Launch of Indonesia P4G National Platform
The Indonesia P4G National Platform is co-chaired by the representative from government, civil society and private sector. Ms. Shinta Kamdani, CEO Sintesa Group is the Corporate Co-Chair, Ms. Tri Mumpuni (Director of IBEKA) as Civil Society Co-Chair and Mr. Rizal Primana, Expert Staff for Development of Leading Sector Infrastructure Bappenas as Government Co-Chair. In the future, the P4G activities will be focused on five key SDG areas: food and agriculture (SDG 2), water (SDG 6), energy (SDG 7), cities (SDG 11) and circular economy (SDG 12).
In his opening remark, Minister of National DevelopMENT Planning, Suharso Monoarfa expects that P4G National Platform can contribute the low carbon development in Indonesia (LCDI). LCDI has been incorporated in the National Medium-Term Development Plan 2020-2024, namely 6th national priority on building the environment, increasing resilience to disasters and climate change. “LCDI priority activities for 2020-2024 is under Priority Program 3 on the implementation of low carbon development, including sustainable energy, waste management, blue carbon, green industry and sustainable land restoration”, said Suharso Monoarfa. The Corporate Co-Chair of Shinta Kamdani, in her statement also expects that this platform can lead to concrete actions through public private and civil society partnerships that bring common concrete benefits so that such partnerships can sustain in the long run.