Mondelez Indonesia: Protecting those at the heart of the program

Understand that knowledge is one of the best prevention methods, Mondelez Indonesia is supporting the dissemination and use of child-friendly and farmer-friendly virus-related training materials as well as improving local government capacity through online “training of trainers”, to raise awareness in local communities.
The effort together with Wahana Visi Indonesia and Save The Children was done in Sulawesi, Sumatera. HOwever, Aid by Mondelez was also distributed in Jakarta and other Java area.  Globally, USD 20 million has been projected to the COVID-19 related program.
For more information around Mondelez’ initiatives:

Earth Day Webinar in Midst of COVID-19: Sustainable Sourcing

The Sustainable Procurement Guide covers five commodity procurement focuses, namely oil palm, wood and paper, seafood, plastics and energy and consists of three parts namely on the concept of sustainability and its benefits; steps that companies need to go through to achieve sustainable procurement; and self-assessment to measure the company’s readiness to implement sustainable procurement.

As a start, PT Hero Supermarket Tbk, PT Wahana Citra Nabati, PT L’Oreal Indonesia, PT Tetra Pak Indonesia, PT Graha Bumi Hijau (Tessa), PT Narendra Lentera Adisakti (Alila Hotel Solo), PT Faber-Castell International Indonesia, PT Foods and Beverages Indonesia (Chatime), and PT Lion Super Indo, have stated their commitment to support the implementation of this guide.

This guide was launched in the midst of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic, one of which, originated from zoonosis, which is the transmission of the virus from wildlife to humans. Zoonoses can occur directly due to wildlife meat sales and consumption activities, and indirectly from commodity production and consumption activities that ignore environmental impacts and thus create environmental conditions that are conducive to mutations and the spread of viruses.

The Reporting Exchange: Global Resource For SR

The Reporting Exhange is a free online platform that connects companies and relevant stakeholders to reliable, comparable information on sustainability reporting requirements, resources and indicators. It provides in-depth and up to date coverage across over 70 sectors in 60 different countries including sustainability reporting resources and requirements for Indonesia.

To find out more, visit the Reporting Exchange at

COVID-19 Prevention

There is also a WhatsApp-based chatbot service dedicated for adolescent and youth under U-reporter platform with reliable information on Covid-19. Simply send message “Corona” to WA 0811 900 4567.

The overwhelming information that are flooding the social media and internet has increase challenges to screen which are valid and false. Therefore, this official kit from UNICEF will be useful for employers to download videos and graphs available at for use in internal communications with workers (intranet, alerts in apps, SMS).

 For employees, some steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 can be found in the WHO Guidance for the Public.

The link for the full guideline in the link below.


Meanwhile other source provided by the Government of Indonesia can be also our reference. You can check it on this link. 

Thank you for helping to stop the spread of the virus.


Guidance to Employers regarding COVID19

Call For Private Sector in Response to the Rapidly Evolving COVID-19 Pandemic

It’s time for businesses to take concrete and decisive action that will not only mitigate the impact of the health crisis, but also ensure that the well-being of people. It needs continuous commitment to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as the Global Investors for Sustainable Development (GISD) Alliance that was just launched in October 2019 has been aimed for. That will lay the foundation for resilient and robust societies.

We hope that you, your families and your colleagues are safe and well.


At IBCSD, we believe that the health of staff, members and partners is our priority. Therefore, currently until undetermined time, we also apply a policy of working remotely from home to reduce the risk of transmission of this pandemic. All staff are expected to be able to continue working at home, except when there are urgent matters that cannot be done remotely. We will continue to operate effectively during this time, and you can still contact us at [email protected].

 If you have a scheduled meeting with IBCSD in the coming weeks, our staff will contact you to reschedule or arrange a teleconference. We hope that everything that happens right now does not make us panic, but is alert, and continues to hope that everything will return to normal soon. Our best regards to all your colleagues and family at home.


March 17th, 2020.

Indah Budiani, Executive Director

Spott Forum on Forestry Transperancy in Indonesia

The workshop summarized the lessons learned from ZSL’s 2019 SPOTT assessments of 15 Indonesian timber and pulp producers, processors and traders. Presentations and group discussions provides operational guidance on how to improve SPOTT scores and communicate progress to investors and buyers. These issues was discussed in the context of Indonesia’s FLEGT licensing system and voluntary certification schemes, and considering the need for progress ahead of 2020’s international conferences on the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the UN Climate Change Summit. Both of these and the recognition of sufficient progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will see 2020 as a year where buyers and investors shall be seeking more demonstrable progress by producers. Therefore, ZSL demonstrated how SPOTT can be used as a tool to retain and attract business and investment in the post-2020 context.

The workshop was attended by Dr. Ir. Rufi’i M.Sc, Director for Processing and Marketing of Forest  Products, Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Sustainability directors, managers and teams, responsible for environmental and social compliance within upstream timber and pulp companies, including the 15 Indonesian companies currently assessed by SPOTT also attending the workshop.