Corporate Respect for Human Rights and Environment

Referring to the WBCSD CEO Guide to Human Rights, Mr. Agus H. Reksoprodjo, IBCSD Executive Committee, in his opening remarks emphasized the long-term benefits of addressing human rights in workplaces and value chains. “The benefits of respecting human rights include: reducing legal and regulatory risks, strengthening reputation, protecting license to operate, acquiring and retaining best talents, winning customers and gaining competitive advantage in the global market”, he said.

Three speakers from the IBCSD member companies shared their current practices on the corporate respect for human rights and the environment. They were Ms. Elim Sritaba (APP Sinar Mas), Ms. Lilian Kallman (AJA Sertifikasi Indonesia) and Mr. Agung Baskoro (Cargill Indonesia). Just to mention examples on their lessons learned, top leadership plays a pivotal role in paving the way for human rights journey in business operations and management. Also, each company has its own challenges to implement corporate respect for human rights and environment in their own contexts.  The challenge is how to collaborate to help smaller companies, SMEs and also smallholders to have equal transformation in respect for human rights and the environment.

Pledge of Commitment Towards Food System Transformation in Indonesia

The content of the pledge are:

Humanity must transform the food system by 2030 to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ensure it can support healthy people, healthy planet and healthy business.

To achieve this common purpose, effective partnership is required among businesses, governments and non-government stakeholders to raise ambitions and take actions to address risks and opportunities in nutrition and health, climate resilience and mitigation, nature and biodiversity,  livelihoods and human rights.

Business can lead to accelerate the food system transformation in Indonesia through both direct and enabling pathways:

1.           Transform agriculture while restoring the environment

2.           Enhance equitable distribution of value

3.           Shift diets to be healthy and sustainable

4.           Minimize food loss and waste

5.           Build end-to-end transparency

6.           Accelerate policy and financial innovations

7.           Launch new business models and value chain collaborations

*For more info on the pledge, please contact [email protected] .

Knowledge Sharing on Food Loss and Waste

IBCSD explained about Food loss and waste, WRI gave a presentation on research data related to Food Loss and Waste. Foodbank explained the material about the implementation of Foodbank activities in PAUD schools.

This activity has succeeded in increasing public awareness and sharing adequate knowledge about handling the problem of food and waste loss in Indonesia as well as stimulating innovative ideas and opportunities to overcome the problem of food and waste loss from participants who come from the company.

It’s also an opportunity to develop a network for all relevant stakeholders and partners to build partnerships to overcome food loss and waste in Indonesia.


Welcome Asia Pacific Rayon!

Committed to sustainable sourcing and efficient manufacturing, APR’s products address customers’ needs, while touching the lives of the communities around their areas of operations. APR upholds the principles of No Deforestation and source wood fibre only from sustainably managed plantations and forests. It is committed to the transparency of its supply chain. APR aims to achieve a clean production of viscose fibre and will constantly strive to operate in the top quartile of viscose manufacturing in the areas of reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, improved carbon disulphide (CS2) recovery, and waste water management in line with industry leading practices.

Welcome PT Rimba Makmur Utama

In climate sector, their goal is to deliver verified GHG emission reductions through avoided deforestation and forest degradation associated with agricultural conversion, illegal logging, peat drainage and burning. While for the community, they aim to foster inclusive partnerships and a culture of sustainability in local communities that acts to reduce poverty in all of its dimensions. Other than that, also to maintain and enhance ecosystem services which are fundamental to the overall well-being of communities in the project zone.

Not just in those sectors, in biodiversity they also have the goal to reduce threats to the biodiversity in the project area by eliminating drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and increasing forest cover. Maintain natural habitats, ecological integrity and overall biological diversity, and also to actively protect species of High Conservation Value, are in their list as well.

Shinta Kamdani to CO-Chair Global Investor for Sustainable Development Alliance (GISD ALLIANCE)

“The Alliance members are committing to cooperate across financial sectors and even with their competitors because it is both ethical and good business sense to invest in sustainable development for all people on a healthy planet,” Guterres said in a public statement.

According to the UN’s press release, the GISD Alliance will devise ways to stimulate long term investment in development both at the company and system-wide levels and speed up progress toward achieving the SDGs. The meeting was called to answer the most urgent challenges of the SDGs such as the alarming levels of youth unemployment, uneven growth, persistent poverty and trade tensions. In the social sector, rising global hunger, continued gender inequality and climate change were among the most pressing issues.


You may read UN press release here:

Waste Management Helps Recycling Process

PT Repal International Indonesia turns waste to pallets. Nonetheless, not all waste are eligible to be processed to become pallets. Only some types of plastics are best to be turned into pallets. If only all the waste are already sorted, and separated between the organics, plastic types, and other materials, it will be much easier to start a recycling process. Therefore, waste management is a key to a more sustainable waste solution.

To understand more around this issue, Chris Bath of the Australian National Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) interviewed one of IBCSD Member company’s CEO, Stephen Bowhill (PT Repal International Indonesia). You can listen to the interview here:

Photo credit: (KOMPAS.COM/Yoga Sukmana)

Welcome PT Multi Bintang Indonesia

As a well-known beverage company in the world, PT Multi Bintang Indonesia take the responsibility in building a better generation for now and the future. Their focus in the sustainability area is to bring a big impact, especially in some focus area such as water, CO2, responsible sourcing, responsible consumption, communities and health & safety. For each focus area, PT MBI has set themselves targets and identified actions to take at each point throughout their value chain. While pursuing this vision, PT MBI has won some awards along the way, such as Banten Province OHS Awards (Governor of Banten) where Multi Bintang received a Zero Accident Award, and Corporate Social Responsibility Awards II-2018 (Economic Review Magazine), where Multi Bintang received three awards: Ranked first in the Public Company Category, Consumer Goods Industry,  Platinum Award with ‘Very Excellent’ rating in the Public Company Category ,  and the ‘Big 7 ’ Award in the Best of the Best CSR of the Year 2018 Category