menyebabkan konflik dengan masyarakat Kasepuhan Banten Kidul karena masyarakat dilarang untuk masuk hutan, mengambil hasil hutan dan menggarap hutan sebagai huma. Selain itu, keberadaan tambang dan hutan produksi di dalam kawasan TNGHS juga telah meningkatkan kompleksitas konflik yang terjadi.

Melalui FGD ini CRU berharap bisa mendapatkan perspektif para perempuan dari Kasepuhan Banten Kidul tentang konflik yang sedang dihadapi guna memperkuat pemahaman tentang peran perempuan dalam konflik sumber daya alam dan penyelesaiannya.

Untuk itu, CRU mencari fasilitator diskusi untuk memastikan diskusi berjalan dengan efektif.

Tujuan diskusi:

  1. Mendapatkan masukan dari masyarakat, khususnya kaum perempuan, akan dinamika konflik sumber daya alam di Kasepuhan Banten Kidul
  2. Memperkuat pemahaman akan peran perempuan dalam konflik sumber daya alam dan penyelesaiannya

Ruang lingkup pekerjaan

Ruang lingkup tugas dan kewajiban fasilitator dalam persiapan dan pelaksanaan diskusi adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Menyusun agenda dan alur pelaksanaan diskusi bersama dengan CRU
  2. Melaksanakan peran fasilitator diskusi
  3. Menyiapkan laporan hasil diskusi

Jadwal dan lokasi diskusi

Waktu:Selasa, 5 September 2017, 11.00 – 14.00
Lokasi:  Manggala Wanabakti, Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto, Senayan – Jakarta


  • Latar belakang pendidikan di bidang conflicts studies, natural resource management, political science, atau bidang yang terkait lainnya.
  • Minimal lima tahun pengalaman sebagai fasilitator diskusi.
  • Memiliki pemahaman tentang konflik lahan dan sumber daya alam di dalam kawasan hutan.
  • Fasih berbahasa Indonesia dan Sunda.


Tenggat waktu

 Bagi kandidat yang tertarik harap mengirimkan CV dan proposal ke [email protected] sampai dengan tanggal 31 Agustus 2017.

Lembaga penyedia survei baseline mediasi konflik sumber daya alam dan lahan

Jumlah konflik penggunaan lahan dan pengelolaan sumber daya alam di Indonesia terus bertambah, tetapi pemahaman dan penerapan mediasi yang efektif masih memerlukan perbaikan. Kehadiran CRU ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan publik bahwa mediasi adalah alternatif yang efektif untuk menyelesaikan konflik lahan dan pengelolaan sumber daya alam di Indonesia. Walaupun CRU tidak secara langsung melakukan mediasi konflik, CRU menyediakan berbagai layanan untuk mendukung proses mediasi agar dapat dilaksanakan sesuai praktik terbaik.

Selanjutnya untuk dapat mengoptimalkan peran serta CRU terhadap dilakukannya proses mediasi yang sesuai dengan proses terbaik, diperlukan adanya informasi yang dapat memetakan bagaimana kondisi publik dan persepsinya terhadap proses mediasi di Indonesia. Informasi ini menjadi referensi CRU dalam menyediakan berbagai layanan untuk mendukung tumbuhnya proses mediasi sesuai dengan praktik terbaik di Indonesia.

Atas maksud itu, CRU bermaksud untuk mencari lembaga survei yang akan menjalankan survei baseline terkait mediasi konflik agrarian dan sumber daya alam sebagai bagian dari evaluasi program CRU. Survei ini bertujuan untuk mengukur keefektifan intervensi CRU yang dinilai dan atau dikaji melalui perubahan pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan dari penerima manfaat program.


Survei diharapkan dapat selesai dalam waktu 1 bulan (Agustus-September 2017).

Lembaga yang berminat dapat mengirimkan proposal selambatnya hari Jumat tanggal 25 Agustus 2017 pukul 17.00 WIB ke [email protected] cc [email protected]. Hanya lembaga yang memenuhi seleksi awal yang akan melanjutkan ke proses selanjutnya.

Researcher: Best Practices in Conflict Mediation

Spatial Plan (RTRW) is a policy and strategy direction on spatial use from national, island and regional levels, as a reference for long-term development planning. Spatial planning is a manifestation of spatial patterns and spatial structures composed of national, regional and local levels. At the national level, it is called the National Spatial Plan (RTRWN), which is then spelled out into the Island Spatial Plan (RTRP), then further elaborated as the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW). RTRW covers Provincial level (RTRWP) and District/City (RTRWK). Space includes land space, sea space, and air space, including space in the earth, as a unity of territory, where humans and other living beings maintain their survival.

Spatial plan is essentially a legal certainty for various parties involved in social and economic development in the region. The process of spatial planning in the regions, both at the provincial and district/city levels, is, however, not a series of work in the vacuum. There are many factors that affect the process of spatial planning, but also many things that are influenced by the process of spatial planning. When spatial planning is underway, there are already many existing land uses that should be accommodated into the spatial planning process. However, the step of accommodating existing land use does not happen because the spatial plan is top-down, where directives for policy and strategies at the national level should be referred by processes at the island, provincial to district/city levels. This inconsistency is the root of all the complexities and issues due to spatial planning, which is alleged to influence the occurrence of land conflicts in the region.

Scope and Objectives

Meet CRU needs to better understand the linkages between the RTRW and the occurrence of land conflicts, in order to optimize its services as a learning hub in conflict prevention and management. Specifically, CRU needs to gain knowledges in terms of,

  • Laws, regulations and policies that CRU will refer, with respect to spatial planning in areas that are prone to land disputes and conflicts;
  • Early assessment instruments that CRU will use to understand the dynamics of spatial planning and land use in the areas where the conflict occurred;
  • Technical references to help CRU prepares the baseline of a region, which will be used to build a shared understanding between the conflicting parties.

The key outputs to be delivered are the following:

  • A work plan, a research methodology, and scoping report; and
  • Assessment report or final report (incl. recommendations).


  • A post-graduate degree in policy, law, socio-economics, natural resource management or another related discipline;
  • Demonstrated experience (minimum 5 years) conducting relevant applied research in the fields of natural resource management, environmental politics, conflict resolution, or related fields;
  • Thorough understanding of policy and regulations with regards to spatial planning and NRM;
  • Excellent writing skills, as demonstrated through peer-reviewed journal articles, professional reports, or related publications;
  • Excellent spoken and written skills in Bahasa Indonesia and English;

The deadline for submission of the application is 31 August 2017.

The application should contain:

  • Research proposal explaining the methodology that will be used, a timeline and a budget for the research activity.
  • Updated CV to include qualifications/competencies and relevant past experience in similar projects.
  • Individual consultants will be evaluated based on a combination of a desk review of the CV, and the offer that provides the best value for money. The Evaluation Panel may decide to call for an interview (face to face or telephone).
  •  Candidates will be notified by the Evaluation Panel by early September 2017.

IBCSD Mengumumkan Pemenang Lomba Karya Tulis Media untuk tema Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Bisnis Berkelanjutan

Menjawab tantangan yang ada, IBCSD sebagai asosiasi yang memiliki komitmen dalam mempromosikan pembangunan berkelanjutan dan berusaha mendorong perusahaan anggotanya untuk melakukan praktik praktik terbaik untuk isu HAM.

Dalam upaya ini, IBCSD juga berusaha menggandeng Media selaku mitra penting dalam menyebarluaskan usaha penerapan Hak Asasi Manusia dalam suatu kegiatan usaha.

Penghargaan ide positif dari satu perusahaan ke perusahaan lain merupakan alasan utama IBCSD mengadakan Lomba Penulisan Bagi Wartawan mengenai isu Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Bisnis Berkelanjutan.

Pemahaman ini ternyata sudah banyak dipahami oleh media massa. Terlihat dari beberapa artikel yang dinilai oleh IBCSD bersama mitranya sejak 16 Maret – 10 Juni 2017 dengan jumlahsekitar 56 artikel dari harian cetak dan online.

Pada hari kamis tanggal 15 Juni 2017, IBCSD telah mengumumkan para pemenang di Gedung Menara Kadin. Berikut adalah susunan pemenangnya:

  • Juara I – Imam Suhartadi dari Harian Investor Daily – Uang tunai Rp7.000.000.
  • Juara II – Heru Febrianto dari Koran SINDO – Uang tunai Rp. 5.000.000.
  • Juara III – Miftah Ardhian dari – Uang tunai Rp.3.000.000.
  • 3 Juara Harapan masing-masing mendapatkan uang tunai Rp1.000.000 :
    • M. Rausyan Fikri dari
    • Aprillia Ika dari
    • M.Solihin dari Indopos.

Penandatanganan MoU antara Vale Indonesia dan IBCSD untuk Penyusunan Pedoman Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati di Sektor Tambang

Jumat, 9 Juni 2018 – telah dilaksanakan penandatanganan nota kesepahaman (MoU) kerjasama antara Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) dengan PT. Vale Indonesia.

Penandatangani MoU dilakukan oleh Budi Santosa selaku Direktur Eksekutif IBCSD dan Basrie Kamba selaku Direktur Corporate Affairs PT. Vale Indonesia. Penandatanganan MoU ini dilaksanakan di Kantor PT. Vale Indonesia di Jakarta.

Penandatangannan MoU ini bertujuan untuk menyusundokumen panduan pengelolaan keanekaragaman hayati di sektor tambang yang didukung oleh Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) melalui Yasayan Burung Indonesia untuk upaya konservasi yang dilakukan di wilayah Wallacea. Dokumen tersebut diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi  perusahaan tambang di Indonesia untuk melakukan pengelolaan keanekaragaman hayati di kawasan konsesinya.

Penandatangannan MoU tersebut disaksikan oleh Nico Kanter selaku Presiden Direktur PT. Vale Indonesia, Rini Suryani selaku perwakilan dari Burung Indonesia dan Indah Budiani selaku Direktur Program IBCSD.