Corporate Respect for Human Rights and Environment
Referring to the WBCSD CEO Guide to Human Rights, Mr. Agus H. Reksoprodjo, IBCSD Executive Committee, in his opening remarks emphasized the long-term benefits of addressing human rights in workplaces and value chains. “The benefits of respecting human rights include: reducing legal and regulatory risks, strengthening reputation, protecting license to operate, acquiring and retaining best talents, winning customers and gaining competitive advantage in the global market”, he said.
Three speakers from the IBCSD member companies shared their current practices on the corporate respect for human rights and the environment. They were Ms. Elim Sritaba (APP Sinar Mas), Ms. Lilian Kallman (AJA Sertifikasi Indonesia) and Mr. Agung Baskoro (Cargill Indonesia). Just to mention examples on their lessons learned, top leadership plays a pivotal role in paving the way for human rights journey in business operations and management. Also, each company has its own challenges to implement corporate respect for human rights and environment in their own contexts. The challenge is how to collaborate to help smaller companies, SMEs and also smallholders to have equal transformation in respect for human rights and the environment.