IBCSD provides a platform for businesses to share and promote best practice in tackling risks and taking advantage of opportunities related to sustainable development. It will also act as a key partner to government and civil society providing business input and solutions for Indonesian policies on sustainability issues.
The key aims of the IBCSD are to:
- To provide business leadership as a catalyst for change towards sustainable development.
- To support the business license to operate, innovate and grow in a world increasingly shaped by sustainable development issues.
Pursuing sustainable development makes companies more competitive, more resilient and adaptable in a fast-changing world, and more prepare for the future. It can also help companies to retain the best human resources, and make them more attractive to investors and insurers, while reducing exposure to regulatory risks and other liabilities.
IBCSD is the outcome of a joint effort between WBCSD and KADIN Indonesia. KADIN Indonesia is a chartered organization of Indonesia business operating nationally and with representation across the provinces. Therefor KADIN understands the economic potential of Indonesia and how innovative and sustainable approaches are necessary to promote long term growth, responsible resource use and environmental sustainability.