Launch of Indonesia P4G National Platform

The Indonesia P4G National Platform is co-chaired by the representative from government, civil society and private sector. Ms. Shinta Kamdani, CEO Sintesa Group is the Corporate Co-Chair, Ms. Tri Mumpuni (Director of IBEKA) as Civil Society Co-Chair and Mr. Rizal Primana, Expert Staff for Development of Leading Sector Infrastructure Bappenas as Government Co-Chair. In the future, the P4G activities will be focused on five key SDG areas: food and agriculture (SDG 2), water (SDG 6), energy (SDG 7), cities (SDG 11) and circular economy (SDG 12).

In his opening remark, Minister of National DevelopMENT Planning, Suharso Monoarfa expects that P4G National Platform can contribute the low carbon development in Indonesia (LCDI). LCDI has been incorporated in the National Medium-Term Development Plan 2020-2024, namely 6th national priority on building the environment, increasing resilience to disasters and climate change. “LCDI priority activities for 2020-2024 is under Priority Program 3 on the implementation of low carbon development, including sustainable energy, waste management, blue carbon, green industry and sustainable land restoration”, said Suharso Monoarfa. The Corporate Co-Chair of Shinta Kamdani, in her statement also expects that this platform can lead to concrete actions through public private and civil society partnerships that bring common concrete benefits so that such partnerships can sustain in the long run.


Inception Workshop: Developing a National Circular Economy Strategy for Indonesia

Attending the workshop: Suharso Monoarfa, Minister of National Development Planning of Indonesia; Lea Wermelin, Minister of Environment of Denmark; Shinta W. Kamdani, President of IBCSD; Christophe Bahuet, UNDP Resident Representative in Indonesia; Jeremy Oppenheim, Senior Managing Partner SYSTEMIQ.

This workshop also attended by senior leaders from the private sector, including from key focus sectors related to the food & beverage, construction, electronics, textiles and plastics; Representatives from key government agencies in Indonesia of relevance for the circular economy; and International experts on the circular economy.

12 Member Companies of IBCSD Won the SBA Awards

Overall Winner – APRIL Group

Special Award for Holistic Performance – PT L’Oréal Indonesia

Best Winner:
Strategy and Sustainability Management – APRIL Group

Sustainability in Community – PT Mondelez Indonesia

Stakeholder Engagement & Materiality – APRIL Group

Flagship Initiatives – PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk.

Best SME – PT RePal International Indonesia

Special recognitions:

Workforce – PT Multibintang Indonesia

Sustainability in Community – East West Seed Indonesia

Energy Management – APP Sinar Mas

Water Management – PT L’Oréal Indonesia

Supply Chain – Nestlé Indonesia

Business Responsibility & Ethics – PT Vale Indonesia

SDGs Category Awards:

UN SDG 4 (Quality Education) – APRIL Group

UN SDG 10 (Reduced Inequality) – PT Freeport Indonesia

UN SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institution) – PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia

*For more information and other winners, please visit SBA Indonesia 2020 official website.


Sustainable Business Awards 2019

“In this year’s Awards, unfortunately we don’t have a winner in the climate change category. This isn’t because there weren’t any businesses working on the issue. Yes, we have many companies with great initiatives to concur the climate change issue, but we need more.,” Shinta Kamdani, President of IBCSD.  “All businesses – especially those that to date have been silent on the threat of environmental and social challenges – need to step-up to raise ambition and actions to tackle the problems, to achieve our sustainable development goals,” she continues.

In his keynote speech, Mr. Suharso M. the minister of National Development Planning Indonesia (BAPPENAS) put emphasis on the importance of SDGs, quote “SDGs is a business opportunity, not a business burden. SDGs is an investment opportunity for creating higher returns in the future”.

Currently in its 8th year running, SBA Indonesia is organised by Global Initiatives, alongside local partners PwC Indonesia, Indonesian Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD), Control Union and the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN). Global Initiatives has also released the inaugural SBA Indonesia Insights Report, which outlines the best practices and trends of sustainable business practices in Indonesia. 

An advisory panel advised on the winners:

  •  Irhoan Tanudiredja, Senior Partner, PwC Indonesia
  •  Bayu Krisnamurthi, Former Deputy Minister of Trade and Agriculture/ Chairman, Indonesian Society of Agricultural Economics
  •  Shinta Widjaja Kamdani, President, Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD)
  •  Endy Bayuni, The Editor-in-Chief, The Jakarta Post
  •  Erna Witoelar, Founder, Chairperson and Governing Board Member, KEHATI Foundation
  •  Josaphat Rizal Primana, Directorate for Energy, Mineral, and Mining Resources, BAPPENAS
  •  Denny Situmorang, Head of Finance, Control Union
  •  Anthony Gourlay, Former CEO, Global Initiatives
  •  Shefali Chaddha, COO, Global Initiatives

SCG sd Symposium for Circular Economy

SCG introduces Circular Economy as a make-use-return concept, by encouraging maximum utilization of resources and reducing the amount of waste as much as possible. Reflecting on the current environment global situation, especially the environmental problems in location where it operates including Indonesia, SCG wants to introduce opportunities for collaboration while introducing innovation as a solution, under the umbrella of a Circular Economy. That is all in order to maintain and run a sustainable business to create a better environment in the world.

SCG incorporate Circular Economy through 3 business activities strategies:

  • Reduced Material Use and Durability, e.g., Green Carton, which requires 25% less raw materials but remains the same durability;
  • Developing innovations to replace existing products or raw materials with new ones with Upgrade and Replace strategy, e.g., SCG Hybrid Cement that use superior raw materials than traditional cement to improve structural strength and durability.
  • Reuse and Recycle, e.g., CIERRA™, functional materials that offer a single material with diverse applications to replace the use of many materials, enabling better recyclability.

National RECP Workshop for Textile & Garment Industry

IBCSD was invited to give a presentation on “Circular economy and the Role of Industry” to encourage its implementation in the corporate world. IBCSD collaborates with PPBN in promoting Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) presented by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia with support from the Swiss Government (SECO) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

Inauguration of EWINDO Horticulture Seed Export

Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo appreciated the achievement of IBCSD’s member, Ewindo, exporting 48 billion horticultural seeds in 2019 and hopes that exports will continue to increase to support the Ministry of Agriculture’s Threefold Agricultural Export Movement (GRATIEKS) program. Seeds that have been successfully exported include: pumpkin, bitter melon, long beans, cucumbers, squash, water pumpkin, chili, watermelon, spinach, eggplant, beans, kale, melon, sweet corn, red onion, tomatoes, lettuce and cauliflower. Meanwhile, until the end of 2020 Ewindo targets horticultural seed exports to reach Rp98 billion to Asian countries such as India, Japan, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan and ASEAN countries such as Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar and Vietnam.